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The Harvest: Shared Power
The fall harvest comes upon us once a year. The farmers collect the sometimes-scant rewards of their heroic efforts begun months before. For those of us who are hobby or family gardeners, fall is the time for us to pluck the firm orange pumpkins, the deep green flowers of broccoli, and the plump red tomatoes from their vines. As we reap our rewards of months of work and waiting from the backdrop of the black, black earth, we realize our personal power. If not for our labors, if not for our devoted attention and timely reaction to environmental hazards, these fruits would not be borne. The seeds we sowed in the early spring have given us sustenance and security for the coming frigidness. Much like our work in the garden, we have no power singly, as power does not exist in isolation. Only when we work with others and interact to produce something of value, with constant alertness to outside variables and others' responses, do we have power. Our personal power enhances our own and others' capacities. When the seedlings thickened, we thinned them so they would not choke each other out. When the vines fell from the weight, we supported them. When the drought threatened their very life, we watered them. When the bugs invaded, we protected them. When the frost came nipping at their foliage, we shielded them. Through our power we gave birth to something fresh and wondrous that would not have existed without us. This was not fulfilled through power over the seed, but through power with the seed, leaving ourselves open, vulnerable, and ready to act with the environment. Power has historically been viewed as a situation in which one must lose in order for another to win. That is not power, that is force. True power is connected with others. True power is accepting the responsibility to act when needed. True power is moving toward a vision of the future to effect change. When we supervise others, we must remember, understand and accept the potential and limitations of our power. If we give in to the temptation to dictate someone's life, to tell someone what to do, we strip others of their power. This is a form of force, not power. Only when we assist others in recognizing and using their own power are we truly powerful. To allow someone to become empowered is a gift that we can give. The opposite of empowerment is dependency. Nothing and no one is totally dependent or helpless. Just as our gardens were dependent upon us for some things, they were not dependent upon us for everything. The ability for life was inherent in the seed, the sun, the soil and the rain. Without all these other forces we could not have willed or controlled the gardens to grow. So it is with others whom we assist. Our role then, as managers becomes one of teaching others how to sow their own gardens and, with that, reap their own personal power. And for ourselves, when feeling helpless, fearful, and powerless to change, let us remember our gardens: those glorious green beans, or crisp cucumbers, that through our power were created. About The Author Linda LaPointe, MRA, is the author of the book, The New Supervisor, in which she describes how to develop self-managed staff to increase loyalty and decrease stress in the workplace. Email her at lapointell@yahoo.com
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Empowering Vision Playing Our Part: A Coaching Secret I've told people for a long time that one of the "secrets" of coaching is forgiveness. Forgiveness takes your finger out of the dyke of the past so you can let the future flow. Buddha said, "forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past." It is an act of total volition, requiring only a softening of the heart. But how do you forgive the unforgivable? Building a Strong Coaching Practice As a person who has been around the coaching profession for a number of years, I wish I could say that my practice is full right now. But the fact is that I've been pursuing TV gigs in the last few years and haven't put much emphasis on building my individual coaching practice. I've also been blessed to receive several corporate coaching and training jobs so the individual coaching has taken a back seat. Essence of Awakeness Be conscious, aware, and alert. Pay attention. Remember when you were in elementary school and the teacher used to say pay attention now, this is important? Well, this is important. Wake up! What does it take to wake up an adult? Many people go through life on automatic, doing life as it comes along. What kind of things occurs that is considered a wake up call? The death of a loved one, a miracle, a near death experience, the birth of a child, a divorce, a marriage, a spiritual experience, a great accomplishment, a serious illness, an award, losing a job, winning the lottery, which of these would wake you up? Are YOU a Dreamer? This morning I watched a news article about a young woman who had just set a world record for sailing across the English Channel. What was special about this Channel crossing? The sailor, Hilary Lister, is a quadriplegic who steered the boat by blowing through two straws. She completed her crossing in 6 hours. Smelling the Roses: Better Living Through Savoring "Stop and smell the roses," people often say. Then they smile ruefully, because everybody knows there isn't enough TIME to stop or, as my daughter says, to "chill." Why Bosses Dont Get All the News Not long ago, a friend who works in television complained that the industry has no interest in real business stories. And, I had to agree with him, since we don't see much coverage that doesn't involve stock prices or some sort of scandal. After July 8, Pay This Amount You undoubtedly go through this, too. A few times a month you gather up the bills coming due and write checks or pay them online. What is Coaching? Recently, I have received several emails asking me about coaching and what it is exactly. So, I decided to answer some of those questions in this article. Every Obstacle Always Presents an Opportunity In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Top Ten Tips for Living Authentically 1. Know your purpose Reduce Anxiety About Decison Making What's the alternative to making decisions? A Live It Real change happens only when it becomes part of our everyday life. When a change becomes a habit, it isn't something new we are trying, but becomes part of what we do as our routine. I was reading a Wynona Judd interview and they asked her about her diet. She replied that she wasn't on a diet; she was on "A Live It." I thought this was great because the risk of a diet or any change is that we won't stick to it. We won't live it. We will simply do it until we get the results we want, or get discouraged, and revert to our old habits. A live it is not something that we are going to do for a short while, but something we will do for a lifetime. How Could Choosing to Not Do It All Enhance Your Impact? How often have you heard yourself say, "I've got so many balls in the air I don't know how I can possibly keep track of them all". Be Better at Business ? And Lose Weight, Too! In business, individuals often secure the services of a success coach like myself to "fix" certain areas of their professional life. The desired fixes typically range from a desire for a promotion and/or a salary increase, to on-the-job performance enhancements, to improving one's personal productivity, to boosting one's level of enthusiasm about their job. Make Your Life Easier? 'Have you read the Art of War?' someone asked me once. Fighting someone to get your way is definitely a valid strategy. But you don't need me to tell you about that one - we've all been arguing and manipulating to get our own way since we were born! And you may have noticed - often when you push, the other person pushes back! Wars have been fought, relationships lost, and many ulcers create with this kind of energy. Purpose Many people go through much of their lives without really thinking about their purpose. I don't mean a lofty, philosophic, and often unrealistic purpose that has us striving to save the world or solve the challenge of poverty throughout the world (although these are both admirable for those whose true purpose is to do so). What I am talking about is the individual and unique purpose that drives and grounds us. The one thing that gives meaning to our lives and motivates us to achieve our potential. The Pitfalls of Procrastination We all put off making decisions and taking action sometimes (yes, me too). It's okay to do that occasionally but if you are a regular pontificator then it will constantly cause you pain, even if you aren't aware of it. By putting things off on a regular basis you hold yourself back and instead of progressing in your life, you'll regress. What To Do? Lifes Big Question We've all experienced the same thing at important crossroads in our life when big changes were underway. Often, we find ourselves feeling panic and frozen in time, possibly with indecision, waiting and wondering: Which way to go?; How will things turn out? Sometimes, you just don't know what to do. Diverse Marketing Strategies for Those Living with Disabilities Imagine yourself as the only means of financially supporting you. A little scary isn't it? In today's economy, it is difficult living on a single income. This is especially true for individuals living in Howard County, although what a great place to call home. People will gladly exchange dollars, for the exceptional quality of life, provided by a county, tucked away in the middle of the beautiful State of Maryland. ![]() |
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