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Layoff Survival Guide - Do You Have The Career Management Horsepower It Will Take To Survive?
In a recent survey of over 662 career seekers, some disturbing trends identified that MOST career seekers don't have a clue what career management skills they have or what those skills are! As a result, it will be difficult for these career seekers to succeed. In fact, only 71% of the respondents recognized they had any career management skills at all! That's why they are particularly vulnerable to future layoffs Before skipping to the answers, try your hand at identifying YOUR career management skills. List your Top 3: 1)______________ 2)______________ 3)______________ Now, let's compare your answers - and your survivability - to these respondents. Simply by reading this, you are gaining horsepower versus your competition! You'll begin honing some competitive edges ? and hopefully, it may be enough to survive through (and possibly avoid) future layoffs. What are the real career management skills necessary for success and how does your competition stack up? Let's check out the facts: Top 5 Career Management Skills 1) NETWORKING (internal): ? Always building contacts and relationships within your chosen profession and in your industry these may turn out to be your very best source for new possibilities especially to stay in the industry where you are. SPOTTING OPPORTUNITIES ahead of your competition through these contacts is a critical career management skill. Only 10% of respondents had networking as a career management skill. Leaving 90% missing the boat and on the block for future chops. 2) NETWORKING (external): ? Always build relationships outside your profession. These may serve as the entree to new possibilities. Just think, these individuals may PROVIDE CLUES to upcoming opportunities. No one differentiated the distinct differences between internal and external networking?but it is critical in survival strategies. 3) HAVING A CAREER PLAN: How can you arrive at a destination without having the course charted? A careening career is a "career by coincidence". Not the way to survive in the current economic and business realities. Only 1% of the respondents recognized identified having a roadmap or blueprint for their own career as important. Many thought business planning was a critical skill but not necessarily for charting their career. 4) KNOW THYSELF: If you are to market yourself, then you must be able to objectively view the assets and liabilities you have. It must not be blinded by rosy glasses or dark ones, but you must sustain inspection with a powerful microscope. In fact, because we humans possess so many personal filters, this process is nearly impossible without the aid of some professionals who can view you objectively. These professionals will invariably see things in you that you can't see in yourself ? both plusses and warts. Again, only 1% of the respondents got this one. If you don't know the details of the product you are marketing, how can you effectively market it internally (or externally if you don't follow the steps above)? An objective third party that is trained and sensitized will make sure you don't miss any "key features" in the unique product you are marketing named "YOU". 5) KNOW YOUR COMPETITION: If you are to market yourself ? you must realize that you are not competing in a vacuum! Your skills and capabilities will be stacked up against many others in the company and it's not always the most qualified who stays or who gets promoted. It's always the one who markets themselves the best! No respondents got this one but it is critical to success. How did you do? Did you get those career management skills correct ? or did you struggle? Are you vulnerable or are you on track? Awareness of these skills will help you chart a course through potential layoffs and keep you way ahead of your competition. The final score: YOU ? WIN! Everyone else ? second place and off the field. Bruce Benskin is a regioinal manager for R.L. Stevens & Associates Inc. For over 24 years R.L. Stevens & Associates (http://interviewing.com/) has been the Nation's most successful privately-held firm, specializing in executive career searches generating quality interviews through both advertised and unadvertised channels.
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Federal Job Search Strategies: 7 Tips to Help You Succeed Despite constant calls by politicians and policy makers to reign in government spending, the federal government remains the largest employer in the United States. According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, there are currently more than 2,700,000 employees working for the federal government in civil service positions. For nearly every federal job vacancy, the number of applicants exceeds the number of available positions by at least tenfold. Continuing Professional Development Continuing professional development (CPD) is promoted by the CIPD to support the systematic development and accreditation of its members. The aim is that the continuing search to improve knowledge and skills through exposure to new experiences benefits both the individual and the business. The CIPD actively encourages CPD along with other bodies for professionals such as lawyers, accountants and surveyors. What Everybody Ought To Know About How To Change Their Career or Profession and Still Survive... Dr. Denis Waitley, trainer of leaders, including Super Bowl and Olympic athletes, Apollo astronauts, and Fortune 500 executives, is the most listened to voice on personal and career achievement and the author of the all-time best-seller, The Psychology of Winning claims that the 21st century is unlike anything we could have imaged. What is Experience Anyway? I learned in first grade that one plus one equals two. But, that's not the right equation when counting work experience. We often think we're building experience to help us get ahead. In reality, we're passing time. Ten years working like a cloned Bill Murray in Groundhog Day is not ten years worth of experience. Doing the same thing again and again yields an experience formula more like: ten times one equals one. � I used to equate years of work with years of experience. No more. I learned by making plenty of hiring and promotion mistakes in twenty years of management the two are not equal. Neither are years of work and performance. Doing something for five, ten or twenty years doesn't make you automatically five, ten or twenty years better than when you started. I've been cooking for thirty years but I remain a mediocre cook. � Two or three years involved with a business start-up or a new project might provide more growth and knowledge than ten years in a stable venue. And it might not. Gaining experience is more about you and your approach than anything else. � Recurring work events can be predictable, boring, and unchallenging ways of passing years at work if what you're doing is updating last year's memo, tweaking last year's budget, or fine-tuning last years goals without applying innovation, analysis or critical thinking. Retiring on the job is as prolific as spam and will get you as blocked as those unwanted emails. � I've found the difference between people who are winning at working and people who aren't, is the difference between passing another year at work and gaining another year of work experience. Those who build their experience build their futures. And, you can build experience without changing jobs. � Building experience is about the depth, diversity, challenges and learning you gain by offering the best of who you are at work. It's about seizing and creating opportunities. And it's about continual self-improvement and constant self-feedback. � You know you're gaining experience when you problem solve your own mistakes; learn to use knowledge building blocks to handle more complex issues; make contributions more valuable than the year before; acquire new skills by venturing outside a comfort zone; embrace new ideas or technologies; or recognize you don't know as much as you thought you did as you begin to see a bigger picture. � People who try new things, push the envelope, pitch ideas, offer innovative problem solving, take accountability, and never stop learning and making a difference, are people gaining experience and building their work future. � (c) 2004 Nan S. Russell.