RSS Feeds, What They Are and How to Use Them

What does RSS stand for?

RSS "Really Simple Syndication" was created in the 1999 to allow information to be published and subscribed to. RSS basically takes bits of up-to-date information from websites and provides it in concise simple text based format. RSS is commonly used for updated content, blogs, events, and news headlines.

How do I know if a site has it?

They usually have an Orange XML or RSS button on their site. If in firefox, often there is a little orange button in the lower right hand corner.

The difference between search engines and RSS feeds

If you go to any search engine and want to search a topic that had up-to-date information that was released minutes ago, what do you think the likely-hood that you would find it? Pretty low?unless it happens to be breaking news. RSS feeds give you up-to-date information on topics that you are highly interested in for free. Depending on the site google may take days to months to update.

The Advantages of RSS feeds

? An efficient way to scan web content. Scan the headlines in seconds and read only what is of interest to you.

? Updates multiple times a day keeping you up to date on your favorite topics

? Regain control of your online experience. No pop-ups or spam!

? Now you don't have to share your personal information to "sign-up"

? Find a site you like? Don't hide it in your stack of bookmarks to "check back later". If it has a RSS feed, use it now! See new information that is posted daily.

Visit our website for help monitoring RSS feeds, more information about them, and for those who want to REALLY understand RSS feeds, get the ebook!

Unleash the power of RSS feeds at

Jennifer Shatos has a background in Visual Communication Specializing in Design. She has a passion for helping small to large businesses develop marketing & business ideas that will streamline productivity, increase business, and personalize services.

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