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Internet Service Providers
Internet Service Provider or ISP is a company that provides access to the Internet. Before choosing an ISP, it is important to assess your company's business and marketing goals. You should find out what your organization will be using the Internet for. Once you've determined this, you can contact ISPs that serve your geographic area and ask them about their services. Those questions below will help you better understand that your local ISP offers. Technical Questions About Reliability 1. Does the connection work at all hours of the day? 2. When are you busiest? 3. Does the connection support the speeds/types of hardware/software you want to use? Have specific questions to ask them. Know your operating system and the software that you need to use. Does the provider support 56K? Does it use the U.S. Robotics' x2 or Rockwell/Lucent's K56flex standard or both of them? Technical Support and Troubleshooting 1. Is support part of normal service or an added cost? 2. What are the hours of coverage for network operations? 3. Is telephone support available via a local call, 800 number, or long distance? 4. Is there technical help available via e-mail? If yes who answers the questions and how soon? 5. Is there help and/or manuals available online? 6. Is there a user-friendly interface to Internet resources? 7. What software is provided and/or required? 8. Are the Internet tools that you need (such as e-mail, telnet, FTP, Usenet/News, Gopher, WAIS, WWW, or Lynx) available? Business Arrangements and References 1. Are free trial connections available? 2. What local and 800 phone numbers are available for you to use? 3. Can multiple users access the same billing account simultaneously? 4. Can multiple user IDs/mailboxes use the same billing account? 5. Are there surcharges for any types of connections or particular hours of the day? 6. What kind of contract or services agreement is required? 7. What options are available for billing and payments? Discounts for pre-payments? 8. Are there refunds for early termination or if service is not satisfactory? 9. Are there any options that will reduce (or increase) your costs? 10. Are group discounts available? (Start your own group!) 11. After placing an order, how long does it take to make the connection active? 12. Are there charges for file storage? 13. Is space for Web pages included? 14. If you travel and want to access the Internet while you are on the road, ask about accessing your ISP from the cities you visit. 15. How long has the provider been in business? 16. Can you get answers to your questions in writing? 17. Ask for names of two to three similar users and check with them regarding their experience. Written by Helen Peshkova, RichTrack.com. http://www.RichTrack.com is one of the first business oriented education portals. It's the leading online business information network for millionaires. The goal of RichTrack.com is to present business content in a professional, helpful and practical format that helps you getting rich.
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Why You Should Switch To A Fast Internet Connection With high-speed Internet access becoming available in more and more areas, perhaps it is now available in your neck of the woods. If it is, you might be wondering if it makes sense to upgrade from dialup. For most people, the answer is probably yes! Here are a few reasons why: Cheap Internet Access For anyone trying to get the cheapest internet available, there are tons of options available. Some providers offer completely free service. But the trade-off is permanent pop ups along the bottom of your desktop, or other advertiser gimmicks that may inhibit your Internet experience. Dreams Come True With The Help Of Global Consciousness On The Internet Dreams. There are two types of dreams: 1. When you are sleeping there are stories unfolding in your mind from a parallel dimension. 2. The aims one has in life. The latter is the type of dream I wish to discuss. We all have these dreams, don't we? We picture ourselves in the future having realized our talents, having achieved in the areas that interest us most. Your dream may have been a relatively simple one, like reaching enlightenment, or helping to create world peace! Maybe your dream was just to set foot on as many beaches across the planet as possible, a little selfish-but hey, you're still sharing a smile everywhere you go. In this the Information Age, our dreams have become more realistic and practical to attain. With the Internet and web sites in particular, a global consciousness is forming to help all people towards their goals. Remotely Connecting by Satellite To the Hospital - 2005 Hospital's and the Medical Professionals associated with them across America have discovered during the last few years that a great deal of efficiency can be accomplished by utilizing the World Wide Web to connect Doctors, Surgeons, Medical Transcribers and remote or mobile Clinics together. A specialist can instantly review an X-Ray or medical chart half way around the world or from a very remote area. Although most of this connectivity is accomplished utilizing high speed terrestrial internet connections like a T1, Cable or DSL connections, there are many areas in the U.S. where this type of internet connection isn't available. Chat-less Are you suddenly chat-less now that Yahoo has shut down many chat sites, due to complaints? One complaint was that people where using chat rooms to lure under age kids for sex. While others say the chat rooms were used to promote underage sex. A Houston Attorney, actually filed a 10 million dollar lawsuit to put an end to that problem. Yahoo reacted on the news by shutting down thousands of chat sites and advertisers on those websites pulled the plug on their ads as well. Do