Cooking Tips Site Map
How to Cook Rice Right
Barbecue Success With The Rule Of Thirds
6 Tips for Perfect Homemade Hard Candy
A Cookie Assembly Line: Efficient Cookie Baking for Busy Cooks
Christmas Cookie Decorating 101
Little-known Tips for Easy Holiday Baking
Once-A-Month-Cooking: How to Make Your Plan Work
Old-Fashioned Taffy Pull Party--How to Host Your Own
Eat your Veggies! Simple Cooking Methods
Weber Grills Reviewed: Quality that Lasts
Vegetarian Cooking - Three Basics
Outdoor Chefs Choose Gas Grills
Kitchen Canister Sets - How to Beautify Your Kitchen
Don?t Poke the Chicken at Your Backyard Barbecue
Two for One Dinners: Pork
Two for One Dinners: Eggplant
Two for One Dinners: Turkey
Two for One Dinners: Beef
Two for One Dinners: Ham
Two for One Dinners: Beans
Compact Refrigerators Are Great When Small Is Needed
Fruit Cake
Whisk Your Way To a Perfect Meal Every Time!
Rice Cookers - Perfect Rice Every Time
Dutch Oven Cooking Basics
Cut The Take Out
Caring For Your Wooden Cutting Board
Cooking Filet Mignon
10 Smart Shopping Tips To Protect Your Family From Getting Sick
Peppercorns & Ways To Use Them
Save Time in the Kitchen - Cook Pasta the Way Restaurant Chefs Do
6 Steps to Grill the Perfect Steak
50% Less Cooking
Perfect Picnics - Frugal Food Safety Tips
Cooking Lobster at Home
Season Your Pans for Non Stick Cooking
What?s the Thick on Roux? Thickening Soups and Sauces
Bacteria and Food-borne Diseases
Seasoning An Oven
What Are Scoville Units?
How to Make Homemade Ice Cream (Without an Ice Cream Maker!)
10 Simple Ways To Safely Store Food
10 Wide Open Tips For Food Safety In The Great Outdoors
10 Convenient Ways To Eliminate Food Poisoning With Your Microwave
10 Critical Ways To A Perfectly Food-Safe Kitchen
10 Smoky Tips To BBQ Food Safely
10 Mind-Easing Ways To Make Sure Your Childs Bag Lunch Is Safe
10 Deadly Bacteria That Can Get In Your Food (And How To Stop Them From Getting There)
10 Easy Ways To Protect Your Family From Food Poisoning
Cake Pans
Flax Seed Will Add A Little Extra Flavor To Your Recipes
Ten Steps to Perfect Pasta
The Wonderful Wok: Stir Frying Basics
Alone In the Kitchen: Stirring Up Mindfulness
Emergency Bread: Can you Bake Bread Without an Oven?
Troubleshooting Cookies
Understanding Baking: How Yeast Works
Baking Bread and Your Freezer
Whats a Pan Dowdy?
Storing Fats and Oils
Fine Tuning Bread Machine Mixes
Using Bread Machine Mixes in Your Oven
Better Breakfasts Ideas
Is Cooked Food Really All That Good For Us?
Microwave Ovens and the Healthfulness of Microwaved Food
Why do We Need to Knead?
How to Bake: Bread on the Grill
How to Bake: How Long Should My Bread Rise?
How to Make Sandwich Rolls with Your Bread Machine
What is Gluten and Why does it Matter?
Baking Perfect Breads, Cookies, and Desserts
All About Baking: Quick Breads
About Baking: Eight Tips for Perfect Pancakes
Make-up or Mixing Methods for Muffins
ServSafe Food Program in Montana a Success
10 Dishes Every New Bride or Groom Must Know How to Make!
Do you own an AGA or RAYBURN cooker ?
Preparing Lobster Tails
Modifying Your Recipes, More or Less
Keeping and Wasps and Flies Away from your Barbecue
Cookware ? Whats In It?
Secret of Light and Fluffy Biscuits and Pancakes
Making Homemade Pasta for Dinner Tonight
How to Grill Most Any Vegetable You Can Think Of!
How to Make a Cajun Roux
Low-Budget Meals In a Minute
How to Prepare the Best Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Secrets of Great Breads
Picture Perfect Bread
The World of Cornbread
How to Bake: Muffins (with recipes)
The Perfect Scone: Keys to Make Your Scone Just Right
Troubleshooting Machine Bread
Better Baking Technique: Is it Done Yet?
