College Labor is Available in Ohio

Ohio has always been big on education and that means a bright, energetic and reliable workforce for expanding businesses. A business which wants to expand its number of outlets should be looking strongly at the Ohio market place as there are many very strong and economically viable areas to do business.

Mr. Jay Delane, Research Specialist over at the Convention Center in Dayton, said that labor was decent and that with all the colleges and universities in the area about 70,000 students were looking for part-time work and willing to work for fair wages.

In Warren, Michelle Phillips of the Youngstown Regional Chamber agreed that many kids after finishing college left for other areas to work instead of staying in Youngstown, but did wish to work while going to school. We found this to be the case at the Mocha House in town a local hang-out around the corner from downtown and Delphi and GM plant.

It seems wherever we looked throughout the state we saw colleges and young adults wanting to work. Having good help is important in business and being able to recruit young, intelligent and hard working employees is the key to success. The labor market in Ohio is a gold mind of opportunity for large, medium and small businesses. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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