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Why Should I Buy your Book?
How would you like to have countless people clamoring for your books and willing to visit your Web site to buy them? Most entrepreneurs wait until their Web site is designed before they think about marketing their products on it. What a shame! When someone asks you about your book, maybe you've said, "My book is about?." You mention the features such as tips in a book or your story. Your story may be too long and bore your prospective readers. These mistakes will turn your prospective buyer off. What they want is a quick billboard visual of your book--your 30-60 second "tell and sell." Without your "30 Second Tell and Sell" that strongly states the main benefit, audience, and what makes your product unique, you will bore your visitor and lose that attention you need to entice him or her to take out their wallets and pay you on the spot. Your "tell and sell" gives your book audience a reason to buy. The "Tell and Sell" is the shortest sales letter you will write. You can also use this one to two-sentence blurb at any business meeting or appointment where you only have a few seconds to impress. Speakers refer to it as an "elevator speech." It's Not the Book, It's the Hook! It's best to know your sizzling title, unique selling points, preferred audience and benefits before you put words to paper, before you even write a single chapter. But, even if your book is already out, you can still motivate endless book sales with your "tell and sell." Be prepared to write five to seven versions until the best one emerges. And, remember your "tell and sell" must be clear, compact, compelling and commercial. How to Build your Bullet Proof Tell and Sell 1. List your title. For instance, "Write Your EBook or Other Short Book-Fast!" 2. Add your major audience and benefits after you say the title. Example: "Write your eBook..." offers authors and small business people short cuts to design and market your top selling book so you can share your unique useful message with the world, become known as the savvy expert, and make consistent, ongoing top money each month. 3. Add a sound bit that will help people connect easily with your book. Compare your book to a famous one. Call it a companion piece to a famous author's top title. Your potential buyer will want your book because it is in good company. "Write your eBook" picks up where Dan Poynter's "Self Publishing Manual" leaves off. It's the nuts and bolts you need to market and design and fast-forward write a book that sells. 4. Put them all together, they spell your own "tell and sell" that you memorize with enthusiasm and share with everyone next time someone asks you, "What's your book about?" Final example: "Write your eBook or Other Short Book--Fast!" offers authors and small business people like you short cuts to design and market your top selling book so you can share your unique useful message with the world, become known as the savvy expert, and make ongoing top money each month. Recommended by Dan Poynter, it picks up where his "Self Publishing Manual" left off. The Big Benefits of Owning your "tell and sell" When you know your "tell and sell" before you write your book, you'll be marketing while you write. You will give your audience so much more. Your book will be much improved because you will write more organized and focused copy making it easy for your buyer to understand. Every chapter will prove your "tell and sell." You will also write faster, because with focus, you'll need far less edits and rewrites. Knowing benefits sell, you now can be ready when you meet anyone anywhere with your book's "tell and sell." Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml and over 140 free articles. Email her at mailto:Judy@bookcoaching.com
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Your Book Marketing Plan - Winning Strategies and Tips Many authors hit a roadblock when it comes to putting together and implementing a book marketing plan. You know you need to have one, you have a vague idea of what it needs to include, but pulling it all together into a step-by-step plan of attack is not nearly as easy as it sounds. Looking to Sell Your Book for a Good Price? Many self-publishing authors plan on eventually selling their book to a large publisher at a good price. The fast track way to achieve this goal is to push up the market value of a book with a push v. pull strategy. This article shows you how to do exactly that, using a simple Internet strategy that any self-publisher can afford. Five Secrets of Winning Book Proposals Working in the publishing industry comes with a high expectation, especially from complete strangers. After the causal 'hello' progresses to 'what do you do,' and my answer is 'I am a publisher,' the words, like fairy dust, work magic; and in the eyes of my conversation partner, I'm transformed into a glamorous Advice Goddess-would I mind reading this stranger's book proposal? Why Would I Buy Your Book? Six Steps to Your Tell and Sell - Part 1 How would you like to have countless people clamoring for your book and willing to visit your Web site to buy them? How would you even like to presell your self-published book before they are finished? FAQs about Book Signings Since I self-published my first book, "101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly," in 1998 and