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How To Get The Greatest Possible Muscle Gains... And... Still Have Time Left Over To Just Goof-Off!
The number one thing you need to get from this article is this. Significant increases in the muscular size of any particular muscle group, can not be achieved without similar increases throughout the entire body. Any and all exercise performed has an indirect effect on all the body's subsystems and muscular structures. An exercise which primarily involves the legs, produces to varying degrees, muscle growth in all other muscles throughout the body. The relative size of the muscles involved largely determines how great the indirect effect will be. The larger the muscle group, the greater the overall indirect effect on other body parts. Got it. Good This indirect effect is the result of intensity of effort. If the intensity is low, indirect muscle growth is minimal. If the intensity is high, indirect muscle growth is absolutely incredible. But remember, these muscle gains are not stimulated through the quantity of exercise performed, but from the overall intensity of effort. Maximizing intensity of effort requires the same style of training for absolutely everyone. That mean you and me. However, individual performance is relative. For example. while the performance of a 100 pound bench press may involve a high level of intensity for one person, a considerably stronger trainee could perform the same exercise with a much lower intensity. But as we now know beyond a shadow of doubt. High levels of intensity must be reached, before an increase in muscle size will be produced. If you train below that particular level, your muscle gains will be practically non-existent. Although the level of intensity required to produce maximum muscle gains may actually be below maximum intensity, determining exactly when that point has been reached during your workouts is near impossible. Even if the required intensity for maximum muscle gains could be converted into a percentage, you wouldn't be unable to determine accurately when that exact level is reached during an exercise. Working at one hundred percent, maximum intensity of effort guarantees that this level is always achieved, regardless of whether it is an actual requirement or not. Are you following me? Look. If maximum muscle gains is your goal, working out with anything less than one hundred percent intensity of effort is not going to cut it. In fact, it's almost a complete waste of time. Regardless of the actual intensity of effort required, working the largest of muscle groups will produce incredible muscle growth all over the entire body. Although we may not be entirely sure why, we do know that without a doubt, it does happen. For the best possible muscular gains, the major muscular structures should be trained intensely. If the exercise is intense, brief and infrequent, maximum gains will be achieved. As no muscle can be truly isolated from the body's subsystems and all exercises have some degree of overall effect on the body, for the best possible muscle gains, only full body workouts should be performed. As I has explained to you here. Split-routines are in fact physiologically impossible. A training program which 'splits' the body into muscle groups, doesn't permit sufficient recovery time for the body overall. As a result, split training programs do not produce maximum possible muscle gains. In almost all cases, they actually prevent them. No exceptions. Trent Brook is the Author of "Huge Gains Fast - How to Get More Rock-Hard Muscle Mass In A Month Than You Now Get All Year. His "Huge Gains Fast" muscle building program is an easy-to-follow system so simple and understandable it's fully explained to you in just 4 easy steps! The Revised Edition is now available online at his website, http://www.hugegainsfast.com
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What Causes Muscle Growth? In order for muscles to grow, three things are required: Protein or Carbohydrates? This has got to be the biggest controversy in modern bodybuilding. Bodybuilders will say you've got to consume loads of protein to pack on quality muscle mass and increase strength. Nutrition experts say that you must eat a high carbohydrate diet, particularly complex carbs, to improve strength and size, and say that a high protein is of no benefit. Body Part Isolation vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training - Build Real Muscle Instead of Fake! Working as a fitness professional, there is one type of question I get all the time that shows that many people are missing the big picture regarding the benefits of strength training. This popular question usually goes something like this: Arm Training - Building Muscle for Bulging Bis and Tris Let's face it, most guys who start lifting want two things - a big bench and big arms. So in this issue we're going to talk about bi's and tri's and I'll share a very effective routine for adding inches to your arms in a very short amount of time. Re-ignite Your Chest Training Progress Effective Chest Training, Like Everything Else, Begins With The Proper Mindset Complete Pec Training Tips Put these pec techniques to