Does Your Book Cover Pass the ?Ignore? Test?

Your book cover is the first impression a potential client has with your book. The book cover design and message will determine if your book will be ignored or bought.

Go to your website and have a look at your current cover. Ovi Dogar has put together the ultimate book cover test. Learn if your book cover will pass or be ignored.

Color Test: Colorful covers can add to your professional image. Too much color can be detracting. Trash your cover if it has more than 3 colors unless it's a photograph.

Message: Your book cover should clearly tell people what the book is about and offer a meaningful benefit. Your book cover should include: title, author's name, main benefit and your website's URL.

Image Match: Your book cover should match your book's message. If your book is about marketing than the cover should be designed with that thing in mind. If your book cover is out of synch with your message, it's time to get a new cover.

Font Type: One client of mine thought that it is a good idea to use many fonts on his cover. I've asked him how many fonts he wants me to use? His answer was: "How many do you have?" :)

Well, needless to say: use more than three fonts on your book cover and it is doomed.

Font Size: Is your book cover crammed with information? White space (as in "less text") on the cover will make it easier to absorb your message. If you have a lot to say, just keep in mind the small image your visitor will see at your site. Is the text so tiny that it is unreadable? This one is going to be ignored.

Image Quality: Is your book cover of professional quality or is it unconvincing and cheap looking? Cheap covers are ignored.

You only have one chance to make a great first impression. Make sure you invest in the best book covers you can afford. The book cover is your introduction to a reader, for the today's low cost of professionally designed covers that is money well spent.

About The Author

Ovi Dogar is specialized in the creation of virtual book covers that really sell. Check out some recent samples of his artwork at

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