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How to Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection for DSL or Cable Service
One of the common problems among internet users is testing their internet connection to pinpoint the exact problem. There is a big number of internet users who use DSL, and cable modem service. You set us your connection the way your ISP (internet service provider)instruct you to. Sometimes, it doesn't work for numerous reasons. You service is not ready, your hardware in not connected properly, or your ISP is having problems. Whatever the cause of the problem maybe, there are some diagnostic tools you can use in Windows XP, in order to identify the problem. If you are not exact in your diagnostic, you will get a good idea at least. Before we get to the diagnostic tools, let us discuss what is involved in an internet connection. The information travels over the internet to your computer through your ISP service. This is done through a High speed modem then to a network card installed in your computer. Your computer is called a host, your service provider will give you the DNS IP address, and you get your login and password. That is all what you have from your ISP. Sometimes, your internet connection fails, and you want to find out the problem. You may be able to fix it, or at least get some information about the problem to advise your isp for help. You will start by accessing the command prompt by going in sequence to: Start menu, program, accessories, then command prompt. A window will open where you type commands from the prompt. At the command prompt, you type: IPCONFIG. This command will give you the active network connection on your computer. Here is an example: PPP adapter Copy : Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : The above output was produced when I ran the Ipconfig command on my own computer running Window XP OS, and A DSL connection. The IP address is my computer address assigned by the ISP. Please note, you can add an option to this command, in order to get more detailed information about your connection. Here is the output, when I ran the same command with the "all" option. Ipconfig /ALL PPP adapter Copy : Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Notice now, the output includes the phisycal address of the network interface card installed in my computer. Also, you see the DNS IP addresses. With the above information, I didn't have any problems. Supposed ,I disconnect my DSL connection and ran the command again, this is the new result: Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Notice in this case, where I disconnected my connection, you don't get a DNS server. This tells you that I am not connected to the internet. Also, notice the IP address starts with 192.168, which is the default address whenever your computer is not connected to the internet. Another command is the ping command. It will allow to check if a computer is connected to the network and ready to communicate, whether intranet, or internet. Once you run it,it will sent a packet to the computer specified and gives the time it took for the packet to travel. This is an a output when I tried to ping www.yahoo.com: C:>ping www.yahoo.com Pinging www.yahoo.akadns.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=35ms TTL=55 Ping statistics for That shows that the host was reachable, and connected to the internet. A very important command is the Nslookup. This will let you check if DNS (domain name server) is working properly. The function of the DNS server is to translate ip addresses to domain name of the networked computer. Here is an example: C:> nslookup www.yahoo.com Non-authoritative answer: So, you enter the name after Nslookup, it will give you IP addresses and vice versa. In summary, there more commands in Windows Xp, but using the three above commands should give you a good idea about your internet connection problems. You can find where the problem is occurring. Is it your machine, or the ISP. Thanks, For tips about your Windows XP computer, visit our new website: http://www.ResolveWindowsXpProblems.com
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Broadband Broadband is the name given to a high-speed Internet connection that provide large bandwidth. It is a quick connection, typically "always-on" and capable of transmitting data at a much faster rate than a standard dialup modem connection. Broadband also won't tie up your phone line, allowing you to use the internet and telephone simultaneously. Broadband can be provided from a dedicated line such as Cable or ISDN, or over the top of your phone line such as ADSL. BT Broadband Approximately 4 million people in the UK use ADSL with an extra 2 million using a cable connection, meaning 6 million people in the UK have an always-on internet connection. Of these over 1.7 million are subscribed to BT's broadband package, making them the UK's main broadband provider. Compare Cable vs. DSL Okay, so you are finally tired of those slow dial-up internet connections, and you want to go broadband. Good deal. But first, you may be wondering which type of broadband connection is best- DSL or Cable? Or, at least, which of the two gives you more speed for the price? Here we take a look at these two popular broadband connections and try to determine which one is better: DSL vs. Cable. How to Get Broadband Getting broadband services getting easy, but research still required. Internet ISPs Choosing an internet ISP is often a rash and impulsive decision, but you should put more research and time into this decision to achieve the best results. Internet ISP's are the portal by which you get onto the internet to visit websites. There are many different ones to choose from. The main goal that you should have in choosing one is that it offers a steady and consistent connection without disruptions, as well as speed. Ka Band -Affordable Satellite Internet On The Way! Ka Band VSAT* satellite internet technology has enormous possibilities for telecommuters, rural locations and eventually for Motor Home users around the U.S. - if it works! Ka Band satellite internet is an all new approach to sending and receiving internet traffic from space (satellites used for internet are at least 23,000 miles from Earth). *Very small aperture terminal. Chat-less Are you suddenly chat-less now that Yahoo has shut down many chat sites, due to