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What is Absolutely the Best Day to go on a Job Interview?
First of all, to fully understand and appreciate the answer, a couple of givens must be taken into account. What I believe to be the most important item for dealing with an interview successfully is, your attitude. Your attitude determines the outcome of every interview. The core competencies must be there in order for you to get the interview in the first place but, your attitude during the interview will be what ultimately gets you accepted or rejected for the position. If it was as simple as, "I can do the job", there would be no need for an interview in the first place - the employer would just hire based upon the resume. Now that we have determined that attitude will determine the success of the interview, lets more deeply understand the answer to the question. Unequivocally, without a doubt, the best day to interview is not Monday, it's not Friday, it's not Wednesday, like 95% of the people answer when I ask that question. The best day of the week to go on an interview is...drumroll please...the day after you get a job offer. Again, understand that attitude determines your level of success on an interview and, when you have achieved success, that is, have obtained a job offer, your attitude generally is never higher. When you have already received a job offer, your confidence level is at it's highest. You are no longer worried about how you are going to pay your bills. You feel successful because others obviously believe in your abilities - otherwise you wouldn't have gotten the offer. Thus, you are "higher than a kite" at this time. This is the time to continue your search and just hammer away at as many interviews as you can possibly setup. It is important at this stage in career development to take advantage of the synergy of the momentum or the incredibly good luck streak that you are currently on and, the way you do that is to continue to interview once you have gotten your first offer. The positive momentum gained when you have a job offer in your back pocket is very strong. In fact, you can attack the remaining interviews with a can't lose mentality. This will allow you to see things clearly and to make the best possible decision for you and your family and for your career. There is no reason to stop interviewing after you get a job offer, and in fact, in "Hiring Secrets Revealed" this is one of the $10,000 secrets I'm sharing with you. There is not a Human Resources Manager or Hiring Manager and especially not a Recruiter or a Recruiting Firm or Consulting Firm that will ever tell you the best time to interview is the day after you get a job offer - it's just not in their best interest to allow you to keep interviewing. Each and every one of the aforementioned decision makers wants to have a commitment immediately. They want to place you in a job now and collect their fee. They have no vested interest in helping you or advising you to continue with your interviewing process. In subsequent chapters I will show you how to maintain an open dialogue with your recruiter and how to time your interviewing so that all of these things come together so you can make decisions in a timely fashion. The point is, do not stretch out the interviews because that could go on forever. Your objective is to have choices. And you need to strike while the iron is hot. By following this one simple secret, you will give yourself choices. The best part about interviewing after you have already gotten a job offer is - now you are confident. You have a job. You can ask for an negotiate the salary you truly wish to have and you have nothing to lose if they say no. What to you care if the second, or third, or fourth company says no to your salary requests, you already have a job. However, since that is precisely what your attitude is? you most likely will be able to negotiate the salary you wish because the interviewers will feel your confidence and believe that you are worth the money. That's the power of being able to walk away from the negotiating table. Everyone senses that you are ultimately the person in control of this situation - nothing has to be said to imply this - it is felt due to your high level of confidence. This one idea alone can be the one that gets you the $10,000.00 or $20,000.00 raise. Look at each job offer carefully, and decide appropriately, but do it in a timely fashion. Your objective is to make this happen as quickly as possible. I have learned that no one will give you anything unless you ask for it. Heck, if an employer thinks they can hire you for $55,000.00, why in their right-mind would they offer you more? Get it? If, however, they believe that you are worth $65,000.00 or $75,000.00, and you ask for it, they are definitely going to be inclined to pay that to get you. A friend of mine worked for a company that was bought-out by a bigger firm. The bigger firm actually bought 12 other smaller companies just like my friend's company. All the ex-owners of the smaller companies were paid a three month severance upon their exit from the larger company. My friend wanted to take the summer off and he thought he deserved more so, he called the President and asked him for six months of severance. It was given to him with barely the blink of an eye. Why? Because he asked for it. If you don't ask, you won't get it - guaranteed. That's why you need to keep interviewing immediately upon getting your first job offer. Your confidence will be sky high and you will not be afraid to ask for more because you have nothing to lose. Michael Donovin Recruiter, Author and Web Blog publisher I have written 2 books and counseled thousands of people in the art of the job search. After all these years of helping people on the phone and in person I decided to write it down and share this knowledge with as many people as possible. Testimonials: Bob H.,Yardley, PA., "I've been in the telecom business for thirty years and have interviewed a lot during my career. What you're saying really makes good sense. Your succinct and straight-forward way of communicating is very refreshing and I eagerly recommend this important work for any and all job seekers. Thanks for getting this information onto your website and making it available to us. For more career help and free newsletter sign up visit http://www.56dUSA.com & http://resumefax.blogspot.com *golfers visit http://www.GolfJokesBlog.com
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