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Is Your Attitude Destroying Your Health?
A positive attitude may bring good health and success. If you have ever read any book about success you will discover how an optimistic attitude will keep you healthier and tremendously increase your chances of success. An optimistic attitude has dramatically helped me improve my life in every single area. I overcame severe scalp psoriasis without a doctor and prescriptions. It's a fact that I wound not have overcome my psoriasis without a positive mental outlook. But you may be a skeptic. I know that I was most of my life. After all, if it were that easy why isn't everyone choosing to be optimistic and then reaping the rewards? Don't take my word for it. Check out these facts: "The journal Psychosomatic Medicine published results of a study showing that optimistic men had less than half the risk of heart disease than pessimistic men.". To read the rest of this article go to http://www.drweil.com/u/QA/QA326513/ "According to the premier health and wellness experts at Healthwise Inc., the substances that your brain produces depend in part on your thoughts, feelings, and expectations. If your attitude about an illness (or life in general) is negative and you don't have expectations that your condition will get better, your brain may not produce enough of the substances your body needs to heal." To read more go to http://www.vibe-life.com/nutrition.html "Chris Peterson was teaching a class in abnormal psychology at Virginia Tech when he told his students to fill out an Attributional Style Questionnaire - a carefully designed test that determines a person's level of optimism and pessimism. The students also answered questions about their general health, including how often they went to a doctor. Peterson followed the health of his students the following year and discovered that the pessimists had twice as many infectious diseases and made twice as many trips to the doctor as the optimists. Later, Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania and two of his colleagues, using interviews and blood tests, found that optimists have better immune activity than pessimists." To read more go to http://www.thisisawar.com/HealthOptimism.htm Would you agree that it's not easy to stay optimistic? All of us have been to a church service, sales seminar, or a motivational seminar that excited us for a short while. Then the reality of credit card bills, murders, company layoff's, and terrorism would bring you down just as easily as you were pumped up. So what can you do? Step 1 - DECIDE that despite all obstacles you will CHOOSE to be optimistic. Almost nobody chooses or decides to be optimistic. The decision is half the battle. Let's take for example, the idea of dealing with relationships and people. If you choose to see others as loving, emotional people who all want to be loved you will find no reason to get jealous, or develop hatred because someone is different or "better" than you. I choose to look at all people in a loving way and it has allowed me to have no fear of anyone, helped my ability to work others and develop relationships. Now I could have chosen to think all people were selfish, greedy, and found ways to hate others just as easily. But can you think of one good thing that would ever come out of hating another human being? Step 2 - Learn what other successful people have done. Read stories about how others have persevered in circumstances much worse than many of have ever seen. After you read enough you will realize that if they can do it you can too. I also recommend reading about topics you are interested. Specialized topics like improving leadership skills, creating a mail order business, how to be a better parent, or anything. By learning more ways that things can be done your confidence will rise immensely. Step 3 - Take ACTION by asking yourself "how can I improve my life". If you take no action you will get no results - period. Action can be as simple as a single thought. Start thinking about what you've always dreamed about doing but never tried or thought possible. Start asking yourself how it can be accomplished and constantly think of possible solutions. Don't kid yourself, most of us aren't successful because we have not asked "how can I do this" enough times and have not made a decision to take action. If you ask yourself how over and over you will come up with a solution. That is the technique I used to overcome psoriasis. I asked myself at least 50,000 times "how can I beat this disease which controls my life?" and I came up with many ideas. Most did not work but I eventually found a combination that changed my life forever. Don't get caught up in super-human efforts but rather look for smaller, incremental improvements that you can do day after day. Action is the key that will increase your confidence. Does this seem too simple? It should because it's very simple. However, the difficult thing is making the decision to have the discipline to persevere. Take is from Lance Armstrong: "To win the Tour I had to be willing to ride when no one else would ride." Michael Hrenko is the founder of ePsoriasis, LLC. The company specializes in teaching how he and others have overcome psoriasis and eczema without a doctor, prescriptions, expensive treatments, and difficult fasting diets. Claim your free copy of The Lazy Person's Guide to Beating Psoriasis at http://www.epsoriasis.net/promotion.htm as a one-time-only promotion. (c) Copyright 2005, ePsoriasis, LLC
