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How Stella (Laurie) Got Her Groove Back!
Being a Life Strategy Coach doesn't mean I'm always on top of my game, completely balanced and without my own challenges. Building a website, writing an e-book, getting a newsletter off the ground and securing clients required a great deal of work and commitment. The past year has been filled with teleclasses, business design, creating, learning, coaching, relationship building and information gathering. Every moment has been exciting and wonderful and has contributed to providing me with more wisdom, understanding, happiness, and a conscious knowing about what I am here to do and how to best accomplish that task. Although the journey has been very rewarding, it has also been a little tiring. When coaching clients in creating their ideal lives, I emphasize the importance of self-care. Life balance is fundamental to achieving success and enjoying the fruits of our labors. I stress to my clients the importance of meditation, exercise, nutrition, and the necessity of having fun. What good is the reward if the journey has not been enjoyable? It is so easy to give advice to others, but not always to ourselves. Although I meditate regularly, eat well and exercise, I forgot how to have fun over the last several months. Fortunately, the first three practices carried me well up until now, but I was not feeling complete. In a 1998 movie, Stella got her groove back by taking an adventurous vacation in Jamaica where she experienced a steamy romance which forced her to take an inventory of her life to find a balance between pleasure and responsibility. Last night, I got my groove back. For the first time in almost a year, my husband and I invited friends over to share a tasty dinner and lively entertainment. We had so much fun, our company stayed for ten hours! During our visit, we played guitar, sang off key, acted like crazy teenagers and laughed so hard we had tears streaming down our faces and could barely breathe! We acted like we were young kids again and it was absolutely freeing to behave without restraint. I cannot remember when I have laughed so hard in a very long time. It was like having a non-stop comic strip running live in our living room! This experience was exactly what I needed to put everything back in order. This morning I woke up with more energy than I've had in a long time. I played piano (which I haven't played in almost a year!), have been bouncing around the house all morning, singing and tidying up, and am overflowing with creative ideas. I feel like I just rolled the clock back ten years! It is SO important to keep fun in our lives and yesterday provided the medicine I needed. If you are feeling a little less energetic than usual or a little too significant about life and responsibility, do something that makes you feel like a kid again. Hop on your bike and go for a spin, slap on your roller blades and go for a skate, draw your favorite cartoon characters, call an old friend and do something out of the ordinary ? whatever it is that allows you to roll back time, do it today! We never lose our groove, we just tuck it away sometimes and forget we still have one! Do whatever it takes today to make you feel like a kid again. You will be glad you did! Laurie Hayes is one of Canada's leading Life Strategy Coaches and owner of Where the Heart is Life Coaching. Laurie works with people who are committed to creating their ideal lifestyle and living life on purpose. She can be reached at http://www.wheretheheartis-lifecoaching.com
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If What You Are Doing Is Not Working Change Your Approach Lovers Remorse Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 29, 2002 Top Ten Things to Build a Bridge and Get Over God must love Top Ten lists because she made so many of them. They crowd my Inbox daily. They're right up there in popularity with offers to refinance my house and stock up on Viagra. Top Nine Lists are few and far between and Top Eleven lists unheard of. But for seem reason there seem to be ten nifty answers to pretty much any problem or life situation you can come up with. ![]() |
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