began doing book signings shortly afterward, many people have asked: Super Profitable Techniques for Selling Books By Mail The total number of books sold by small, part-time mail orderentrepreneurs is growing each year. Total sales each year for thepast five years have increased by almost 30-percent over theprevious year's sales. The Perfect Book and Where to Find It! If I was asked to describe the perfect book, one that's in high demand, moves off the shelves quickly, costs little or nothing to produce, involves the least amount of work possible, and offers multi-income streams, I'd say it included one, preferably more of the following features: Book Signing for Experts Think of your book on the bookstore shelf trying to attract the attention of potential new owners. Crammed together with hundreds of other books, only the spine visible to the roving eyes of readers, your book needs a little help from its creator. So much effort has gone into publishing it; can you afford to abandon it just as it hits the bookstore shelves? Your book needs your help. 28 Reasons Why Publishers Will Buy Your Book Editors will buy a book for one or more of the following reasons. By knowing what these reasons are, you can then design a marketing plan with those features in mind. How to Get More Readers For Your Book Marketing your own book can seem like a scary task. You poured your heart and soul into the writing of it, and now when you think about marketing your masterpiece, you think, "I'm a writer, not a salesperson!" Quiz: Will Online Book Marketing Help Sales? Most authors sigh a sigh of relief when they finish their book. Then comes the awesome task of marketing the masterpiece. Increase Book Sales: When a Book is No Longer Just a Book for Sale Do you have books sitting in your garage that you haven't sold yet and looking for ways to move them? Then you will want to know about these five outrageous ideas that aren't difficult and can be just plain out fun. Book Marketing 101- Book Publicity for Authors -- Creating a Book Publicity Campaign Publicity is that elusive thing that can make or break your book - in all sorts of ways! Learning to promote you and your book is something that can take a bit of "re-training" for most new authors (and many old-timers too). Publicity is really all about selling your idea (and you), but all too often the word "selling" brings up images of polyester clad used-car salesmen, telemarketers, and strong-arm sales strategies that do nothing but alienate your intended customer. Increase Book Sales: At Book Fairs, Festivals and Trade Shows Play a bigger game with your book sales by expanding your audiences at local or nonlocal book fairs, festivals or trade shows. Can't afford a booth or table, rent a space on someone else's table and volunteer to be back for their book. In fact, rent a corner at various different tables in the same fair or show and triple your exposure. How To Promote A Book Nowadays it's no longer a matter of whether or not an author should promote his or her book, but how aggressively one should go about it. The sad truth is that publishers often fail to promote books, and if we, the authors, don't promote your own book then it may be destined to a lifespan between that of butter and yogurt, to paraphrase Calvin Trillan. The author's extra efforts may make all the difference between a book becoming a long-lived seller, and being recycled so that some other author can take advantage of the paper. Dont Clone your Book or Business Marketing Remember that the miracle of cloning sheep has its drawbacks. The main one--dying young. Buzz-Based Book Marketing Once upon a time, people went to bookstores when they wanted to buy a book. Or at least, that was the theory. Actually, non-bookstore channels have been a big part of book sales for decades-at least since people like Joe Karbo ("The Lazy Man's Way to Riches") back in the 1960s. For my own books, whether they were s elf-published, done with a small commercial house, or by a New York conglomerate, I've found that se lling direct is more secure, more financially rewar ding, and far less hassle than sweating out the returns game with the b ookstore channel. All along, I've sold through speeches (I love getting pai d to do my own marketing), over the Web (the f irst of my four websites went live in 1996), to clients at my office, wh o stare at a rack of my work throughout their entire appointment, and thr ough The Bible Of Self Publishing Any book that is in its 14th edition must be doing something right. Such is the case with author Dan Poynter`s, The Self-Publishing Manual: How To Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book. Dont Sell your Book, Share It Most authors who aren't used to speaking before a group think, "I'd rather get a root canal than have to 'sell' my book." If you think about how great your book is, how you wrote it because you wanted to help or entertain your audience, you can change this fear to the idea of sharing your book. Top 10 Tips for Book Titles that Sell Well A clever title is great if it is clear, but a clear title is always preferable. The best? A clear and clever title. A shorter title is better than a longer one. Your reader will spend only four seconds on the cover. While some long titles have succeeded, usually the shorter, the better. ![]() |
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