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Job Security Is Dead! Are You?
Job security is an out dated concept. The idea is nice: The longer an employee works for a particular company, the more valuable that person becomes to the company in question. But the reality of the current job market is a different story. Every day in the U.S., employees are forced into early retirement, laid off, or fired as a result of corporate down-sizing, mergers, and re organizational bankruptcy. An employee was once valuable to the company because they graduated from college, got a degree, and/or had determination for hard labor. In the past, it was all right to become comfortable with your position. In today's society, being comfortable is the wrong thing to do and actually, it's a trap. This trap is the reason why people with college degrees are without jobs and the good workers are often the first ones released from a professional setting. I am a Housekeeper for the Home at Hearthstone, a nursing home in Cincinnati, Ohio. I work from 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. for $8.40 per hour. The wages that I make alone, tells you that I am working at a dead-end job and receiving paychecks that don't reflect the quality of my performance. I am an underemployed 19 year old-male who attends college and makes good grades. Graduating from college might raise my income level slightly, but it will not secure me a job. I, like many other Americans, know that in order to maintain my employment, I must show up to work everyday on time, listen to my supervisor, and do a complete and thorough job. Unfortunately, I also know these three things combined cannot guarantee the security of my job. Perhaps you can relate to my situation. If so, you may wonder what you can do to improve your future. Here are three very simple things you can start doing right away. Be thankful for the home-business industry! It is amazing in our changing times to have an industry dedicated to individuals and their desire to take control of their finances and become their own manager. It is a blessing to have access to such a powerful tool as the Internet. If it weren't for the home-based business industry, ordinary people would not stand a chance at moving beyond the unrewarding monotony of subordinate employment. This may sound simplistic, but just by being thankful for this industry and approaching it with open-minded enthusiasm, you will find your niche and maximize your potential. Be relentless. To be relentless means to never give up on what you want to accomplish in life. Building your business online means work. There is no place for laziness in this business, and a negative attitude will crush you before you even get started. It's also important to avoid letting other people's skepticism slow you down. Not everyone is going to believe you can succeed with your net marketing ventures, and that's fine. Maybe your spouse or significant other gets frustrated with you because you spend so many late hours at your computer going the extra mile. Trust me, I can relate to this one. The bottom line is, if something is important to you, then you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Establish Contacts. Establishing contacts is one thing you must do if you want to get your business on the radar! You can do that by joining online forums such as the Net Marketing Forum and Network Marketing Forums. Contacts are people you go to if you do not understand something and they will help you! Many times, we business owners suffer when we think that we can handle every aspect of our business by ourselves. When you establish your contacts, make sure these people share their experience with you and they are practicing what they are preaching! Experience is one of the best teachers and is more valuable than reading an electronic book on how to do something! Internet Experts like Dan Moses of Pageswirl and Jon Olson of Hit Exchange News provide their subscribers with their home phone number. That is great because you can call them at home if you have a question. It is better to hear someone's voice rather than communicating through an email. Either you can work for someone else or you can work for yourself. The second choice is better than the first one, especially if you like to do things your way. When working for a corporate employer, you must follow job policy at all times. Conflict arises when your rules don't match policy rules and you're in jeopardy of losing your job quicker than you expected. If you can relate to this scenario, then a home-based business if for YOU. Of course, the decision to work for yourself leads to the biggest hurdle of all..... taking the initiative. Paul Wilson is a second year college student and network marketer who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. To have a look at a home business opportunity that believes "The Greatest Music Is Money", visit Paul's website at http://www.profitableadventure.info Also, you may contact Paul at dcbillu@aol.com
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What is My Calling? "What is my calling?" Do any of us really have complete clarity about our life calling? Even those of us with the knowingness we must teach, write or sing may often ask, "What direction am I to go, now?" How do we answer these soulful questions? Get Out of Your Comfort Zone in the Job Search Most everyone these days knows what a comfort zone is. My definition is the place, environment and tasks that we have learned to do and feel comfortable with--a comfort zone. Managing The Boss Is Essential To Career Success Your boss is the gatekeeper of your career. Unless you are able to manage a positive relationship with him at each step in your career you will fall short of your potential. Avoid Your CV Always Ending Up in the Bin Cover Letters must grab the reader's interest so that they immediately want to learn more about the writer (you). What Do Employees Wish for Most (And How To Get It) What do many