The Joys of Refrigerator Cookies
Must Haves for Any At-Home Chef
Cake Baking Tip Guide
Kid Birthday Cake Idea Collection - Cake Decorating Without Fear
Family Meal Planning Made Easy
Eating Healthy with a Meat Grinder
Clarifying Butter
Do a Dry Rub First
Foods That Freeze Well
Substitutions for Commonly Called for Ingredients
Baking Bread in a Dutch Oven
Bread in the Woods
Picnic Tips and Tricks
Picnic Checklist
What is a Serving Size?
Barbecue for You
Barbequing, a Fun and Convenient Way to Make Dinner
To Fry Or Not To Fry?
Hot Apple Pie - The American Apple Pie Legacy
Cooking With Kids--Safely!
Cooking -- What You Need To Know
Wok this Way! (Part 1 of 5)
Wok this Way! (Part 2 of 5) Selecting a Wok
The Best-Kept Secrets of Beef Revealed! Get Ready to Become the Meat Expert in Your Family!
The Almighty Beer-Can Chicken
Chinese Cooking Technique: Deep Fry
Cool Summertime Cooking
The Perfect Omelet(te), How to Cook It
Wok this Way! (Part 3 of 5) Seasoning Your New Wok
Wok this Way! (Part 4 of 5) Cleaning and Caring for Your Wok
High Altitude Baking - A Cooks Guide
How to cut a cake
Chinese Cooking Technique: Thicken
Gourmet Sauces, Rubs and Marinades - Give Your BBQ a Gourmet Kick
How to Cook a Lobster
Grill Your Corn for Maximum Flavor
How to Care for Your Cast Iron Skillet (includes recipes)
Roasting Meat - Temperatures and Times
How to Choose the Right Smoke for the Right BBQ Dish
How To Eat Fresh Vegetables ? Ideas for Working More Veggies Into Your Diet
Buying, Storing, and Preparing Apricots
Barbeque Grilling has Reached a Whole New Dimension
Buying, Storing, and Preparing Apples
Homemade Whipped Cream
7 Things to Consider when Buying a BBQ
Herbs and Spices - the Essence of Flavor
Digital Kitchen Timers ? Never Burn Another Dish
Kitchenaid Stand Mixers ? A Kitchen Work Horse
Pyrex Mixing Bowls ? A Kitchen Favorite
Digital Thermometers
Unique Cake Decorating With Flowers
The Noble Crescent Roll - How to Roll a Masterpiece
Is Your Cookware Poisoning You?
Slimming Secrets From The Kitchen
Working with Eggs
Grilling Tips ? Safety Comes First at the Barbecue
Food Poisoning--An Overview
Grilling Vs. Barbecue
Reductions: Proving Less is More
Prepare the Best Garlic Mashed Potatoes
10 Simple Kitchen Organizing Tips
The Barbecue Pit
How to Peel Almost Anything
The Right Grill for Your Barbecue
What You Need in a Gourmet Kitchen
Garlic: A Quick Guide
Ten Proven Tips to Buy the Best Meat Available
Moms Easy Cooking - Fast Meal Ideas For Busy Moms
Make It With Mint
Easy Herb Butters
The Art of the Marinade
Solving The 7 Most Common Whole Wheat Bread Baking Mistakes
Save Money ? The Crock Way
Chinese Cooking Technique: Thicken
"Thicken", or "Thickening" is a very common technique used in both Chinese restaurants and household kitchens. It is very easy to prepare, but if not used properly, can really mess up the presentation. Below is a brief description of "Thickening". You can learn more about other Chinese cooking techniques in the Techniques section of our website.
Once-A-Month-Cooking: How to Make Your Plan Work
As one of the oldest children in a family of nine, I know that cooking for a crowd can almost be a full-time job. Once-a-month-cooking has been a lifesaver for our family. In the beginning though, when we first heard of cooking 30 meals in one day, it sounded rather impossible. It was not until we had tried it, though, that we found it is not only possible, but it can even be quite simple and fun!
Whisk Your Way To a Perfect Meal Every Time!
The whisk. A true versatile cooking utensil. Whisks come in all shapes and sizes and surprisingly accomplish far more then what most think they do. One of the dictionary definitions for a whisk is--A kitchen utensil usually in the form of stiff thin wire loops attached to a handle, used for whipping foodstuffs. We shall see that the whisks of today can do a lot more.
Old-Fashioned Taffy Pull Party--How to Host Your Own
Want a unique party idea for your child's birthday-or even
her next weekend sleepover with friends? Try hosting your
own taffy pull. It can get pretty messy, but kids absolutely
love it. Just follow these steps to minimize the mess . . .
and maximize the fun!
How to Make Sandwich Rolls with Your Bread Machine
For that next picnic or family outing, consider making sandwich rolls with your bread machine. They are quick and easy and so much better than what you buy from the stores.
