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Dreams Come True With The Help Of Global Consciousness On The Internet
Dreams. There are two types of dreams: 1. When you are sleeping there are stories unfolding in your mind from a parallel dimension. 2. The aims one has in life. The latter is the type of dream I wish to discuss. We all have these dreams, don't we? We picture ourselves in the future having realized our talents, having achieved in the areas that interest us most. Your dream may have been a relatively simple one, like reaching enlightenment, or helping to create world peace! Maybe your dream was just to set foot on as many beaches across the planet as possible, a little selfish-but hey, you're still sharing a smile everywhere you go. In this the Information Age, our dreams have become more realistic and practical to attain. With the Internet and web sites in particular, a global consciousness is forming to help all people towards their goals. Lets say you're a young lady who lives in a small town in who-knows-where-land. Your dream is to one day live in a forest as a ranger, taking care of the trees and animals, living at one with nature. The Internet seems far removed from this reality but in truth it can be a main section of the road to your destination. By looking at web sites you can find out what other people with similar interests think about the subject. You can find out where you'll need to go to study, what interest groups to join, and get opposing opinions on the pros and cons of a ranger's life. You can communicate with experts from the other side of the world just as if they were next door. Seven days a week, night or day, you can access information and ideas from a wide community, a community you now belong to. All it took to start towards realizing the dream was simply by adding your identity to the new world culture created by millions of other normal minds. These are people who want to further humanity through the process of communication. Now, let's say you're an old grandma living far away from the rest of the family. Seeing your grandchildren is a rarity as money to travel is not abundant. Through the websites and email on the World Wide Web, your family can 'talk' and send recent photos electronically. Distance becomes irrelevant and love connections remain intact, maybe even becoming stronger than before. The Internet is bringing human society more closely together everyday. National boundaries turn out to be unnecessary, as knowledge and wisdom become the imperative of the people. As individuals become known identities in this world community, dreams are worked towards with newfound relish. Friends are instantly made, and loved ones are also kept involved in the present picture of life. A Global consciousness is forming and your input is only going to further the evolution of society and happiness for all people. About The Author Jesse S. Somer Jesse S. Somer is a human working to bridge the gap between technological experts and the average people of our society.
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Webmail - What are the Benefits? There are so many different webmail services on the internet, from the huge ones like Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, to the much smaller ones from private websites and ISPs. There is a lot to worry about with e-mail these days but some of these front line webmail services are really a great way of helping to protect your system. DSL Internet is a Simple and Easy Way to Get Fast Internet Service DSL ? which stands for Digital Subscriber Line ? is a great way to get high-speed internet service, without having to get a cable modem, or live in an area that has cable lines. DSL providers have very fast and comparatively cheap internet connectivity. Internet Service Providers Internet Service Provider or ISP is a company that provides access to the Internet. 3 Tips to Fix Unreliable Wireless Connections Generally speaking, wireless computer connections are reliable. However, nothing is perfect, and sometimes you may lose your connection or experience a weak signal. There are many factors that impact the reliability of your wireless connection. Why You Should Switch To A Fast Internet Connection With high-speed Internet access becoming available in more and more areas, perhaps it is now available in your neck of the woods. If it is, you might be wondering if it makes sense to upgrade from dialup. For most people, the answer is probably yes! Here are a few reasons why: Broadband Features Internet service providers are becoming more and more present as the internet makes its way into more and more homes in America. This is making it harder to decide which ISP to subscribe to. In fact, most of them have a list of benefits to entice customers into subscribing from their ISP. Here is some information on the basic features that should come with a good ISP. How to Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection for DSL or Cable Service One of the common problems among internet users is testing their internet connection to pinpoint the exact problem. There is a big number of internet users who use DSL, and cable modem service. Business Satellite Internet Products Compared - 2005 There are a number of options available for Business Class Satellite Internet connectivity in the U.S. today. New offerings seem to launch every week in 2005 and it is becoming a bit confusing for the business owner who can't obtain traditional high speed internet or can't afford the expense of running a T1 line to a location off the beaten path. I've outlined below several options for business with the positive aspects as well as negative where applicable. Each company and heavy individual user has different needs, so no one platform is a "one size fits all". I will outline them and you decide: Google Talk Reviewed So you're sick and tired of AOL Instant Messenger. You're looking for something fresh and new that will just work. Well Google feels the same way. On Wednesday August 24th they released their version of AIM, Google Talk. Broadband Connection to the Central Sun You may have noticed the expansion of consciousness that has taken place since the Harmonic Concordance. This is due to the new Broadband connection that has been created to the Universe's Central Sun. This broadband connection of consciousness is on the level of the crystalline structure of your very being. It is using the full electromagnetic spectrum, which we mainly experience, through the twelve-chakra centres and in the DNA. Searching for the Right ISP When searching for the right ISP there are a number of items to look at. How much is it going to cost me? What is the connection like? What are the Features? Is it available in my area? You will soon find that there are many ISP's to choose from. So, it is beneficial for you to pick the right internet service provider. Broadband - Will it Affect Your Online Marketing Future? The coming age of general Broadband use bearing down upon us, minute by minute, is going to leave many changes in its wake. Some will be welcome; others will demand all we can do, just to keep up! Internet ISPs Choosing an internet ISP is often a rash and impulsive decision, but you should put more research and time into this decision to achieve the best results. Internet ISP's are the portal by which you get onto the internet to visit websites. There are many different ones to choose from. The main goal that you should have in choosing one is that it offers a steady and consistent connection without disruptions, as well as speed. Bleeding Edge or Expensive Enterprise Satellite Internet? The State of Satellite Internet in 2005 Wanadoo: 17.99 Pounds 1Mbps Service Wanadoo 17.99 pounds 1 mbps service getting good reviews. How to Secure your DSl / Cable Internet Connection Against Malicious Attacks Securing your Windows Xp computer is done by achieving two main tasks. Why Choose Dial Up ISP Services Dial up ISP service is the cheapest choice of any of the ISPs and may be a good option for that family on a tight budget. The software upgrades have definitely increased the speed of dial up ISPs, but their speed is still slower than some other options. Dial up ISP service can be purchased from several different companies including Earthlink, AOL, Juno, and others. Some DSL Broadband Definitions Often too many people get confused with all the definitions, here we have explained in easy to understand terms. Wireless Technologies in Mass Transit for Convenience and Safety Modern Mass Transit is making it easier for commuters, especially with the latest inter connecting wireless technologies. Many buses, commuter trains, shuttles and even trolley cars now have WiFi wireless computer access so no one is out of touch during the travel time. This is being done now in Baltimore to NY trains and in Sacramento to San Francisco Trains thanks to Amtrak. After all we now have WiFi hotspots at McDonalds, Kinko's, Book Stores, Starbucks, Airports and hotel lobbies already. Its On! (Free Internet TV - Watch TV Online) Get ready because "there's going to be television out the wazoo!" This according to Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN - U.S. operations in a USA Today story on the merger of the Internet and television. Major broadcast networks, cable networks, and content providers are gearing up for the 'mother of all media battles' in staking out territory on the new and rising medium called "Internet TV". Basically it's video online, which is not new, but what is new is that the major networks are now getting fully involved. Klein continued, "It will be pausable, searchable, with all the customizable 'on demand' advantages of the Internet. It's a future that's not very far away" Klein did not elaborate on how long it will take, what a 'wazoo' is, or how a television would fit through it. ![]() |
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