complaints? One complaint was that people where using chat rooms to lure under age kids for sex. While others say the chat rooms were used to promote underage sex. A Houston Attorney, actually filed a 10 million dollar lawsuit to put an end to that problem. Yahoo reacted on the news by shutting down thousands of chat sites and advertisers on those websites pulled the plug on their ads as well. Do not despair, today you might be chat-less but soon you will find a new home to talk to friends on the Internet. Yahoo confirmed they took the sites off the air but insists it was in the high hundreds and not thousands. Broadband Connection to the Central Sun You may have noticed the expansion of consciousness that has taken place since the Harmonic Concordance. This is due to the new Broadband connection that has been created to the Universe's Central Sun. This broadband connection of consciousness is on the level of the crystalline structure of your very being. It is using the full electromagnetic spectrum, which we mainly experience, through the twelve-chakra centres and in the DNA. Long Arm of the Law Reaches New Internet (RIAA, Internet-2, i2hub Lawsuit) Have you heard of the new Internet? It's called Internet 2 and this time they're not fooling around. The Abilene Network , begun in 1999 provides the main backbone and they're a pure optical network wired for speed. How to Choose Best ISP for Your Needs Well, the Internet access industry is starting to shake its way out. The much-anticipated consolidation of access providers is nearing its end. In broadband, this means that most users have little or no choice of providers. Though many of the changes have been hard on user choice, this is not necessarily a bad thing. In some cases, it's better to have one stable and pricey provider than 100 unstable, cheap providers. The shakeout was painful for scores of users who often were left with no connection when they needed it most. And some providers left standing don't exactly have good track records, either. Beta Testing First Mobile Internet Satellite Broadband, Part II We were the first beta testers of a Mobile Command Center with full Internet Access in 1999. Our mobile command center was also the first unit with WiFi and Internet Mobile Access. Understanding Broadband - Are You Ready To Upgrade? Are you ready to upgrade your residential service to DSL or business service to real broadband or T1? Well, the answer lies in what you need. Before you can realize your needs, you must understand more of what the word broadband really means. Below I will try to give you some realtechnical terms broken down for a better understanding. Business Satellite Internet Products Compared - 2005 There are a number of options available for Business Class Satellite Internet connectivity in the U.S. today. New offerings seem to launch every week in 2005 and it is becoming a bit confusing for the business owner who can't obtain traditional high speed internet or can't afford the expense of running a T1 line to a location off the beaten path. I've outlined below several options for business with the positive aspects as well as negative where applicable. Each company and heavy individual user has different needs, so no one platform is a "one size fits all". I will outline them and you decide: Whois Protocol - TCP/IP Suite The Whois protocol is an information service not unlike the finger service. The Whois protocol provides the client or user with information about the owner of a domain or specific IP address. Information provided by the Whois protocol contains contact information such as address, company, telephone number, and e-mail address. Cheap Internet Access For anyone trying to get the cheapest internet available, there are tons of options available. Some providers offer completely free service. But the trade-off is permanent pop ups along the bottom of your desktop, or other advertiser gimmicks that may inhibit your Internet experience. What are Your Internet Connection Solutions? Of primary concern to all internet users is their actual connection to the internet. Two Enter Internet Battle Consumers understand that when there is more competition in a market, there are lower prices. This is especially true in the computer industry where it is reported that 68% of households have a computer. According to the Computer Industry Almanac, the worldwide number of Internet users will exceed 1 billion this year with the United States leading with over 185 million users. The number of users will continue to increase as well as competitors, forcing companies to offer faster connections at a cheaper price. Two technologies that will lend a hand in allowing new players into the Broadband market are BPL and WIMAX. Unlimited Bandwidth and Overselling One of the most controversial topics surrounding web hosting is the practice of overselling bandwidth, and rightfully so. The practice of overselling has enormous potential for disaster ? ask any webmaster who has ever woken up to a cold, unforgiving "Bandwidth Exceeded" message where his or her site should be. The risk of such outages is all too real, and the cleanup effort for network bandwidth outages is a long and arduous process. Its On! (Free Internet TV - Watch TV Online) Get ready because "there's going to be television out the wazoo!" This according to Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN - U.S. operations in a USA Today story on the merger of the Internet and television. Major broadcast networks, cable networks, and content providers are gearing up for the 'mother of all media battles' in staking out territory on the new and rising medium called "Internet TV". Basically it's video online, which is not new, but what is new is that the major networks are now getting fully involved. Klein continued, "It will be pausable, searchable, with all the customizable 'on demand' advantages of the Internet. It's a future that's not very far away" Klein did not elaborate on how long it will take, what a 'wazoo' is, or how a television would fit through it. 3 Tips to Fix Unreliable Wireless Connections Generally speaking, wireless computer connections are reliable. However, nothing is perfect, and sometimes you may lose your connection or experience a weak signal. There are many factors that impact the reliability of your wireless connection. ![]() |
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