use and develop that full, muscular chest today. Muscle Building Workouts at Home! Most people make an excuse that they don't have time to workout, they are too lazy to spend any time on workouts. Whatever time they are left with, they want to relax, watch TV or listen to music .Here are a few excesses that may just be a solution for you. These can be done while listening to music or during tv commercials. How To Get Incredible Gains If You Aren?t Getting Them Already... And... How To Get Them Fast! The key to rapid muscle growth, is to perform all your exercises well outside your comfort zone. If you had performed the barbell curl to the point of complete and momentary exhaustion, instead of "copping out" at the tenth. Then your bicep muscles would be forced to work harder than normal. Much harder. As a result, they would grow and build size rapidly. But I Dont Want Muscles! Part 1: What Muscle is, and how to Build (or Avoid) It One of the common comments I hear from my female clients is, "Please don't give me any weights work ? I don't want any muscle, I just want to tone." The reasons differ from client to client, but it most often they seem to be based on a misunderstanding of what muscle is, how we build it, what it has to do with weight loss ? or some combination of the above. There's a lot of misinformation outside of the fitness world about muscles and what they do, so I'd like to spend the next two articles exploring the realities behind the myths. Are You Over Training in the Gym? Every set was taken to positive failure, with three or more forced reps on top of that and if that wasn't enough I would throw in a few negative reps to top it off. This type of training would leave me totally exhausted and render me sore for days after every session. Secret Training Tip #242 - Be 10% Stronger in Leg Curls Instantly! This is a trick to be done on a leg curl machine. By simply changing where you grip your hands on the machine, you can increase your strength in the movement by as much as 10% instantly! Personal Trainers with Real People, Real Situations TO DO OR NOT TO DO? ? ABS The MYTH of Gaining Muscle Without Fat! Many of you have expressed concerns about gaining too much body fat while on such a high calorie diet, and wonder if you should do some aerobic exercise to offset the weight gain. The How To Guide for Six Pack Abs First off I want to mention that, for most people, getting six pack abs is not an easy task. It requires serious dedication, but it is possible! If were blessed with naturally low body fat and good muscle definition, enjoy it! Otherwise, below is a general 2-step guide that, if followed religiously for 3 months, will produce results. Get Rid of Cellulite, Once and For All! Get Fit At Home With Ailsa : Get Rid of Cellulite Perfects Abs - Three Ab Routines To Show Your Six Pack Crazy, ripped, hard abs. That's the key to showing an awesome body. If you think that all training is about is making sure your chest is big enough to make your shirt hang out past your stomach then you're missing the boat. Chiseled abs is awesome abs. Waist Your Breath - Breathing For A Thinner Waist The crunch exercise is the backbone of abdominal training. It develops the muscles of the abs to help you build that much-desired six-pack. But did you know that there is a way to do crunches that can actually decrease the size of your waist? Personal Training: 3 Keys to Training Clients in Their Homes When considering your options as a personal trainer, one of the very first things to decide is WHERE you are going to train your clients. The most obvious answer for most trainers is to get a job at a local fitness facility and train clients there. This is certainly an option, and one that is recommended especially in the beginning of your career. The structure and experience that you will get by working at a successful gym or fitness center is invaluable for a new personal trainer. However, there are drawbacks to working with your clients at a gym, and some clients will be unwilling or unable to workout at a local facility. Don't lose those clients by not having other options! Are You Too Old to Pump Iron? Are you too old for weight lifting? Will weight lifting help you stay and look younger? The answer to the first question is no and to the second is a resounding yes. Weight lifting will help both men and women stay fit and supple and might even help you look younger. And, no matter what your age, you're not too old to start. How To Gain Weight Until I started following a routine to eat, my gains were minimal. Once I set my eating times to a specific time during the day along with a protein boost, I could see the gains immediately. This sample program is a quick way to get your protein WAY up and generally increase your food intake. But it doesn't require the traditional sit down 6+ a day to eat 30 chicken breasts and spend all day cooking. I've got a full-time job at a corporate office. Cooking isn't an option. Nor is eating 6+ times a day involving meals with Tupperware and the likes. I need food and I need it fast. Try this program on for size and notice the size you just might see. ![]() |
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