How To Make A Cool Xanga

A xanga is something akin to a blog. It all began in 1999 and the xanga community is 2.5 million members world wide.

Once you get you xanga membership, users often want to modify their look and feel to give their xanga more panache.

A great way to make a cool xanga, is to download one of the xanga skins, which you can get from You can also get some great xanga scripts to jazz it up even more.

With your xanga you can post discussions on xanga music, books and almost anything and you are joining a large community of like minded people.

Using xanga music search engines you can search by title or author which is really cool!

A lot of aspiring musicians publish their own music from their xanga pages, which allows them to get their work out there. Once you get the gist of xanga you will probably become addicted. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Once you get hooked up, you can find out more information there, on how to make a cool xanga.

Some of the coolest xangas have their own unique designs and feels. They have a simple yet pleasing design and the personality of the xanga owner shines through.

Remember, you can't be all things to all people and you are better off presenting yourself as you are, then you won't be stuck for material. It will just flow from you.

I hope this article has helped you in your search and good luck.

Graeme Sprigge is an online author, writer and copywriter. He likes to keep abreast of all things net. If you want a free copy of one of his books go to

Copyright 2005 Graeme Sprigge Reprint Permitted

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