employees wish for at work? A bonus or raise. At least that's so according to results from a recent survey developed by OfficeTeam, a global staffing service that specializes in placing administrative professionals. The telephone survey, conducted by an independent research firm in February, polled 571 men and women in the United States over the age of 18. All respondents were employed full-time in professional positions. Survey results revealed that almost half (48%) of the respondents put "a bonus or raise" at the top of their "wish list" at work. Are You Eking Out a Living, and Cant Get What You Want from a Job? Many people are working at jobs they don't want and they hate to go there every day. Are you one of them? Job Search 101 The whole job search effort is completely exhausting and at times just plain pathetic. It is what it is and if you are unemployed know that the job search experience is one familiar to everyone at some point and time, so don't feel alone. One of the major mistakes many job seeks make is not being able to keep the whole job search experience organized. Remembering who you spoke to on what day, concerning what job can be a true "mission impossible." Wake Up and Learn Something New The US Government has just released last month's job creation figures. It was the lowest number in two years. This is a revealing and disturbing snapshot of what is actually happening in the real economy, not the one artificially created for the headlines. Our US GNP or Gross National Product, is based upon manufactured durable goods. Unfortunately, the manufacturing economy in the US has not yet recovered from the devastating collapse it saw commence in the spring of 2000. The recent improvements in jobs and growth are substantially confined to the service sector. Manufacturing is what drives the US economy and it is suffering. Practice Speaking For many people, interviewing is not a natural act any more than going on a blind date is. You are asked a bunch of questions about your work. You answer them. They ask a bunch more; you answer them. You're graded on your performance (you receive a job offer or not). Yet interviews are predictable processes and as such can be planned for You Are Not Entitled to a Job! Résumé Tips 3 Reasons To Hire From Outside Your Industry While at times it may prove comfortable and convenient to hire from within your current industry, often the best candidate for the job comes from outside your "comfort zone". How can that be? As a recruiter focused on a highly regulated and competitive industry experiencing significant growth nationwide, here are 3 reasons to hire from outside your industry: Career Advice: Are Resumes Obsolete As A Primary Job Search Tool? In a day of background checks, pre-employment drug screening and multiple interviews, where do resumes fit in? According to many successful job applicants, not very well. An ever-increasing number of new hires say that resumes were not crucial in landing them the job. Instead, they simply played a part in sealing the deal. If that's true, it means that mailing out resumes and waiting for the phone to ring is the last thing any recent grad or serious job seeker will want to do. Does Your Resume Have What It Takes To Survive The First Cut? Qualifications" or "Personal Profile") uses bullets and succinct wording to highlight what is likely to most intrigue the employer. Before writing this section, make a list of the 5 to 10 criteria that are most likely to guide the employer's choice ? then summarize your qualifications in a way that speaks directly to the employer's interests. Do You Have a Hotsy-Totsy Resume? I begin this article with a bit of slang description. What do I mean by a "hotsy totsy" resume? I mean one that does the following for you, the job seeker and a possible employer. ?How to Look Your Best in a Down Economy? As you know too well ~ many jobs have been lost during the turn down in our economy over the last several years. Important sectors as well as entire industries have felt the challenges of lost profits and reduced staff. Taking Charge During An Interview! Perhaps you've found yourself in the position of seeking a new position due to a layoff, cutback or downsizing and are now facing the interviewing process. As scary as that may seem, one of the most critical points to remember is that just because you're sitting in the seat opposite the potential employer doesn't mean you have no control. There are a number of ways for making the interview a more equal experience and the first starts with knowing you have the right to ask questions. How to Write a Scientific Resume You're a scientist, you're very well educated, you're intelligent, and so writing your own résumé should be easy, correct? I mean, how hard could it be? Especially if you have written your own thesis or dissertation in the past, you may feel that you can save the $300 bucks (or however much it costs, even if it is a tax deduction!) and simply do it yourself. The answer to this may surprise you? How Important Is It To Stand Apart From Others In An Interview And How Difficult Is It? Any professionally trained interviewer can attest these questions are the most asked by people involved with job-hunting. How important is it? Absolutely vital! ? How difficult is it? Not hard at all. Internships: Bonkers or Brilliant? I have something to say that's driving me batty. It's regarding graduates who fuss about not getting a job they like or not getting a job at all for that matter. Blah blah di blah? Fantastic Job Fair Follow-up Set the stage for fantastic job fair follow-up while you are still at the job fair. As the conversation is coming to a close, ask for the company representative's business card. If he or she doesn't have one, ask for their name, title, and best way to reach them. Write that information down in your notebook. Thank them for their time and re-affirm your interest in the company and position. ![]() |
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