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Blogging, RSS & Feeds |
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The RSS Promise for Internet Users
The RSS promise for end-users is simple: --> a unified one-stop-shop to consume online content, without having to visit dozens of sites every day to see what's new and without having their online subscriptions interfere with their personal and business e-mail communications; --> complete control over their content consumption, including a quick, easy and reliable mechanism to unsubscribe from content they do not wish to receive; --> the ability to receive breaking news as it becomes available, without having to wait for a monthly, weekly or daily recap sent to their e-mail addresses; --> the certainty of actually receiving the content they want, without the fear of it being stopped by spam filters on the way; --> the ability to receive rich-media content directly to their desktops, including audio and video content; --> the promise of providing the tools to make their lives easier, including receiving critical content updates as soon as they become available. These points are not simple enhancements, but important advancements that can fundamentally change how internet content is consumed. Furthermore, these points themselves prove why marketers need to start implementing RSS now! To bring the point home, let us inspect some of the content services already powered by RSS. LIBRARY ELF: MAKING THE LIBRARY EXPERIENCE EASIER (http://libraryelf.com/) Library Elf helps you keep track of your library accounts in one place and received reminders, such as what library material is due, overdue and ready for pickup. Library Elf uses the power of RSS to help you forget about your library accounts and instead be directly notified of the changes you're waiting for, directly to your desktop. INDEED: HELPING YOUR FIND THE RIGHT JOB (http://www.indeed.com/) Indeed.com provides its visitors with job seeking results from hundreds of sites and then makes the search results accessible via RSS feeds. Users can subscribe to individual search results, pertaining directly to their search keywords to be notified immediately new jobs are available. FLICKR: SHARING YOUR LIFE IN PICTURE (http://www.flickr.com/) Flickr is the most popular photography management and sharing service on the web, enabling end-users to upload their photos and then make them available to their friends, associates and family through a wide assortment of content delivery channels, including RSS. By subscribing to individual Flickr feeds from their users, everyone can have direct access to the latest life experiences from their friends. RSSCALENDAR: SHARING YOUR EVENTS (http://www.rsscalendar.com/) rssCalendar.com allows individuals and companies to share their personal or group calendars with the rest of the world, letting everyone that matters know of where and what they are doing next, delivering this information via individual RSS feeds. COUPONS.COM: SAVINGS TO YOUR DESKTOP (http://www.coupons.com/) Coupons.com brings the best deals and coupons to internet end-users, helping them save money by discounted shopping. As of late, they also started delivering coupons through RSS feeds, giving their subscribers direct access to their latest offerings. PUBSUB.COM: TRACKING THE WORLD (http://www.pubsub.com) PubSub.com is an amazing service that allows you to track practically everything going on around the world by matching your keywords with tens of thousands of online content sources, and enabling you to subscribe to your customized search results through customized RSS feeds. RSSAUCTION.COM: TRACKING YOUR PURCHASE INTERESTS (http://rssauction.com/) If you're a regular eBay user, you certainly want to keep track of new products available, which precisely match your interests. rssAuction.com helps users keep better track of eBay by giving them a tool to first create a comprehensive list of product requirements and then delivering the search result through an RSS feed. As soon as new products matching individual interests appear, the user is notified of that through his RSS aggregator, giving him the ability to start bidding immediately and without having to visit eBay every day to find the right products. UPCOMING.ORG: KEEPING TRACK OF LOCAL AND SOCIAL EVENTS (http://upcoming.org/) From the Upcoming.org website: "Upcoming.org is a collaborative event calendar, completely driven by people like you. Enter in the events you're attending, comment on events entered by others, and syndicate event listings to your own weblog. As Upcoming.org learns more about the events you enjoy, it will suggest new events you never would have heard about." FEEDBEEP: THE ULTIMATE "TIME-TO-INFORMATION" TOOL (http://www.feedbeep.com/) Depending on who you are and your current life situation, many content alerts are critical for you. If you're looking for a job, you want to know immediately when a new one matching your precise interests is available, and so on. While RSS brings this information to your desktop, that might not be fast enough. Feedbeep.com takes internet content delivery one step further, by empowering users to have their critical content updates delivered from an RSS feed directly to their mobile phones via SMS. RSS EMPOWERS CONSUMERS The one thing all of these RSS-based or RSS-empowered services have in common is that they empower consumers. They empower them by getting the content that matters to them delivered directly to their desktops or online content aggregators, but still giving them the power to unsubscribe within moments of not being satisfied with the content they are receiving. Even more so, these services empower consumers to create social networks and easily share their information with their friends, family and associates on a large scale. Copyright 2005 Rok Hrastnik Rok Hrastnik is the author of »Unleash the Marketing & Publishing Power of RSS«, acclaimed as the best and most comprehensive guide to RSS for marketers by leading RSS experts. The complete guide on RSS for marketers: http://rss.marketingstudies.net/index.html?src=sa11
