Internet Marketing 102: Copy What Works

Internet Marketing- Forget the experts, latest software program or even that book that someone is selling to get on the "best seller list" and the 200 free ebooks they are offering you. Here is what REALLY works, and it's something that you learned in kindergarden.

Although less than 2% of you reading this will ever "get it", every once in awhile we like to step into the lime-light if you will and provide you with where the real money is being made on the internet... if that's anything you'd be interested in.

To sum it all up... It's copy. Now we are not saying copy someone's website word-for-word. Never do that. But what we are saying, is copy their business model. Copy their key words. Copy where they have incoming links. Copy their adwords campaigns. Research. Copy. Research. Copy.

There are enough free tools on the internet today that will allow you to find all of the above information and a lot more on any given website on the planet. Sure all of the guru's want to tell you that you need to purchase their latest course, CD set, DVD set, or even ebooks. Let's face it, they make their money selling products. They are Information Marketers, and one of their target markets is YOU. The person that doesn't know what they are doing.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of these guru's have good stuff out there, and it's how I obtained a lot of what I now know today. But once you understand the basics, it's really not that hard to generate a lot of money on the interent each day.

First, figure out the market that you would like to go after. Research the types of products they are buying, and if you have your own products, great. If not, find somoene that does have them and see if you can become a reseller or an Affiliate.

Then do some keyword research on Overture to find out what some of the common things people are typing in, while searching for your product or service.

Go to Yahoo, Google, and MSN and type in these phrases. Document who is in the top 10 in each search engine. Find 2 or 3 sites that are listed in all three. Then spend a lot of time learning their key words, their pages, their incoming links, and on and on. Know them like you know your own hand. Some may take you a few days... others weeks. And yet, for the kicker here... some even over a month. (This is even before you have the word "home" typed on your website.)

Now... Copy them.

Write your own copy or hire someone to do it for you. Keep the site design somewhat like whom you are copying. Once you have copied their pages, outline, etc. begin your attack. Start adding related pages to your site. Get more links. Advertise more. Write more. Beat them over and over again. They will think you came out of nowhere and wonder what happened.

Before you know it, you'll be ranking on the top 10 in any given market (within reason, as some markets have thousands and thousands of people doing the same thing). But in most niche markets- this works and will always work.


Because people are lazy.

This has to be done by hand. It takes a lot of time. There is NO easy way out. Most people will give up after about a week of research... actually, most a lot sooner.

This way takes the most time, but gives you the most results by far. Why do I share one of my biggest secrets? Because even if I gave everyone step-by-step instuctions, less than 2% of the general "internet marketing" public would take action. So for the last few years and for the many years to come, I'll be one of the very few people out there doing this.

Now you know how the REAL marketers do it. We're not interested in selling information products or speaking all over the country. Many of the REAL marketers earn more in a day than some of the "gurus" earn in a year. It's just not talked about out there. People wouldn't believe it. So who are we?

Call us a secret club that holds the Internet's Biggest Secret. And I'll share it with you right here:

There are no secrets. All it is, is hard work. Long hours. Many cups of coffee. An understanding husband or wife that will bring you food every once in awhile, while you pound away on the keys. "They" want you to think that there are secrets or easier ways. Sometimes they are right- other times they are not and their "new" way gets banned from the search engines quickly.

I'd much rather work one month out of the year to get another website up and be on the water the rest of the time.

See you next year.

Ron Howard

Just a guy who makes a little money on the internet each day.

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