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How to Make $100,000 Dollars as a Personal Trainer ? Part C for Client!
My name is Greg Ryan. For the last twenty years I have counseled thousands of personal trainers, fitness directors and gym owners on how be successful in the health and fitness industry. No matter where I go in the world, no matter the size of the gym the biggest reason for their lack of success is all the same. My question is, "Do you want to be a mediocre Personal Trainer or do you want to be a GREAT one? Most of you will only be good ones if you are lucky. Only about five percent of you will be GREAT. What I mean by being a great personal trainer falls into three categories: love what you do, self employed and make a six figure income consistently. Here is how: Part C: C is for Client (driven) Remember why they hired you Clients go to gyms and trainers for two things; encouragement and accountability. Balance them both and you will no problem with client retention. The Psychology of Personal Training Learn each client's personality quickly. One program does not fit all. This is more important than your charts or membership numbers! Client Retention It is not how many clients you have; it's how many you keep. If you don't keep you clients on an average of six months or more, you need my help! If you have no shows you need my help. If you have cancellations you are doing something wrong and never be a $100,000 dollar personal trainer. More is not better! Here is the Intro to my e-book ? "It's NOT about the Numbers!" The personal training business is more unpredictable than even a sales, straight commission base job. It shouldn't be, but most clients treat the service as a disposable income luxury. However, the customer still comes first, always! A mental mistake I have made is focusing more so on my cash flow to pay bills than simple customer service. It really is true, focus on servicing your customer and the money will follow. I have also made the mistake of taking my business for granted. Be careful! If you have been a trainer for any length of time you know, that your income can fluctuate hundreds of dollars in any given week. One thing I try to keep in mind is, You are only as successful as your last client. Treat each session as if your business depended solely upon them. Greg Ryan is a Health club and personal trainer consultant, high profile fitness expert and former employee of Kathy Smith. He is best selling author of "It's NOT aout the Numbers!" Discover how to make $100,000 year after year For FREE MINI COURES email me at greg@resolutions.bz
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HR Professional in New Avtaar: HR as a Coach and Mentor Introduction Going Beyond Life Coaching In Corrogue the air is chill and the frost is on the ground. Embracing Excellence Joey rises before dawn to pack his lunch, eager for morning to arrive so he can board the city bus that transports him to his job at a souvenir production facility. From 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Joey applies decals to souvenir collector spoons. Much like an artist applying brush to canvas, Joey peels a self-sticking decal from its wrapper, painstakingly centers it over the base of the spoon and slowly presses it on the metal. If the decal is not perfectly centered, he peels it off and starts over. Joey glows with pride over the racks of completed spoons, ready to be packaged for shipping to retail stores. Empowering Vision Playing Our Part: People Pleasing and How to Stop! "People pleasing can leave you feeling empty and taken advantage of." 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How to Optimize the Awesome Power of Thoughts and Imagination Have you encountered a time when you were in a traffic jam and was running late for an important meeting? Did you stay calm and focused? Or did your mind wander into the dark side of the impending consequences that may occur? Tame The Financial Beast Are holiday bills surprising you? Are you hoping that if you ignore your finances long enough, maybe they will fix themselves? The Power of a Scope We all know the power of a scope if you need to focus in on a target and hit it. We all need to develop and truly understand the power of the human mind's scope. All of us have inside of us the potential to be as powerful as the most high-tech laser scope available today. A scope is designed to focus in on a target without getting distracted or losing focus in order to hit its target right on the bull's eye. Now remember that all mechanical scopes are programmed by human technology and if we can do it for machines, we can do it for ourselves. The Benefits of Coaching When I was first introduced to the profession of personal coaching, my first initial thought was that it sounded exactly like something I would love to pursue. I did further investigation into the profession and before I knew it I was happily enrolled in the Coach Training Program offered through Coach U University in Colorado, USA. Expectations Can Get In Our Way There are times when we truly look forward to something just as there are times when we totally dread something. What is the difference between anticipation with joy and anticipation with anxiety? Where and how does that expectation actually take place? If we think about it, the expectations take place in our minds. And, what that really means is that we totally make it up. We tend to create ideas and stories about how wonderful or awful something might be. 4 Underused Hot Spots for Your Personal Branding Iron I'll never forget what my mentor told me: "Don't communicate in any way to any person without the stamp of your personal brand." How to Create Your Ideal Life - Excerpt from Individual Power When I lost it all, I felt powerless. During my darkest hours, I wrote letters to God asking "why?" I received answers in writing. How to Effectively Balance Your Work and Family Life What Is Your Definition of Success? Is Your Life In Motion? Ever since the Internet bubble and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I've seen many people; including friends and family lose their jobs and/or personal fortunes overnight. The struggling economy has been merciless on the job market. It has affected every industry at every level, from line operators in manufacturing plants to upper management of Fortune 500's. I was confident back then, that if I were thrown into such a situation I would be prepared. Late in 2001, I experienced my own version of downsizing, when I sold my delivery and logistics business. What I actually did, was sell myself out of a job. After the sale was completed, I was suddenly questioning what to do with my life. The sale provided tremendous advantages, allowing me the financial flexibility and time to actually put some real thought behind this decision. I was convinced that within 3-6 months of the sale, I would be happily and successfully on my professional way. I've always thought of myself as an active participant in my own life, never sitting on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to seek me out. I have to admit, it was one of the most difficult times, requiring enormous soul searching and reflection. And just think, I asked for this and knew it was coming. During my first year of "planned unemployed", I tried day trading, business consulting, writing a screenplay, producing a film, graduate school and a variety of new hobbies. All of these career options were well thought out. I was just waiting to see which one would stick. Well, guess what? None of them provided enough enthusiasm to further pursue. This is when the panic really set in. I was back at the drawing board, thinking of new business ideas and developing extensive lists of pros and cons for each. Over the next few months, I drove my wife, family, friends and myself crazy with dozens of career/business ideas. 7 Destructive Habits of Incompetent People WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage yourself in these 7 deadly habits that incompetent people do. A Sure-Fire, 10-Step Formula To Get Started As A Coach Or Consultant "My guess is first I'll need some zippy flyers and a tri-fold brochure" said an email from Matt last week. Sadly, he is not the only one thinking that the first step to building a professional business is printing fliers and brochures. After all, that's what everyone does, right? And it seems like a logical place to start, doesn't it? So Why Are They Really Here? It does make you wonder sometimes, doesn't it? You know the folks I'm talking about. The ones who seem to be wandering around in the middle of a fog bank. The ones without a clue apparently, as to what life is all about. We see their stories on the evening news, we hear about them from our friends or co-workers, we may even know some of them. Automatic Brain Works Overtime For You Use all of your brain to be your most effective. ![]() |
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