What Everybody Ought To Know About How To Change Their Career or Profession and Still Survive...

Dr. Denis Waitley, trainer of leaders, including Super Bowl and Olympic athletes, Apollo astronauts, and Fortune 500 executives, is the most listened to voice on personal and career achievement and the author of the all-time best-seller, The Psychology of Winning claims that the 21st century is unlike anything we could have imaged.

According to Dr. Waitley, the employee today needs to learn how to:

* make his career fireproof;

* go from employee to owner;

* change his frustration to motivation;

* make "work" work for him rather than against him;

* create a new source of income and financial security;

* create win-win situations for himself, his family, and his friends;

* take charge of his health and his life (and, it goes without saying, the health and life of his family).

The kind of professional career and business we need to be looking for is one that offers the following:

* a clear and elevating mission to help improve the quality of life;

* the finest quality products and services in the industry it serves;

* an environment that fosters empowerment;

* the opportunity to succeed on one's own merits and efforts; and

* a growth opportunity that is soundly capitalized, with staying power, resources, and integrity weighed before profit as the ultimate bottomline.

Therefore, to survive and thrive in the 21st century, Dr. Waitley we jump on the "entrepreneur reality" .

There are many opportunities available, and I'm sure your email is bombarded daily with such unsolicited "opportunities"; however, I encourage you to look carefully for one that offers you the opportunity for your state of mind, your state of health, and your state of lifestyle to accelerate in fast-forward to a level enjoyed only by those who become the CEOs of their own lives. They are the ones who go from employees to owners and from victim of change to victors of change. They are the ones who are truly maximizing their potential.

I further suggest that you look closer at opportunities that offer you the opportunity to:

* Protect The Future Of Your Family

* Be Recognized As An Authority

* Get Rid Of Aches And Pains

* Have Security In Old Age

* Express Your Personality

* Live a Healthy Lifestyle

* Gain Freedom From Worry

* Be First At Something

* Replace The Obsolete

* Be Among The Leaders

* Avoid Physical Pain

* Enjoy Exotic Tastes

* Overcome Obstacles

* Be Your Own Boss

* Make Work Easier

* Win Advancement

* Be A Good Parent

Remember: When you maximize your career potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.

© Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

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Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer, conducts seminars, lectures, and writes articles on his theme: "... helping you maximize your potential." Get a free health assessment at http://eagibbs.usana.com or other resources at http://www.maximizingyourpotential.blogspot.com. Email: eagibbs@ureach.com.

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