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The American Dream ? Are We Really Free?
The promises of THE AMERICAN DREAM (to have it all and enjoy it all, based on materialistic values system) has been holding us captive and threatening to take our power and freedom away- without our awareness, like a thief in the night. Consciously or unconsciously we make daily decisions to either be a master of our own ship or destiny, if you will, or be a slave to our own circumstances and to other people*s expectations and belief systems that don*t serve our highest good and purpose. After all it*s your life script - claim it and discover how your own personal power can truly transform your life to make it an adventure to be lived rather than a problem to be solved. Life becomes more of a struggle only when we are not true to our own calling and we give our power away. Superficial/external values are indeed the ultimate slave master that demand nothing less than our complete attention, and sacrifice of our power and freedom. In order to be truly happy and fulfilled, one must feel free. However, in a culture that worships external values and is driven by the promises of THE AMERICAN DREAM (to the point where we become slaves to our addictions), one can*t help but wonder if we are truly free in America, Land of the Free. Just when we thought that slavery ended with the Civil war, the rat race we are all caught up in, in order to *get there*, painfully reminds us that there are still many slaves among us who are disguised as successful people. But looks can be deceiving. Behind all the outward appearances of having it all and enjoying it all, they are held prisoners and victims of the promises of THE AMERICAN DREAM. And sadly enough, those who do achieve THE AMERICAN DREAM (after considerable sacrifice) eventually realize that when you get *there,* there is no *there* there. They eventually discover that there is definitely more to life than achieving material success. Isn*t it time to reclaim your own power and freedom and declare your own independence? It*s easy to do when you gain awareness and develop your own spirituality. Remember that awareness and the road to discovery and recovery run parallel. When you become aware of your true nature, that is beyond the man-made, narrow definition, you*ll be amazed to discover real freedom, real success and real joy that have been overlooked because of limited awareness, misconceptions and false belief systems perpetuated by THE AMERICAN DREAM, and reinforced by Hollywood and the media. If you wish to live with purpose and meaning and want to experience the difference between living consciously and unconsciously, live by the motto: *He with the most joys lives,* rather than *He with the most toys, lives.* Don't underestimate your power to change yourself and even the world - become somebody*s hero. All you have to do to break free is to resist the temptation to live your life according to the interpretation of what someone else expects you to be, do or have. Listen to your heart and live by your rules. Why shouldn*t you? After all, it*s YOUR life and YOUR dream. About The Author Copyright © 2004, Geela Author of *The American Dream* Geela is an award winning singer/songwriter/composer, columnist, and author of the best-selling book *THE AMERICAN DREAM,* her true- life story of how she came to America as a young immigrant with nothing and overcame incredible obstacles to achieve mega-success. She founded ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD to help children and promote a culture of peace and harmony. Get a free sample of her music and her book at http://www.Geela.com.
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A Perrverse Confidante Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 15, 2002 Is Coaching Everything That It Is Cracked Up To Be? Personal or business coaching has helped thousands change their lives and achieve their goals. Yet, for the sceptics it still is a fuzzy concept with little recognition for its benefits. Think of Celine Dion, who with a voice coach claimed world fame. Her coach unleashed what is known today as one of the most mesmerizing voices in the world. Developing Will Power and Self Discipline Most people admire and respect strong individuals, who have won great success by manifesting will power and self discipline. They admire people, who with sheer will power, self discipline and ambition, have improved their life, learned new skills, overcame difficulties and hardships, reduced their weight, rose high in their chosen field or advanced on the spiritual path. Friends? I met my friend when we were in graduate school, and we enjoyed hanging out together outside of classes. After receiving our degrees, we both left school to live in different states. That was 10 years ago. Guilt: Is it Getting in the Way of Your Self-Care? When Do We Usually Feel Guilty? When: The Secret of Self-Esteem Have you ever thought about what really creates self-esteem? Having a deep sense of inner worth is important to all of us, but many people have some false beliefs about what creates confidence in our own merit as individuals. What The Buddha Says About Coaches There is a Buddhist saying that goes like this: "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill it." This means to kill any concept of the Buddha as something apart from oneself. Invest Your Inner Wealth It started out like any other Wednesday - reports to type, telephones to answer, books to balance. When the clock finally struck 4:30 p.m., Lauren locked her desk and wearily made her way to the fast-food café where she waited on tables several evenings a week. As a single mother struggling to make ends meet, Lauren's days were an endless blur of typewriters, ringing telephones and demanding children. A Beginner To Beginners You may be just starting, or contemplating, your first online business. Or, just like me, you may be trying out yet another online business scheme. Its Story Time! - Find the Power Within, or The Truth About Dogs I heard a story recently, and wanted to share it with you. It goes something like this: How to Forgive Another for Past Hurts No one gets through life without being hurt by another person. We all have experienced the pain of a thoughtless remark, gossip, or lie. If you have experienced an unhappy marriage, the devastation of infidelity, or suffered physical or emotional abuse, you know what it feels like to be hurt. It is tempting to hold on to these feelings and build a wall of safety around yourself, but the best way to heal is to forgive the person who hurt you. Solution-Focused Therapy Most types of psychotherapy involve exploring feelings, being validated, finding explanations, exploring wishes and dreams, setting goals, and gaining clarity. Every therapist has unique ways of working with clients, based on his or her personality, training, and views of how people change. A solution-focused therapist is likely to do the following: Attitude What makes attitude so important? Why not just learn some "seduction techniques" to get the girl? The answer is simple: learning techniques (or having expensive clothing and cars) without improving your attitude is like wrapping a cheap gift in expensive wrapping paper. It still looks expensive on the outside, but when the girl "unwraps" you, she'll find out that you were faking it all along. This might work for a one-night stand, but if you want anything more, you'll need to change both on the "inside" and "outside". Successful Change Starts With A Shift In Perspective Like so many in corporate America today, Susan needed more balance in her life-but she did not know how to get it. Faced with a 60-hour work week and a lengthy daily commute, Susan was left with little time for outside interests. Her job was literally draining her of energy, and her attitude at work was changing, especially within her business unit. How Stella (Laurie) Got Her Groove Back! Being a Life Strategy Coach doesn't mean I'm always on top of my game, completely balanced and without my own challenges. Building a website, writing an e-book, getting a newsletter off the ground and securing clients required a great deal of work and commitment. The Magic of Hearing I'm working on a coach training certification, and one of the "proficiencies" I'm expected to have mastered is "engages in provocative conversations." Now, that really got me thinking. What's a provocative conversation? What Dost Thou Speaketh? Hey, Affirm This Way! Articulating repetitive statements with emotion will inevitably connect you to your primary focus. Your destiny is guaranteed, when you repeatedly, decree a seed. How can I make such bold statements? Because ancient wisdom showed me years ago, "As a Fran thinketh (and speaketh); so is she." After July 8, Pay This Amount You undoubtedly go through this, too. A few times a month you gather up the bills coming due and write checks or pay them online. Surviving the Workday in Your Organization Most people suffer from stress at some time during the day. When you recognise your own peak and low energy levels, you can work with your body clock to maintain high productivity and alertness. It makes sense to tackle the hardest tasks at high-energy times, and when you're feeling low, do simpler tasks like sorting the mail or filing. If you force yourself to do difficult tasks when your energy is low, you'll take much longer to finish them. Do You Ever Give Up Coaching Employees? In principle, we don't want to give up coaching employees. We want to believe that we can eventually make a difference. Sometimes it's our own ego that drives our persistence and determination. ![]() |
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