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Dont Sell your Book, Share It
Most authors who aren't used to speaking before a group think, "I'd rather get a root canal than have to 'sell' my book." If you think about how great your book is, how you wrote it because you wanted to help or entertain your audience, you can change this fear to the idea of sharing your book. Sharing your book works great in person before other people, one-on-one, or Online. Five Steps to Sharing your Book 1. Know your preferred audience first. For instance, the book, "Passion at Any Age" is the "Artist's Way" for seniors. Who will your book help the most? Get yourself in front of these people because they will already have open arms and hearts to your boo. 2. Write an audience profile--those who will want to buy your book because you solve their particular challenge. Include their income, buying habits, values, online savvy, magazines they read, sex, and age among other traits. FACT: Online people buy most kinds of books. Books are still the number one seller on the Internet. 3. Write a "Dear Audience" letter. Take time and handwrite a short one-half page on why you wrote your book and what your audience will get from it. This puts the human side of your effort forth and also restates benefits your readers will get. Dear_______, I wrote or am writing this book because you have this particular challenge, or are in this particular place where you'd like some answers on the topic of ____. Its number one message (benefit-thesis) is __________. And, it will also help you do, be, or have ______, _____, and _____. (specific benefits). 4. Share the written message orally in your own words, next time someone asks you about your book, or when you are in front of an audience. Take the information from your "Dear Audience" letter and reduce it a bit to fit your one to two minute allowed time to share. 5. Share your message Online. If you don't want to communicate to others in person, think Online. All kinds of audiences go Online to look for information. Free information. You can share other tips, excerpts, and stories from your book through submitting them to online spam-free ezines. Thousands of people subscribe to them. Start with visiting www.yahoo.groups.com. Subscribe to one of their groups such as: aageneral-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Watch the word of mouth grow to epic proportions when one subscriber shares your article with others. It's sometimes called viral marketing, but I prefer the idea of putting the "law of attraction" into motion. Best of all, you don't have to sell anything. Judy Cullins ©2004 All Rights Reserved. Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," "How to Market your Business on the Internet," and "Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The Book Coach Says..." and "Business Tip of the Month" at http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml and over 155 free articles. Email her at mailto:Judy@bookcoaching.com.
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Poetry Chapbooks: Ten Tips for Promotion There are several ways of publishing your chapbook. You can do it yourself with a printer and a heavy duty stapler; you can submit a manuscript to a literary entitiy that publishes chapbooks; or you can try a self publishing company. It is fairly easy to get your poetry bound in a chapbook, but the real challenge is trying to promote it. 8 Easy Online Ways to Market Your Book For Free Marketing your book whether you went the POD, e-book, or traditional route can be a daunting process. Figuring out what works and what doesn't can take time, energy, and if you're not careful a lot of money. When I first self-published my science fiction novel GETTING OUT ALIVE, I had already done quite a bit of research into ways to market my novel that didn't eat into my pocket book. Comments From A Book Reviewer For the past several years I have been reviewing books for my own site, Bookpleasures.com, as well as many other sites. I am also a regular contributor to the Canadian Book Review Annual. As editor of Bookpleasures.com, I would like to make a few comments about book reviewing and what to expect, particularly from Bookpleasures.com. Online Book Marketing: How to Sell Your Book Even If You Are Not a Salesperson What you do after you have written your book is as much, if not more, important than the actual writing of it. You can take a great book and poor marketing and have very poor results. Conversely, I believe you can take a mediocre book, market it well, and make very good sales from it. The only limiting factor is you. You probably think, "I'm a writer, not a salesperson." That's true, but there are some very simple things you can do to create a website that sells your book. A First Time Authors Publicity Kit Materials If you're a new author that has been requested to send publicist materials, you may feel left in the dark on what to send. Here's a list of the usual items. How to Schedule a Book Signing How would you like to sell more copies of your book? Would you like to read excerpts from your book to a captivated audience? Why Testimonials are Number One in Selling your Book or Service Even if your book or service is excellent, they won't sell well unless you give your potential customers a reason to buy. Testimonials work harder than other promotional words, so be sure to start early collecting them. How to Create an Amazing Author Website Without a website, an author is unknown. Without a website, an author sells fewer books. Without a website, an author has limited web presence. Without a website, an author has limited media presence. Without a website, an author can't maximize his or her creativity, expertise and talent. Seven Really Truly Unique Ways to Sell More Books These marketing tips aren't for the weak at heart. Use discretion and know where the ego and self-promotion boundary stands for you. Interview with Book and Marketing Coach-Judy Cullins - Part 1 To know what to do at the right time in book writing, publishing, or Internet marketing, consult a coaching expert who has lived it all for 20 years--Judy Cullins. 28 Reasons Why Publishers Will Buy Your Book Editors will buy a book for one or more of the following reasons. By knowing what these reasons are, you can then design a marketing plan with those features in mind. Book Marketing 101 Francine Silverman. Book Marketing from A-Z (InfinityPublishing.com, 2005). Trade paperback. 400 pages. $18.95 US. Publishing Your Book?What Way is Best For You? - Part 1 Your print or ebook is nearly finished. You wonder if you should try to get an agent to represent you to the publisher. Maybe you've already sent out your query letter to some agents. You dream how great it would be to be taken under the publisher's wings. How Many Ways Can You License Your Tips Booklet? You've been thinking about writing a tips booklet. After all, it's shorter, faster, and easier than writing an entire book. A single tips booklet manuscript can be recycled over and over again, developing a new income stream with each deal you make. The booklet can be distilled from a book you've already written, a newsletter you distribute, or from sound bites you continually share with clients, audiences and anyone who will listen. 4 Questions to Answer Before Contacting a Book Agent Obtaining agency representation is your first step toward getting profitably published. Most publishers won't even look at unsolicited manuscripts. Top Ten Getting Started Tips to Market Your Book and Business Want to sell a lot more books? Want clients calling every day to find out more about your service? Most emerging businesses forget the #1 way to promote anything--the Internet. Specifically, writing and submitting articles. The Booklet Journey Opening a New World 1991 was a pivotal year in my life. My professional organizing business was 8 years old. The Lecture Experience: Part I During the past year or so, I have done nearly a hundred talks about my book, "LADIES: A Conjecture of Personalities." It's about the First Ladies ? the OLD First Ladies, Martha through Mamie. Since they talk to each other and cross through centuries, it is, of course, an historical fiction. In doing so many lectures, I thought it might be interesting to discuss are some of the things I have learned?. Never Pay Full Price for a Book! Are you an avid reader? Are you trying to instill a love of reading in your children? Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? Writing has traditionally been considered a solitary craft. You wrote you article or book in seclusion. You submitted it to an editor or publisher and prayed it would be published. ![]() |
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