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Beware of Psychic Vampires
I am often asked how I stay happy and motivated all the time. The answer has two parts to it; positivity and self-talk. Many years ago I had a colleague who was forever complaining about everything and everyone in her life. Each day when she arrived at the office, it would start, "you wouldn't believe this... can you imagine he did that...this will never work, I'm so tired..." and so on. This would go on all day and it would drive everyone in the office nuts! She was what I like to refer to as a "Psychic Vampire", someone who tries to steal away your great thoughts and energy. Her negative energy would wear you down if you allowed it to penetrate you. The negative ideas that she came up with on a constant basis really affected some of the employees. She was so negative the lights would come on when she left a room! Do you know anyone like that in your life? Do you know someone who constantly tries to suck the life force out of you or those around you? SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVITY I have made it my absolute law that I do not allow any negative people anywhere near me. My energy is way too precious, and so I protect it. I only surround myself with people who are positively charged both mentally and physically. The exchange between us is vibrant and energizing, not depleting. We are all just made up of energy, and we release and take on energy with every breath and thought. We must be very careful with whom we associate with and with whom we allow into our energy zone. So word of caution: - - - - Do not allow anyone the chance to steal your life force! POSITIVE SELF TALK The other very important distinction is being aware of my own "self talk". The chatter in my own mind is even more important than what others say. Keep your thoughts positive. If you find yourself caught up in negative self-talk stop at once and change your internal chatter. You must be aware of the times you aren't saying or thinking nice thoughts about yourself. You are listening and conditioning your hidden self-image whether or not you are aware of it. If I ever catch myself talking negatively to myself I immediately change " mental tracks" and say something positive to myself. If something comes up over and over again, I know there's a deeper challenge I must address. I then go to work on reconditioning my mind with affirmations that are opposite to the negative mental chatter. For the next seven days become very aware of the people around you, and do not allow any negative energy around you. Also, be in tune with the mental chatter that goes on in your own head. Stop any negative dialogue that you catch yourself having, and replace it immediately with something positive! As always, remember to... Create Great Results! -- You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to: John@TheStreetKid.com About The Author John Assaraf, aka The Street Kid
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Lessons from Donald Trump and The Apprentice: A Career Coachs Perspective What can we learn about careers from watching Donald Trump and The Apprentice? Executive Coaching and the American President Perhaps no one better than a former U.S. president has the right to advise executives: "The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it." -Theodore Roosevelt The Long Way I wrote you about four years ago, when my eight year marriage was ending in divorce. At that time you gave me some great advice about beginning again. After reading the recent letter from Linda and how she "settled" for the wrong man, I felt I had to write an update letter. Tips for Writing Great Coaching E-Books Never understimate the power of a well-written word. Tens of thousands of readers of coaching ebooks have had their lives changed for the better by a well written ebook. 7 Effective Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem 1. Get a life purpose statement. How Stella (Laurie) Got Her Groove Back! Being a Life Strategy Coach doesn't mean I'm always on top of my game, completely balanced and without my own challenges. Building a website, writing an e-book, getting a newsletter off the ground and securing clients required a great deal of work and commitment. 7 Destructive Habits of Incompetent People WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage yourself in these 7 deadly habits that incompetent people do. How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences Watching the news can be hazardous to your health. A Coaching Secret I've told people for a long time that one of the "secrets" of coaching is forgiveness. Forgiveness takes your finger out of the dyke of the past so you can let the future flow. Buddha said, "forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past." It is an act of total volition, requiring only a softening of the heart. But how do you forgive the unforgivable? The Power of Visualization Professional athletes and other highly successful people use the power of visualization technique on a regular basis. Why? Results of a 20-year study of the effects of visualization on results revealed an amazing discovery. Humans see pictures on the screen of the mind when thoughts are being processed; i.e. when they think of things. If What You Are Doing Is Not Working Change Your Approach And ironically the more we worry about it, the more tense we get and the more likely we are to say something stupid. Do You Dither in Your Job Search? I looked up the definition of "to dither" before writing this article. It is to be agitated and in a nervous state. Do You Mind If Someone Screams At You? A headhunter was on the other end of the phone. He was looking for an assistant to a CEO/Owner for a small, but very successful business. Essentially, he wanted someone at his disposal night and day. That didn't seem like a huge deal. And then the next question came..."Do you mind if someone screams at you?" As soon as I could get past the sirens going off in my head, and visions of Dilbert comic strips, I replied, "Yes, that's not acceptable". The headhunter continued, "Well, he probably wouldn't call you names, but he's a pretty hard driving guy and he raises his voice a lot". Home For The Holidays In my husband's family, family members send Christmas cards to other family members (parents to children, brothers and sisters to one another, etc.) even though the family always spends time together at Christmas for a meal and gift exchange. The Value of Coaching to Support Your Business and Your Life In our daily lives as well as in our businesses, we typically operate from the perspective of doing the best we know how to do in dealing with life's challenges and opportunities. If we knew what it would take to be more effective in our relationships, more productive in our activities or more successful in reaching our goals, we would surely alter our behavior to correspond with these insights. The only access we ordinarily have to impact our lives comes from the areas of "what we know" and "what we don't know." In our efforts to achieve more, we usually resort to increasing what we do know by learning to do things a little better, a little different or we simply do more of a behavior that produced a certain result for us in the past. This behavior can predictably result in small, incremental increases in our ability to impact our business and our world. Likewise, by educating ourselves in the arena of "what we don't know," this knowledge then becomes part of what we now do know. As an example, if you are computer illiterate and you apply yourself to learn how to adeptly operate a computer, you will have successfully taken something that you do not know and converted it into what you now know. More than 95% of our efforts are spent in these two arenas ? what we know and what we don't know. How to Effectively Balance Your Work and Family Life What Is Your Definition of Success? Do You Want to Make More Money as A Life Coach There's a lot of coaches out there not making any money, looking for opportunities, trying to model what others are doing, networking like crazy, researching, visualizing, affirming and hoping? yes, hoping that the clients show up before the bailiffs. Fear Is Nothing To Be Afraid Of! What do you do when fear shows up? Do you hide under the covers of life, shivering as you anxiously wait for the moment to pass or do you stand up with a confident smile and embrace it? Parts that Make the Whole? or Not There are many parts that make up you. Is Your Life In Motion? Ever since the Internet bubble and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I've seen many people; including friends and family lose their jobs and/or personal fortunes overnight. The struggling economy has been merciless on the job market. It has affected every industry at every level, from line operators in manufacturing plants to upper management of Fortune 500's. I was confident back then, that if I were thrown into such a situation I would be prepared. Late in 2001, I experienced my own version of downsizing, when I sold my delivery and logistics business. What I actually did, was sell myself out of a job. After the sale was completed, I was suddenly questioning what to do with my life. The sale provided tremendous advantages, allowing me the financial flexibility and time to actually put some real thought behind this decision. I was convinced that within 3-6 months of the sale, I would be happily and successfully on my professional way. I've always thought of myself as an active participant in my own life, never sitting on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to seek me out. I have to admit, it was one of the most difficult times, requiring enormous soul searching and reflection. And just think, I asked for this and knew it was coming. During my first year of "planned unemployed", I tried day trading, business consulting, writing a screenplay, producing a film, graduate school and a variety of new hobbies. All of these career options were well thought out. I was just waiting to see which one would stick. Well, guess what? None of them provided enough enthusiasm to further pursue. This is when the panic really set in. I was back at the drawing board, thinking of new business ideas and developing extensive lists of pros and cons for each. Over the next few months, I drove my wife, family, friends and myself crazy with dozens of career/business ideas. ![]() |
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