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Could You and Your Business Benefit from a Business Coach or a Consultant?
The surprising answer is "probably". Most individuals don't realize that a certified business coach or business consultant can add enormously to their home based or more traditional type business. Many individuals think a business coach or consultant will come into their business and tell them things that they don't want to hear. Nothing can be further from the truth. A business coach or consultant will try to use the resources/personnel already present in a business, and will implement strategies that will enhance the interaction and productivity of all concerned. A business coach or consultant will "steer" the business into a clearer focus, better productivity, better management, and more powerful interactions. Business coaches and consultants can assist any and all types of businesses. Business owners who want faster results for their businesses, are committed to excellence in business, who want to develop their reputations, or who are experiencing problems within their current businesses are all prime candidates for business coaching and consultation. Here is a small checklist of benefits that may occur with the use of a business coach or consultant: 1. Increase in Clarity: Your business will draw clearer distinctions regarding present conditions and situations and have a clearer picture of the future. 2. Increase in Focused Direction: The possibilities become clearer and the paths to each goal become more distinct. 3. Increase in Time: More time is expended productively, while eliminating the time wasting activities. 4. Increase in Follow Through: Completeness and timeliness of projects increases. 5. Increase in Commitment: A more thorough investment of all personnel in processes and goals. 6. Increase in Effective Communications: A more effective manner of communications is employed, for both clients and employees and the business owner. 7. Increase in Cooperation: Once all members of a business feel as if they are "understood" and valued, cooperation increases significantly. 8. Increase in Awareness of Existing Situations: Many situations may be exacerbated by expansion or additions, but can exist without awareness by the business owner for quite some time. 9. Increase in Stress Free Environments: Both the business owner and employees may indeed be much happier and stress free after a coaching or consultation session. Issues are cleared up and therefore the burdens are left behind, easing the stress. 10. Increase in Retention: The retention of both employees and clients may significantly increase. Many business owners don't recognize the need for a business coach or consultant until they run into problems, either with the expansion of a business, or with the addition of employees. Any expansion or addition of employees adds to the business chores, and shifts the focus and duties of employees. This is when problems more than likely become apparent, although these problems already probably existed to some degree before the expansion or addition. An actual example follows: Katherine R. had significant success with her marketing business right from the start. The business was popular with clients, and employees were added routinely over the years. In the beginning, the base clientele was small business owners, however, as time went on, mid-sized to larger businesses were added, and more employees were added. The new clientele, however, were "different" from the older clientele, and the "older" employees had more difficulty dealing with the new clientele. The new clientele were less friendly overall (they were much busier), and the older employees were not used to this new style of behavior and interaction. A business coach/consultant was called in, and using his suggestions, i.e. role playing with the older employees, incentives and scripts, and other basic "reworking" of employee duties and interaction, the problems were solved. Care does need to be given in the choice of a business coach/consultant, and the business owner should check into references, credentials, and the personality of the coach themselves. In order for success to occur, a business owner and all employees must feel trust when dealing with the coach/consultant, and therefore the choice of individual must be both careful and personal. Overall, a good business coach or consultant can improve a business significantly, and clear up any problems either before or after they occur. If a business has the money for this type of service, it can be very beneficial for the "health" of the business. Vishal P. Rao is the owner of: http://www.work-at-home-forum.com/ An online community of people who work at home.
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It is up to me to change how I think and feel about these people. The same applies for you. What is Life Coaching? An recent article in Money Magazine said that "A coach may be the guardian angel you need to rev up your career." In fact, if you pick up any major newspaper or magazine, you are bound to come across a glowing article on coaching. It is one of the fastest growing careers, with an estimated 20,000 coaches in the United States. Because coaching is a relatively new profession, there are many people calling themselves "coaches"---unfortunately not all of whom are fully qualified. You should know that there is no required professional certification process, although it is coming in the near future. Lovers Remorse Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 29, 2002 Where to Begin? January is the king of months for those looking to make new beginnings. 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In almost every case, it takes her about two months to do something that could have been done in a week. Then, two months later when she's finally finished with her part, she cheerily announces that she's ready for me to start the next phase and wonders how quickly I can do it. Every time this happens I have to completely reacquaint myself with her project. All in all, I've spent almost twice as many hours as I budgeted. How can I get her to wrap up this project so I can move on?," she finished. An Easy Way to End The Year As a healthy business owner or independent professional, how do you end your year? Well, I tell my clients to stop working. That's right, stop working. The kind of work I'm talking about is the work of getting new business. There is no new business in the dark days of winter, just the clean up of old business. If you have clients that must spend in order to deduct prior to years' end, go to it. This is for those who have the time to take the time. 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They can help you with a proper diet, implementing exercise into your lifestyle, etc. Also, I do not know of a single professional athlete who does not have a coach or mentor?get the hint? Things Are Good Because I Say They Are The subject of positive self talk regarding our goals and dreams reminds me of the childhood story, The Velveteen Rabbit. The boy loves the toy so much that a magic fairy comes and turns the toy bunny into a real rabbit. She tells the bunny it has been loved so much that it has earned the right to be real. ![]() |
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