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Website Promotion: 10 Secret Motivational Triggers That Make People Buy
Unless you know the secret motivational secrets that make people buy, your efforts in website promotion may not be fruitful. Here are some website promotion triggers to help you: 1. People want to make more money. They may want to start their own business, get a higher paying job or invest in the stock market. This will make them feel successful. 2. People want to save money. They may want to invest for the future or save for a big purchase. This will make them feel more secure. 3. People want to save time. They may want to work less and spend time enjoying life's pleasures. This will make them feel more relaxed. 4. People want to look better. They may want to lose weight, tone their body, or improve their facial features. This will make them feel more attractive. 5. People want to learn something new. They may want to learn how to change their car oil or build a deck. This will make them feel more intelligent. 6. People want to live longer. They may want to get in shape, eat better or gain extra energy. This will make them feel healthier. 7. People want to be comfortable. They may want to relive aches and pains or want to sleep in a more comfortable bed. This will make them feel relieved. 8. People want to be loved. They may not want to be lonely anymore or want to start dating again. This will make them feel wanted. 9. People want to be popular. They may want to be a famous celebrity or be more popular in school. This will make them feel praised and admired. 10. People want to gain pleasure. They may want satisfy their appetite or sexual desires. This will make them feel more fulfilled. May these website promotion secrets help you to make a lot of money and succeed. Warmly, I-key Benney, CEO I-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Secret Cash System", (forex ebook), which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and shining success during the past 2 yrs. Mscsrrr Millionaire Secret Cash System helps you to generate $1,500+/Week for life, from home or office, part time or full time. No large investment or hassles. Win $1000-$2000 free "cash"?
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How to Write a Direct Mail Fundraising Letter (Four Tips for Fund Raising Success) 1. Address your reader as a friend, not as "Friend." Six Reasons You Don?t Need a Technical Writer (and Why They?re Dead Wrong!) I know, I know. Times are tough. You have to make due with the staff you have. It's a common and valid lament in today's workplace. You've got to do more with less, so an obvious place to cut costs is in your documentation efforts. After all, writers and editors are a luxury in lean times. You're a small company and you can produce your documentation in-house, right? Think again. Hiring the right freelancer to do the job correctly the first time around could save you hundreds or thousands in help desk calls, service calls, document revision, and distribution. Here's why. 3 Steps To Better Sales Copywriting Whether you're wet-behind-the-ears or a seasoned copywriter, your craft will benefit by remembering one thing: No-Holds-Barred Conversation with Dan Lok - Part 1 Question: If you were starting out and had no references or a substantial resume, how would you go about finding paying customers for your services? Dont Be Satisfied With Your First Draft Sometimes it's a struggle to figure out what's the best thing to say. Organizing Your Data to Write Better Copy Last quarter I talked about interviewing / gathering data. So now you've got several thousand words of notes, hopefully digitally recorded. What comes next? Freelance Copywriting Advice #1: Take the Scary Jobs From time to time you will be faced with an opportunity that looks downright scary. Quotations as Expressions in Life Quotations are expressions, usually in the spoken form or in literature, which are referenced to by others. 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How to Write Adverts that Forces People to Respond Think for a moment some day and consider the kind of advertising you see in your post box, on the TV, on your computer, on the radio, etc. Then ask yourself this question, "Would I buy this or not?" If you say "No," then ask yourself why. If you say "Yes," then ask yourself why. 3 Ways to Increase Conversion Rates In a previous article I talked about a few similarities between writing direct mail packages and writing web sites. In short, I concluded that as online writers we could learn a lot from direct marketers. How To Find Freelance Copywriting Jobs Your goal is to land a few nice, secure freelance copywriting jobs, but how do you get them? The most important factor in finding these jobs is that you pursue the job you are looking for with all of your ducks in a row, so to speak. Here are a few things you need to do in order to get the freelance copywriting jobs that you have been looking for. Freelance Copywriters on the Internet: How to Tell the Difference Between Heaven-sent and Hack If you're hunting for a good freelance copywriter and have never done it before, or if you have but find yourself needing another for the first time in a while, I don't envy you. This "brave new" e-world has turned your once straightforward search of a neatly stacked file of brochures and introductory letters into a bothersome wade through a mucky world of half-baked online listings and search results which only seem to list those freelance copywriters who are experts in SEO, or at least know what the heck it means (search engine optimization). The Lead: Sinking The Hook Into Your Prospect You only have an instant to capture your prospect's attention. No matter the medium ? a sales letter, print ad, or commercial ? she's going to make an almost instantaneous decision about whether you are worth her time or not. So you'd better start off with a bang. Internet Marketing 102: Copy What Works Internet Marketing- Forget the experts, latest software program or even that book that someone is selling to get on the "best seller list" and the 200 free ebooks they are offering you. Here is what REALLY works, and it's something that you learned in kindergarden. How You Can Become A Freelance Business Plan Writer As with any business, becoming a freelance business plan writer can be a challenge. The first challenges involve factors such as cash flow, getting clients, and maintaining some sort of order. Later, challenges will involve getting new clients, insuring return business and referrals, and making a profit. But, like any good business, it is up to the individual to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Becoming a freelance business plan writer is an excellent career. To make it successful, plan to succeed from the beginning. Killer Business Headline Templates - So How Do You Write Killer Headlines in Minutes? You Cheat! According to Branding and Advertising legend, David Ogilvy: 5 times as many people read the headline than they do the body copy in a sales message. This means that unless your headline actually helps sell what you've got to offer, you'll have wasted 90% of your time, money and energy. 7 Essential Tips for Reviewing and Approving Copy Nothing can turn strong copy into a 97-pound weakling faster than a flawed review process. The result is severely handicapped marketing efforts and, alas, fewer sales. Why Your Advertising Copy is not the Most Important Part of Your Ad If you own a shop in the middle of the desert, and nobody walks past... obviously you're not going to attract many customers. When Panic Attacks Writers If you write for a living, you deal with deadlines. Sometimes you will have several jobs on your plate at the same time. ![]() |
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