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Quick Tactics To Brand Your Business And Make More Sales
This may come as a surprise... to you, but Branding is more than just Logo and Business or Product Name recognition. Branding is "The total emotional and intellectual involvement your prospects and customers have with your business and products." This article addresses 5 basic problems and questions about Branding: How Are Brands Created ? => Branding by "Personal Experience" This creates the strongest bond between your customers and your business and products. Your customer service, front and back end offers must be of high quality, in order to create exceptional "Personal Experience". This starts a virtuous cycle. Exceptional "Personal Experiences" lead to general public and market acclaim spread by word of mouth and other publicity. In turn, this feeds into a still stronger Brand, starting the cycle all over again. However, always remember it is easier to create a negative Brand than it is to create a positive one, by offering low or poor quality and value products, services and customer support. => Branding by "Indirect Experience" For many direct marketers, "Personal Experience" Branding is difficult and not easily achieved because sales that lead to "Personal Experience" are not easily made ! The "Indirect Experience" strategy relies on creating a consistent, repeating association to the product in your prospects mind. Marketers use a variety of tactics to achieve this aim. * Jingles in audio visual media * Using Slogans * Advertising through classifieds, display, press releases, and give away products and information. * Sponsorship of media, cultural, sporting and other events Brand Building On The Internet - The Issues The Internet has re-defined Branding models of the past because it has levelled the playing field, for both consumers and businesses. Prospects and customers are more involved with businesses and products than they were in the past. Research of products and services, before purchase is easier. Consumers have so much choice now they are no longer easily "taught" loyalty to a particular Brand. Consumers are less willing to form bonds or create "loyal" associations with products and businesses. On the other side of the coin, businesses have much more competition and must be more customer focussed than ever before. Companies that thrive and stay in business recognise building lasting relationships with existing customers is more profitable, than always trying to find new customers. A World of stronger consumers who by-pass your direct and indirect experiences with a click of the mouse, is difficult for Brand builders. On the Internet those that succeed make profits, the rest fail. The Cost And Value Of A Brand. Brand building has a cost in time, money and effort. The cost of Brand building is easily quantified in Dollar terms. The value of a Brand is harder to establish because it involves measuring emotional and intellectual associations that might not necessarily translate into cash sales. Not understanding the value, but clearly understanding the cost of Branding, some marketers decide to get round this problem by competing solely on price. This is a short sighted tactic because it invites "price wars", and if you get involved in a "price war" against an opponent with deeper pockets you are bound to loose. A better strategy is to compete on high product value and build quality Brand recognition over time. Brands Are Not Eternal Brand building is an ongoing Business strategy. The emotional and intellectual associations and recognition that together make up Brand loyalty wear off if not re-energised frequently. Brands are subject to fashion, fads and change, and understand recognition is not the same as popularity. Your market may recognise your Brand, but that may not translate into sales if the association is unfashionable. The temptation, in such circumstances, is to spend less on Branding, cut prices, or , drop the business line altogether. These are knee jerk reactions to uncontrollable events when taken in the short term. A measured initial response is to re-invent the Brand, freshen it up and market it to a new generation of consumers. Many businesses re-invent, and re-brand themselves and go on to achieve new consumer acclaim. Strategies For Brand Building Here are a few short to medium term tactical measures you can start using today to kick start your Brand building program. * Get a professional web site with customised headers, footers and logos - Make your "visitor experiences" happy ones. * Advertise regularly using paid channels where you can. If money is a problem, use f'ree advertising, but advertise regularly ! * Write useful articles and publish regularly. Invite visits to your site through your resource box. * Syndicate your articles and build personal name recognition using a tool such as Name Branding Syndicator available from http://www.highprofitsoftware.com/syndicator/ Visit http://www.simplyeasier.com/mbd to see how you can get this tool for F'ree as part of a product bundle. * Brand your business by associating and complimenting other succesful products - Develop a quality reciprocal link and partnership strategy. Try products like Zeus (http://www.cyber-robotics.com/) and Arelis (http://www.axandra.com/index.htm) for this tactic. * Use a good autoresponder service and communicate frequently with your customers and prospects giving useful, and personal information. There are many good tools for this tactic, but try Getresponse (http://www.getresponse.com) or Aweber (http://www.aweber.com) for a start. * Use Zip Brander available from Russell Brunson of http://www.zipBrander.com/ to put your products, affiliate programs and other offers in front of your purchasers easily and frequently. Branding your business and products is a key part of your success strategy. You want people to associate your business name and products with high quality, and high value. Successful Brands make money - just ask Microsoft, Levi, Ford, Coke. Start Branding your business and products today, and generate maximum lifetime customer values. (c) 2004 Charles Kangethe About The Author Charles Kangethe of http://www.simplyeasier.com is a leading new wave Netpreneur and a published author from England. The "Simply Easier" brand name is your guarantee of high value, quality Marketing Products, Services and Resources.