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The Language of Blogs I read over a lot of blogs each week, casually surfing one or two of the blog exchanges I belong. What is an RSS Aggregator or RSS Reader? I keep hearing about RSS, XML and RSS feeds. I just barely have a clue what they are, but when people then start talking about RSS aggregators, what are they talking about and why would I want one? Do you use an aggregator, and if so, which one? Using QuickSub To Make It Easier For Your Visitors To Subscribe To Your Feed You can make it easier for your visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed. With a free and easy to install javascript function you can add the http://www.methodize.org/quicksub/ (QuickSub) feed button to your webpage in just a few minutes. Let me show you just how easy it is. QuickSub is a javascript mouseover function that produces a list of RSS feed readers that you can use to subscribe to your RSS news feed with one click. You can see it in action on my RSS resource site, just move the mouse over the subscribe link. You should see a list of RSS feed readers. If you click on one of the news reader links it will open up that RSS reader and add this feed to it. You will need the particular news reader installed on your computer for this to work. So for example if your visitor uses SharpReader as their RSS reader then they would click on the Sharpreader link and this would add your feed to your visitors RSS reader. To use QuickSub on your site you will first need to download the javascript and CSS files from QuickSubs site. The file is compressed so you will need to unzip the file which will leave you with quicksub.css and quicksub.js as well as a sample html file. Upload the CSS as javascript file to your server. Now you will need to add some code into your web pages. You will need to do this for all of the pages that you wish to use QuickSub on. Please note that in these examples I have used square brackets instead of angled brackets. First you need to copy some code to call the CSS file. Add this line with your head tags. [style type="text/css"] @import "quicksub.css"; [/style] Then copy this code into the body of your page. [div id="quickSub" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;" onMouseOut="return timeqs();" onMouseMove="return delayqs();"][/div] [script language="JavaScript" src="quicksub.js"][!-- quickSub (c) Jason Brome --][/script] Then where you want to use QuickSub place this code in the body of your page. [a href="http://www.sitename.com/rssfeed.xml" onmouseout="return timeqs();" onmouseover="return quicksub(this, 'http://www.sitename.com/rssfeed.xml');"]Your link text here[/a] You just need to replace the path with the path to you RSS feed and enter you own link text. All is left now is to upload your modified page to your web server and the new QuickSub javascript will be active. Article Syndication - A New Vehicle for King Content Creating Content RSS FEEDS: Whither Thou Goest? I open up the 'Feed Reader' every day on my laptop and cruise the 'news feeds' I 'subscribe' to. The amount of information is now overwhelming, I need to just 'subscribe' to only the 'feeds' that are of immediate interest, else I would be reading 'feeds' twenty four hours every day. How to Activate The Firefox Live Bookmark Feature on Your Site Live Bookmark is Mozilla's response to offering RSS feeds through their browsers and Firefox in particular. Using this technology, it's possible for any visitor to your website to add your RSS feed in only two or three steps. Browsing the RSS feeds you subscribe to is as easy as looking up a bookmark. Instead of seeing a bookmark though, you get a list of all the headlines found on the RSS feed you just subscribed to. This feature is really cool. The 7 Steps to Promoting Your RSS Feeds on Your Website RSS gets 100% of your content delivered, but it's no good if no one subscribes to your feeds. Blogging Policies, Does Your Business Need One? Weblogs or Blogs as they are more commonly referred to, have become extremely popular in the last several years. So popular in fact that many large businesses are letting some employees post Blogs on their corporate websites. While many businesses are jumping on the Blog bandwagon for use as a creative marketing technique; a few businesses have fired employees for what they posted on a Blog. These businesses accuse the employees of allegedly disclosing trade secrets, proprietary information, and making statements that showed the employer in a bad light. Will RSS Replace Email? RSS is a big buzz word right now, and this question has been popping up all over the place. How To Create A Blog Blogs are more permanent than posts to an online discussion list, more dynamic than older-style home pages. They are more personal than traditional journalism, and definitely more public than diaries. A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary site. So, there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people. The Hybrid Blog and Ping For the past two years, one of the best SEO inclusion tactics was the use of blogs. Blogs have become a base standard in SEO marketing, but as times change, so does the efficacy of any tactic. The 6 Top Reasons Marketers Should Blog If there is a downside to blogging, I have yet to find it. The more you learn about blogging, the more there is to like. 3 Ways to Publish RSS As RSS news syndication gains popularity among users, new ways for publishing RSS are emerging. In this article, I examine the three most popular methods, and help you decide which one works best for you. You Are Losing Money If Youre Not Using RSS Feeds On Your Website! (An RSS primer can be found near the bottom of the article) Why you should be using RSS RSS opens up a whole new channel of communication between you and the browsing public. If at the moment you do not have an RSS feed then there is a whole community of people who do not know about you. Isn't it time you started to publish an RSS feed, here are a few reasons to get started right now. How to Build a Niche Site With a Blog Building niche sites is all the rage these days. Blogging for Business Not long ago a blog was simply an online diary. Initially, people decided that blogging was describing, in excruciating detail, how their day went, what they had for dinner last night, and why they spent the whole weekend doing laundry. See RSS Feeds from Your Website RSS feeds have made it so convenient to gather current information. If you have an RSS Reader on your desktop, then from this one window you can get up-to-date information from any sources of your choice, such as: RSS - A New Face of Online Marketing Today we see the Internet as a global catalog of information, and the Internet thrives on information. But information, which is fresh and new, is more valuable than out dated content. And that's the reason why most of the Webmasters try to keep their sites updated. How To Make A Cool Xanga A xanga is something akin to a blog. It all began in 1999 and the xanga community is 2.5 million members world wide. ![]() |
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