How to cut a cake
Have you ever wondered how to cut a cake? I have had a lot of practice. When I turned 16 and requested a Spider Man sheet cake I busily honed my cake cutting skills by making concentric rectangles and then served up the master piece. My family all refused to eat stating lack of presentation skills. Since that time my skills have, thankfully, been refined. Here are tips to cutting a round layer cake.
The Right Grill for Your Barbecue
Barbecue is a mix of talents. There is the choice of meat (or in some cases vegetables), the creation and choice of sauce, and of course the flame. Once the components are gathered together, then the real talent starts with the maintenance of the flame, smoke, turnings and sauce applications.
10 Dishes Every New Bride or Groom Must Know How to Make!
Okay, you've either gotten married or are planning to pretty soon. Congratulations! I'm sure you're aware that this means you will be responsible for at least half the meals you and your loved one will eat from here on out! Not to mention future children, your visiting family members and - of course - inlaws.
How to Cook a Lobster
French chefs plunge them into boiling water; English ones, in an attempt to appear more humane, drive kitchen knives through their skulls before doing the same thing.
How To Eat Fresh Vegetables ? Ideas for Working More Veggies Into Your Diet
Fresh, uncooked veggies are so healthy and it's important to work them into your meal plan somewhere. The majority of American's don't eat enough vegetables and most vegetables consumed in the American diet are cooked potatoes in the form of french fries. American's need more vegetables in their diet ? and not in the form of crispy fries.
How to Prepare the Best Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Would you like to prepare the best Garlic Mashed Potatoes that you enjoy at your favorite restaurant, but have no idea where to start to achieve that wonderful and delightful flavor?
Unique Cake Decorating With Flowers
Flowers as a Cake Decoration, unique and easy to place on every one of your cake creations.
How to Choose the Right Smoke for the Right BBQ Dish
BBQ smoke is one of the easiest ways to add a nice touch of flavor to a grilled dish. You'll be amazed at how many different flavors there are! Knowing which smoke is the best match for different BBQ flavors can be a challenge though. Here's a handy guide to help.
Better Breakfasts Ideas
Nutritionists tell us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. With breakfast, we are replenishing our bodies from the night before and charging them for the day ahead. How we will perform during the day is affected by what we eat in the morning. Yet, breakfast tends to be rushed and routine--more so than any other meal. Here are dozens of ideas to help you build better breakfasts.
Emergency Bread: Can you Bake Bread Without an Oven?
What would you eat if you were stranded without power? It could happen; it does happen. A natural disaster, a breakdown in the delivery system as the Northeast experienced recently, or a terrorist strike against the infrastructure could leave you without power. Don't despair. You probably have a source of heat-a camp stove, a barbeque grill, a fireplace, or a place to build a fire to cook with. (Never use a grill or camp stove in an enclosed room.) In most cases, you can find a way to eat your daily bread--even without an oven.
Perfect Picnics - Frugal Food Safety Tips
Summer is finally here and for a lot of us that means heading out to the lake or to the park for a picnic with friends or family.
How to Grill Most Any Vegetable You Can Think Of!
Grilling vegetables is easy. The fact that more people don't do it is the strange thing. The general rule is to cut the vegetables into pieces that will cook quickly and evenly. All pieces should be of consistent thickness and no more than about 3/4 to 1 inch thick. Soak vegetables in cold water for about 30 minutes before you grill them to keep them from drying out. Pat dry, then brush lightly with oil to prevent sticking.
Grilling Tips ? Safety Comes First at the Barbecue
You're standing at the gas grill in the hot sun, wiping the sweat from your brow, and having your favorite cool drink. You are making one of your favorite grill recipes for the neighbors that are coming over in a few minutes for a home and garden party. You are using your brand new gas grill with all of the bells and whistles. You even went to the trouble of sending out fun invitations you found on the internet and you have just the perfect theme picked out for your party. Your new pool furniture has arrived and the weather is a perfect 80 degrees. Your picnic table is set up for the kids and their friends. Summer life doesn't get much better than that. With every grill recipe, party and backyard barbecue you can still maintain safety and common sense. Your party could be a disaster without first thinking about safety for yourself and your guests. Here are a few tips that ensure safety first:
Wok this Way! (Part 1 of 5)
Buying, Storing, and Preparing Apples
When buying apples, look for those that are firm and brightly colored. Shiny red for Macintosh, Rome and red Delicious. Clear green for Granny Smith and golden yellow for Delicious. Always avoid bruised apples. When an apple is damaged, the injured cells release polyphenoloxidase, an enzyme that hastens the oxidation of phenols in the apple, producing brownish pigments that darken the fruit. It's easy to check loose apples. If you buy them packed in a plastic bag, turn the bag upside down and examine the fruit.