not despair, today you might be chat-less but soon you will find a new home to talk to friends on the Internet. Yahoo confirmed they took the sites off the air but insists it was in the high hundreds and not thousands. Long Arm of the Law Reaches New Internet (RIAA, Internet-2, i2hub Lawsuit) Have you heard of the new Internet? It's called Internet 2 and this time they're not fooling around. The Abilene Network , begun in 1999 provides the main backbone and they're a pure optical network wired for speed. Unlimited Bandwidth and Overselling One of the most controversial topics surrounding web hosting is the practice of overselling bandwidth, and rightfully so. The practice of overselling has enormous potential for disaster ? ask any webmaster who has ever woken up to a cold, unforgiving "Bandwidth Exceeded" message where his or her site should be. The risk of such outages is all too real, and the cleanup effort for network bandwidth outages is a long and arduous process. Mind Machine Interfacing SQUID: Understanding Broadband - Are You Ready To Upgrade? Are you ready to upgrade your residential service to DSL or business service to real broadband or T1? Well, the answer lies in what you need. Before you can realize your needs, you must understand more of what the word broadband really means. Below I will try to give you some realtechnical terms broken down for a better understanding. Broadband Satellite Antenna Pizza Box Size Thanks to the transfer technologies and governments spending on military needs, soon the public will have Broadband Satellite antennas no larger than the dimensions of a Pizza Box. Lightening fast Internet from the heavens. The new record for the World's smallest broadband satellite antenna was launched in Singapore this week. Absolutely incredible new technology, which seems to be very similar to something that DARPA was working on. Its On! (Free Internet TV - Watch TV Online) Get ready because "there's going to be television out the wazoo!" This according to Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN - U.S. operations in a USA Today story on the merger of the Internet and television. Major broadcast networks, cable networks, and content providers are gearing up for the 'mother of all media battles' in staking out territory on the new and rising medium called "Internet TV". Basically it's video online, which is not new, but what is new is that the major networks are now getting fully involved. Klein continued, "It will be pausable, searchable, with all the customizable 'on demand' advantages of the Internet. It's a future that's not very far away" Klein did not elaborate on how long it will take, what a 'wazoo' is, or how a television would fit through it. Google Talk Reviewed So you're sick and tired of AOL Instant Messenger. You're looking for something fresh and new that will just work. Well Google feels the same way. On Wednesday August 24th they released their version of AIM, Google Talk. What are Your Internet Connection Solutions? Of primary concern to all internet users is their actual connection to the internet. Wireless Network Hammerin The wireless network in my house went haywire. It worked on three PCs, one had a horrible connection, and one can't connect. Between Hubby and me, we spent a lot of time researching and trying to figure out the problem. We narrowed down the possibilities few by doing tests. Hubby is the network king in our house and I learned a bit in working with him. In fact, I solved the problem... temporarily. Two Enter Internet Battle Consumers understand that when there is more competition in a market, there are lower prices. This is especially true in the computer industry where it is reported that 68% of households have a computer. According to the Computer Industry Almanac, the worldwide number of Internet users will exceed 1 billion this year with the United States leading with over 185 million users. The number of users will continue to increase as well as competitors, forcing companies to offer faster connections at a cheaper price. Two technologies that will lend a hand in allowing new players into the Broadband market are BPL and WIMAX. Broadband Features Internet service providers are becoming more and more present as the internet makes its way into more and more homes in America. This is making it harder to decide which ISP to subscribe to. In fact, most of them have a list of benefits to entice customers into subscribing from their ISP. Here is some information on the basic features that should come with a good ISP. Wireless Technologies in Mass Transit for Convenience and Safety Modern Mass Transit is making it easier for commuters, especially with the latest inter connecting wireless technologies. Many buses, commuter trains, shuttles and even trolley cars now have WiFi wireless computer access so no one is out of touch during the travel time. This is being done now in Baltimore to NY trains and in Sacramento to San Francisco Trains thanks to Amtrak. After all we now have WiFi hotspots at McDonalds, Kinko's, Book Stores, Starbucks, Airports and hotel lobbies already. How to Secure your DSl / Cable Internet Connection Against Malicious Attacks Securing your Windows Xp computer is done by achieving two main tasks. DSL Internet is a Simple and Easy Way to Get Fast Internet Service DSL ? which stands for Digital Subscriber Line ? is a great way to get high-speed internet service, without having to get a cable modem, or live in an area that has cable lines. DSL providers have very fast and comparatively cheap internet connectivity. Wifi Hotspot Locations for Sale..is that a Good Thing? Recent companies have been advertising wifi hotspot locations that are 'turnkey' (they can run themselves), and only cost between $13,000 and $20,000 to start. Is that good? ![]() |
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