Coaching Information

Different New-Years Resolution - Pass-It-Forward

Every 12 months, as the New-Year rolls around, we all brag about our New-Year's Resolutions. With inflated chests and with all the authority we can muster, we announce to any and every available ear, that we're going to lose weight, stop drinking and smoking so much, as well as spend more time with our family, in addition to investing more time down at the gym.

Emotional Dependency or Emotional Responsibility

Emotional dependency means getting one?s good feelings from outside oneself. It means needing to get filled from outside rather than from within. Who or what do you believe is responsible for your emotional wellbeing?

Your Responsibility

The other day I decided to skip cooking dinner and ordered fast food, and I ended up finding an insect on it. My husband and I were shocked, grossed out, disappointed, and I do not know what else.

Discovering Your Passion and Purpose

?I can?t seem to discover why I?m on the planet.?

It?s All To Do With The Way You Wake Up

Do you start your day with anger, frustration and annoyance at the alarm and the need to get up? Do you wake up hoping the day will go away and you can get back to sleep? Have you lost the fun? The confidence to have a go at things. Are you struggling along? Are you just going through the rituals of life? Are you just doing enough at work? Doing what is necessary because you think you ?ought, should, must do this for the sake of others? Do you feel all washed up and no one is interested in you? Do you feel devoid of vibrancy, and sense of purpose, an aimless victim buffeted by the winds of change? It?s all to do with the way you wake up.


What does this word really mean anyway? According to Webster?s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition, discipline, as a noun, is defined primarily as punishment. My, but that has a harsh ring to it. An alternate definition is self-control. Well, that?s a little closer to my idea. I submit that discipline, as it relates to making your home business a success, is the following:

Are You Controlling or Loving Yourself?

How often do you hear a parental voice in your head that says things like, ?You?ve got to lose weight,? or ?You should get up earlier every morning and exercise,? or ?Today I should get caught up on the bills,? or ?I?ve got to get rid of this clutter.? Let?s explore what happens in response to this voice.

Eureka! I?ve Found It!

OK, so it wasn?t quite that big of a deal. But I did find the ?T? that mysteriously escaped from the word ?not? in one of my articles a few months ago. Yep, I found it all right. Right at the end of what was intended to be the word ?though?. Of course, that misplacement resulted in a stupid sentence completely void of logic ? unless by chance you missed the ?t? and read the sentence the way I intended instead of the way I wrote it.

Control, Helplessness, and Love

During my 35 years of counseling individuals, couples, families and business partners, I have discovered that an important purpose of our controlling behavior in our relationships is to avoid the feeling of helplessness. One of the hardest feelings to feel is helplessness. Most of us are unwilling to even know what we are and are not helpless over. Our controlling behavior toward others generally comes from our unwillingness to accept our helplessness over others' feelings and behavior. We do not want to know that we are helpless over whether another chooses to be loving and accepting toward us or judgmental and rejecting toward us.

Controlling Behavior, Loving Behavior

When Zack and Tiffany started counseling with me, they were on the verge of divorce after 16 years of marriage. Neither really wanted to end the marriage, yet both were miserable. Both of them believed that their misery was because of the other person, and both could clearly articulate what the other person was doing wrong.

Avoid the Tendency to Underestimate Your Greatness

As a whole I think there is a sad tendency in most of us to underestimate just how powerful we are. Just how much greatness lies inside each and every one of us - just waiting to get out. The reality is if you knew just how special you were - and how much greatness went into making you the unique you that you are I'm convinced you'd immediately know that nothing can truly keep you from achieving that which you want in your life.

Curbing the Public Nuisance (Part 1)

He's been around since the dawn of humanity. His profession is even older than the world's oldest profession. He's been loathed and reviled by politicians, bureaucrats and hot dog vendors.

Curbing the Public Nuisance (Part 2)

Yes, that pillar of society that has been with us since that slithery dude threw humanity for a curve in the Garden of Eden ? that cornerstone of society has been automated.

Walt Disney, the Inspiration to Form a Better Life?

You, like many others, may have come to this article because you want more from life. In this sense, you and I may be alike because we?re searching for greater happiness and a stronger sense of fulfillment.

4 Quick, Easy Ways to Say No to People Who Take You for Granted

No matter how wonderful you are sometimes other people will try to take advantage of your good nature. They will push you, get you to do more than your fair share and keep asking you to do even more.

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