The Tolerance Effect

While working with a client several months ago, we went through a process of identifying areas of personal strengths and weaknesses. Through this exercise, we discussed various characteristics and ended up deciding that there was opportunity for improvement in her level of "tolerance". A funny thing happened after that. When she found herself in a situation that had previously triggered a negative reaction be it disappointment, irritation, frustration, anger or even animosity (usually focused on the person in the car ahead of her who didn't use their turn signal), the word "tolerance" would flash in her head and she could immediately change the way she reacted to the situation.

This change was so powerful that I shared this story with a few other clients and they got the same results. Several weeks later, I found myself experiencing the same phenomenon.

Here's what happened. Once the word "tolerance" was presented, it created an awareness to the conscious mind that could over-ride what already existed in the subconscious. As a result, each person was able to break the pattern of "programmed behavior".

Another interesting factor that came from this experience was the far-reaching effects from this particular word. "Tolerance" isn't a word that is often used to describe personal or professional traits but it has numerous positive connotations. Just a few examples would include: caring, kindness, support, non-judgmental attitudes, perception, consideration, open-mindedness, understanding, patience and flexibility. Taking this a step further, tolerance is an attribute that is usually applied when dealing with unpleasant or compromising situations or in our interactions with other people. Have you ever noticed how most of us are our own worst critic? Just imagine the impressive changes that could be achieved when we become more tolerant of ourselves!

What could you achieve if you were more flexible and open to trying new things? How much personal and professional growth could you realize if you were more patient with your progress? What alliances would you form if you could both give and get professional support? How would you feel if you were as kind to yourself as you are to others? Don't be surprised when the word tolerance springs to your mind when you least expect it and see how it helps you become more focused on your success!

Jeannette Kraar, president of Performance Management International is the Breakthrough Career Coach and a highly-acclaimed trainer, speaker and consultant. Hundreds of PMI clients have succeeded even in the most turbulent times. Jeannette is the author of BREAKTHROUGH, The Hate My Job, Need A Life, Can't Get No Satisfaction SOLUTION.

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