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Im Just Starting, Why Do I Need a Logo Design? Businesses eager to open often give little thought to their identity. With so much to get done, designing an appropriate logo hardly seems like a top priority. However, this oversight can prove to be a costly error in the long run. How Important it is to have a Professional Logo Design for your Business? There are a lot of things that contribute towards the success of a business. Having a good quality product doesn't necessarily assure the success of a business. To build a long term impression on your customers, it is vital that you have a proper marketing strategy and something unique about your company. Here comes in the importance for having a custom logo design. Britney Spears Branding How would you like to sell as much in one year as Britney sells in one day or in one hour? Have you put much thought into how marketing empires are created? If you're selling anything then you're a marketer and you should study the biggest successes to follow in their footsteps. Brand Name Identity in the Oil Business I submit to you that Brand Name Identity in the Oil Business is just a important today as it was when Mobil Oil and McDonalds were building their brands. Perhaps in the future it may even be more so. I have often seen others using our business name and sought either injunction or stern warning. As a matter of fact I am preparing a lawsuit against the Federal Trade Commission for using one of his Brand Names and Federal Trademark in their Key Words and Meta Tags on the Federal Website, to attract visitors; a lawsuit which would have enough case law behind it to slam down the Federal Trade Commission with the help of the US Patent and Trademark Office. How to Write Classified Ads that Get Results Now. SELLING DIRECTLY FROM A CLASSIFIED AD Counterfeit Branding - Representing True Globalisation! From cigarettes to fashion accessories to food products to medicines, more than 50% of the global market are filled with counterfeited products. Do you realise that the Nike t-shirt that you are probably wearing right now may not even exist in the design portfolio of Nike Inc. It may have been produced by a small time designer who sits in the busy lanes of New Delhi in India and charges less than $1 to give you the swoosh in any colour, any form and any design as requested! A true form of 'customisation'. Creative Branding Increases Sales Through Company Recognition The one thing that everyone has in common is that we are all consumers; we all buy. Every day, from daily small purchases, like your morning coffee and newspaper, to big monthly or yearly purchases, like a television or a car. But what influences your decision on what and where to buy. Surely, you have tastes and preferences but with all the competition for your purchasing power it is often small differences in the product that ultimately influence your decision. Corporate Branding ? Dont Forget Your CDs! Companies have been branding their collateral materials such as letterhead, envelopes, business cards, etc. for years. In fact, we often identify a company by its familiar logo or special color scheme. Branding works!! At the same time, many companies send customers and vendors large files, proposals and presentations on CD-Rs. Since CD-Rs have become the "new and more efficient" way of exchanging important information, it would seem that more companies would find it valuable to brand their CD-Rs also. Why You? -- Professional Identity Branding You can have first-rate products and services, but if you can't establish the need, communicate the benefits and differentiate yourself from the competition in ways that make people want to do business with you, you'll forever be selling up hill. Brand Identity Guru - Is Your Brand Vital? The world is not waiting for you?or your product or service. Or your firm. Or your firm's message. They're getting along just fine without you. Until you give them a reason to think otherwise, it'll continue that way. This isn't news, though. That's why you advertise and market. But so does every other business out there. What are the chances you'll be noticed? Almost nil. Unless? How Much Is A Great Business Logo Really Worth? A great logo can help a business project a positive image while a bad logo can bring a negative impression about a company. For many companies, a logo is the only identifiable mark a potential customer may ever see, so it needs to be memorable, descriptive and easily recognizable. If a logo is the company spokesman, how much is it really worth? Franchisor Policies for Unlicensed or Sold Territories Franchisors often have issues when they own a brand which has service vehicles; where franchisees wish to operate in non-franchise assigned territories. We had this as a re-occurring issue in our franchise system. We came up with this policy, which is also in our Confidential Operations Manuals. Here is a sample policy for our franchisees: Quick Tactics To Brand Your Business And Make More Sales This may come as a surprise... to you, but Branding is more than just Logo and Business or Product Name recognition. Brand Boring or Brand Buzz? I heard an advertisement on the radio the other day that surprised me, not because they were saying anything noteworthy, but because it was so banal. It was a national company's ad. They pay an ad agency to write and produce their commercials. There are so many words at their disposal, so many descriptions, so many emotional statements to attract customers, why would they use the trite phrase, " knowledgeable, friendly staff to serve you"? Even if they couldn't think of anything exciting, they could have used, "if you've got questions, we've got answers", "we specialize in providing answers"?"specializing in premium products and effective solutions"."Try and stump the staff with your questions, they love a challenge". "We don't have all the answers but we'll help find solutions" Trade Journals in Franchising As many people know Industry Trade Journals in America have gone through a tough time in recent years due to slowing of advertising dollars. In franchising there is no difference. They use to give away subscriptions to Successful Franchising on franchise web sites; unfortunately that magazine was unable to weather the storm. They stop publishing in October of 2001. Now we see a re-emergence of Franchise Times, who has hired a new salesman, who is going to all the franchisors and telling them to advertise. Types of Logos There are three basic types of logos: text, symbol, and combination logos. The type of logo that will work best for your company depends on a number of considerations, such as the size of your company, the uniqueness of your name, and a variety of other factors. Great Brands Depend On Attention To The Brand Architecture Do you have the architecture in place to make sure each and every brand contact sends the right message? Branding Junk Removal - He Did It, Can You? What does it mean to be remarkable? All About Branding In this article i will explain how you can make your brand an succes. Branding Services - Brand Identity Guru Branding Services is a tactic that marketing executives and managers should not only understand, but also employ. Branding services helps your company clearly position your company over your competition by branding your product/service in the minds of your target markets. This helps build brand identity, brand image and overall brand equity. ![]() |
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