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Job Search 101
The whole job search effort is completely exhausting and at times just plain pathetic. It is what it is and if you are unemployed know that the job search experience is one familiar to everyone at some point and time, so don't feel alone. One of the major mistakes many job seeks make is not being able to keep the whole job search experience organized. Remembering who you spoke to on what day, concerning what job can be a true "mission impossible." There are a couple of things that can make the whole experience more palatable. Lighten up and write it all down. 1. Write down all names, numbers, address, driving directions, phone and fax numbers associated with your job search. You never know when you will be able to help someone else find a job. Remember good deeds never go unrewarded and what goes around comes back around. 2. Writing a resume for each position is essential and using the correct verbs to describe your talents and accomplishments is crucial. It is unlikely in three, five or ten years that you will remember how you described increasing those sales accounts 300%. Keep those old resumes, they will come in handy. 3. This is a very small world and keeping a record of good interviewers could land you a job in the future. Always keep in touch with people who make a dynamic impression, even if you don't get the job. 4. If you like the company and what they stand for see if they have a mentoring program or if they do community service and ask to become a volunteer. It only takes making one good impression to land your foot in the door. 5. Your job search experience will one day be an inspiration to someone or a made for television movie to someone else. Never sell yourself short and think the whole experience is worthless and boring. I have not yet seen a sitcom centered on Job Search 101. What happened to all the people who interviewed me for jobs? What happens to all the applications and resumes? Do they go to that great resume/application cloud in the sky or are they shredded into a million tiny pieces never to be seen again. I don't waste a lot of time thinking about it, I just know that a number of folks missed out on working with a really dynamic person and that's a shame. There are probably others out there who fill the same way. Fear not, there is a job or profession out there with your name on it. If you really can't find a good paying job you can always go into business for yourself. Remember, someone made millions selling pet rocks. Detra D. Davis is a writer with over 20 years of experience. Author of several e-books, including Job Search 101 you can email Detra at: detra_davis@supportingourchildren.com, or by mail: J. Davis & Associates, P. O. Box 4935, Cary, NC 27513-4935. To learn more visit: http://www.supportingourchildren.com
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A Job is Not a Job It only happened on Mondays. Sometimes I escaped the unpleasant ritual. But, more often than not, right before boarding I threw up in the ladies room of the train station. It wasn't the commute I hated. It was the job. The reasons don't matter why a job I once enjoyed turned into a job I didn't. It happens. Bosses change, companies change, priorities change, budgets change, responsibilities change. Some changes bring personal growth and opportunity. Some don't. What does matter was the lesson learned that stayed with me the rest of my career: a job is not just a job. That job I hated helped my checking account. But my confidence, creativity, health, energy for life and view of the world was not as fortunate. When the alarm clock sounded, my previous excitement to face a new day became cocoon-like behavior, both in and out of the covers, wanting protection from another day's battle. It was safer for those I loved to refrain from sharing important issues or concerns with me, never knowing how I would react. How you spend a significant part of your day rubs off on the rest of your day, and on those you share your life with. Over time, it rubs off on your life. I'm not talking about temporary potholes and work hiccups that come with change or periods of work intensity, or the interim choices to increase finances, or the normal setbacks and challenges that should be dealt with at work. I'm talking about the long term match between who you are and the job you have. When you're in a job that's good for you, you can feel it. And you can feel it when you're not. I agree with Barbara DeAngeles, "No job is a good job if it isn't good for you." You see, you can't be winning at working if you don't like what you're doing, where you're doing it, or who you're doing it for. If what you do feels like work the majority of the time, you might want to think about why, and what you can do to change it. That doesn't necessarily mean you should change jobs or companies. Transferring to another team, volunteering for a new project, or asking your boss for new responsibilities may be all it takes. But, whatever it takes, you won't be able to offer your best you at work and get rewarded with interesting work, personal growth and financial rewards, if you aren't in a good workplace environment and a good position match for who you are, what you want, and what you have to offer. I've worked in jobs where I couldn't wait until Monday. That's when I'm so excited about the new project or the new idea or the next thing I'm working on that it's not work to me. It's a challenging, interesting, stimulating and fun way to spend my day. And, I'm a lot happier when that's the case. (c) 2004 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved. 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