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Different New-Years Resolution - Pass-It-Forward Every 12 months, as the New-Year rolls around, we all brag about our New-Year's Resolutions. With inflated chests and with all the authority we can muster, we announce to any and every available ear, that we're going to lose weight, stop drinking and smoking so much, as well as spend more time with our family, in addition to investing more time down at the gym. What Rules! There are things that we do automatically internally that we don't even realize are the things that make us who we are. Our own rules for living that we hardly ever question, and even less frequently examine. Bringing Forgiveness Down To Earth What does it mean to forgive? Things Are Good Because I Say They Are The subject of positive self talk regarding our goals and dreams reminds me of the childhood story, The Velveteen Rabbit. The boy loves the toy so much that a magic fairy comes and turns the toy bunny into a real rabbit. She tells the bunny it has been loved so much that it has earned the right to be real. Gullibles Travels A journey by a web-footed gull through a sea of sharks. Why Don?t You Just Stuff It ALL? You got busy at work, got busy in your marriage, got busy with your home and maybe your kids and before you knew it... a chunk of your life had slipped away. Could You Be A Workaholic? If you need to put on boots and grab a lap-top computer to relieve yourself at night, you might be a redneck workaholic. Change vs Transition "There is a time for departure, even when there's no certain place to go." -- Tennessee Williams It?s All To Do With The Way You Wake Up Do you start your day with anger, frustration and annoyance at the alarm and the need to get up? Do you wake up hoping the day will go away and you can get back to sleep? Have you lost the fun? The confidence to have a go at things. Are you struggling along? Are you just going through the rituals of life? Are you just doing enough at work? Doing what is necessary because you think you 'ought, should, must do this for the sake of others? Do you feel all washed up and no one is interested in you? Do you feel devoid of vibrancy, and sense of purpose, an aimless victim buffeted by the winds of change? It's all to do with the way you wake up. Essence of Awakeness Be conscious, aware, and alert. Pay attention. Remember when you were in elementary school and the teacher used to say pay attention now, this is important? Well, this is important. Wake up! What does it take to wake up an adult? Many people go through life on automatic, doing life as it comes along. What kind of things occurs that is considered a wake up call? The death of a loved one, a miracle, a near death experience, the birth of a child, a divorce, a marriage, a spiritual experience, a great accomplishment, a serious illness, an award, losing a job, winning the lottery, which of these would wake you up? Increase Your Intelligence With Music You Are What You Listen To Coaching - An Adapting Tool For Attaining Fulfillment In The Global Economy At a time when the global economy is bringing innovation, new ideas and new opportunities into the marketplace, outsourcing and the elimination of white-collar jobs has left many of us feeling anxious and insecure about the future. It is increasingly apparent that the American Worker can no longer look to the corporation for a sense of security, place, benefits or loyalty. As reliance on old structures is diminishing, the following ways of looking at work are emerging: Unhook From The Perpetual Progress Grid I have been a member of a group called the Women in Business Connection (WIBC for short) in Cambridge, MA for about four years. We get together for lunch meetings once a month. Last week at our December event several of the women commented to me how much they liked my newsletter. It is always nice to hear complimentary feedback but one woman went even farther - she said it was like getting a "Zen moment" in her email. (Thanks Cibeline!) The Executive Coaching Contract Having found a coach you feel comfortable and excited about working with, the next step is to discuss and sign the coaching contract or agreement. This is vital to ensure that both coach and client are clear from the outset about what is expected. Whats Up With All These Coaches? If you are anything like me, you may have noticed a tremendous increase in the number of coaches that have appeared recently. Traditionally, coaches existed primarily in the world of sports, but you could also find voice, acting and singing coaches. How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences Watching the news can be hazardous to your health. The Benefits of Coaching When I was first introduced to the profession of personal coaching, my first initial thought was that it sounded exactly like something I would love to pursue. I did further investigation into the profession and before I knew it I was happily enrolled in the Coach Training Program offered through Coach U University in Colorado, USA. A World of Possibility When I started my sales career over 25 years ago, I worked for a small company selling telephone answering equipment. Hard to believe it but in those days I had to explain to prospects what the equipment was for and why they might want to use it. Enhancing Life for a Lifetime Do you often feel lonely, anxious, or even depressed? Is a mid-life or quarter-life crisis threatening your confidence, self-esteem and well-being? Do you yearn for practical advice on enhancing, balancing and bringing new joy to your personal and professional life? Top 10 Ways to Coach Yourself to Total Success! Coaching is about being your best. It's about performance, about "staying the course" and, in the end, about creating and living the life you really want. Many people use coaches to make more money, win the gold prize or do something dramatic. That's fun, and when it's right, it's wonderful! ![]() |
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