� All rights reserved. � 10 Tips to Help You Ace the Interview and Get the Job The interview is the "beauty contest" part of the job search process. Interviewers get to compare candidates by asking them similar questions and comparing the answers. Being just the right person for the job won't help you if you blow the interview. 8 Steps to Getting On-Track When You Start a New Job Starting a new job can feel like moving to a new country. Your language skills may be modest. You have little knowledge of the laws, let alone the customs and traditions of the society you are entering. All you have is a passport and the goodwill of management as you enter unfamiliar borders. You Can Identify a Problem Solver As an executive recruiter, I interview a lot of people. And while most candidates find a way to look good on paper, their resumes don't always reveal how good of a problem solver they are. Yet all of my clients want to hire problem solvers - people who can walk into their operation and make their problems go away. This is understandable. Business, of course, is all about problems. In fact, whether your business is in growth mode or decline, you will always have problems. And it's management's job to either come up with the answers, or hire people who will. This article is about the latter. How We Learned about Solving Problems How to Reach Your Next Job Faster with Fewer Potholes, Roadblocks Complacency damages your career more than lack of qualifications. The most obvious roadblock you'll encounter on the race to find your next job is usually regrets about skills, education, and professional knowledge. However, be careful that you don't possess an inner smugness that rests on past successes. Complacency will trick you to believe that employers will find you without any effort on your part to find them. You'll be anesthetized to job search urgency by this false sense of security. Overconfidence costs you money and opportunities if you decide to sit back with a Jack Daniel's and idle your time away until the phone rings. It won't. How to Pick the Best Career for You: Part 3 Marketing-with-Intent precisely drives you to your target and with greater speed because you are using the right mode of transportation, an accurate compass and a clear vision of where you're headed. You'll differentiate yourself from your competition by using the right vehicle to uncover the best career for you. Finding a job is easy. Locating a meaningful career is much harder but well worth the sweat. Energizing Synergy Would you like to have more energy and synergy in your job and career? If you are not enjoying work the way you used to and if you would like to contribute in a manner that produces more results with less effort, then Energizing Synergy is what you need to cultivate. Crafting A Stellar Career Summary For Your Resume Are you a career changer?� Or, are you satisfied with your stable career but interested in updating your resume?� Are you a�professional who has tried different things but are still searching for the kind of work that best suits you?� Whatever your�career situation, what your resume most needs is a stellar career summary. Resumes, Networking, Headhunters ? Useless Without Marketing Sweet Spot A career transition is no longer about getting your hands on a list of contacts, networking with headhunters, or going online to look for work. It's better than that. Internships: Bonkers or Brilliant? I have something to say that's driving me batty. It's regarding graduates who fuss about not getting a job they like or not getting a job at all for that matter. Blah blah di blah? A Cover Letter Tip Guaranteed To Land You More Job Interviews! Looking for a new job? Turning the Table: Questions for Your Interviewer (DES MOINES, Iowa ? January 26, 2005) The fateful final question of all interviewers may carry more weight than you would think. Upon hearing "Now, do you have any questions," you are given a chance to show the quality of your character and interest in the company. No matter how well the interview went, passively responding to this question with a shake of the head and a polite smile will only communicate to the employer that you are not interested in inquiring about the job, the company, and your place within their organization. Your approach to this Question & Answer time will directly impact the interviewer's assessment of you and the interview. I Just Lost My Job: How Am I Going To Tell My Kids? One of the responsibilities of a human resources professional is to let employees know that their job has been eliminated. It is seldom easy to do and often painful for the person who is hearing the news. Why It Is Impossible To Raise Your Standard Of Living Working A Job Everything in nature has been endowed with what it needs to survive. There is no living thing that isn't inherently equipped with the skills and abilities it needs to secure its continued existence. Whether through instinct, size, camouflage or speed, no gazelle, lion or giraffe has to go to trade school to learn how to survive. That's the beauty of the divine plan. We, as humans, are part of this plan and each one of us is given something that sets us apart from everyone else; something that we can use to ensure our own survival. Rewriting Your Resume? 7 Easy Ways To Give Yourself An Upgrade In today's competitive job market, a first class resume is an essential tool for winning an interview. The way in which you present your skills, achievements and experience on paper will profoundly affect the way in which a hiring company considers your application. Resume Posting: Tips for Jobseekers Recruiting firms, like most businesses today, must embrace technology in order to prosper. Part of modern recruiting is understanding the value and benefit of internet job boards. They give recruiters and HR professionals the ability to both publicize potential job opportunities and search through large databases of prospective candidates. In order to best serve our clients and maximize our time each day, we employ very bright people called "RA's", short for Research Assistants. RA's spend a considerable amount of time each day scouring the databases of high profile job boards for potential candidate sources. Most of the time their efforts pay off in the end by either leading us to a suitable candidate through direct contact or referrals to suitable candidates. For those considering posting their resume online, here are a few tips directly from the RA's: Conducting an Effective Interview An employment interview is a goal oriented conversation in which the interviewer and the applicant exchange information. Even though interviews are a poor selection tool for most jobs, they are often the primary method used in evaluating applicants. The main players in the job interview are the interviewer and the applicant. ![]() |
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