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Welcome Informed Criticism of Your Work
When you come to 'know' something, there is a temptation to stop thinking about it. You put it in a box as 'known' and are happy to argue with anyone who disagrees. This is both a good and a bad thing. It is good to hold firm to your beliefs, to be true to yourself, to stand your ground over knowledge or a belief that is fundamental to your character and values. That said, holding stubbornly to your point of view, allowing no space for doubt, can be limiting. Oliver Cromwell is reported to have said to Charles I, on the eve of the king's execution, "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, consider is possible that you may be wrong." Or words to that effect. Charles I was clearly in no mood to change his mind, and the outcome was not pleasant for him. Holding true to what you 'know' in terms of copywriting is clearly small potatoes when compared to the decision Charles I faced. However, we are still faced with the same questions. Should we always hold fast to what we know about our craft? Or should we allow for the possibility that there are better ways to write, different approaches to take, alternative words to consider? No and yes. No, we shouldn't back down every time a client or colleague questions our work. Yes, we should consider the possibility that what we knew from last year may not be the best choice this year. So at least, when you have written some copy, seek out a contrarian view. Find someone who's opinion you respect. Ask them to read your copy carefully and criticize it in any way they want. And then consider their views carefully. Discard criticism that you truly feel is not on target. But also, leave yourself open to the opportunity to grow as a writer, expand your knowledge and skills, and find new, better ways to extend your craft. Nick Usborne is a copywriter, author, speaker and advocat of good writing. You can access all his archived newsletter articles on copywriting and writing for the web at his Excess Voice site. You'll find more articles and resources on how to make money as a freelance writer at his Freelance Writing Success site.
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Better Copy: The Interview is the Key Most of us spend our days persuading others to buy our service, product or idea. Here is how to create powerful marketing copy to make your job easier: INTERVIEW YOURSELF. How To Find Freelance Jobs - Writing About Food Did you know that jobs writing about food are available? These opportunities are available in a variety of areas. Employment in these fields is an exciting concept. For many, getting their foot in the door is the most important and most challenging first step. In order to succeed, a wide range of knowledge is needed as well as a good base of experience. The Truth About Negative Commands (Dont Read This!) Everyday when I read promotional emails and advertisements, or listen to television commercials and dialogue in shows and movies, or hear people around me in everyday life use commands such as the following examples, I feel dismayed for them. Five Tips for Writing Eyeball-Grabbing Headlines If you made it this far, the headline for this story has caught your attention. Hot headlines are a hit with readers because they stick out, grab attention and urge them to read the rest of the story. Boost Your B to B Marketing Copy: 3 Major Copywriting Blunders and How to Correct Them When you're writing or evaluating copy for a B to B marketing (also referred to as b-to-b or business to business marketing) campaign of any kind, you may think it's only appropriate to write formal copy in which you refer to yourself as "we" or "our organization" and let lots of other copywriting basics fly out the window. Segmenting Your Target Audience Through Your Copywriting Ask any copywriter what the first commandment of copywriting is and they'll quickly tell you "Know Thy Target Audience." In order to write effectively you have to know this one group of people and know them well. I guess that's why many people get so frustrated when it seems they have more than one preferred customer base. One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, "What if I have more than one target audience?" In all actuality, you probably don't. You just have different segments of the same audience. 3 Tips For Writing Content That Will Make You Sales Content is king. Without content your website is an empty shell, a skeleton with no flesh, an empty vessel. Content can redeem the worst designed website. The right content can make your phone ring off the hook and flood your inbox with people wanting your product or service. Content is the most important ingredient in the recipe for your website's success. If you have engrossing, valuable and relevant content you are onto a winner.. Knowing Copywriting Basics - How To Get Ahead In Your Copy Writing Business In order to get ahead in your copy writing business, you need to know copywriting basics. There are several things that all business owners need to know, and here, we will touch on just a few. In order to succeed, learn all you can about copy writing and careers in the field. You might just find one or two copywriting basics that you did not know about that may help you succeed. Crank Out More Articles More Often With An Article Swipe File If you write copy you need a swipe file. A good swipe file can save you lot's of work and enable you to crank out more articles more often Cause and Effect "Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect." Ralph Waldo Emerson 9 Tips for Great Design of Your Marketing Materials 1) Don't just hire a good designer. Hire someone who has had plenty of experience designing business collateral. Your designer needs to ask you the right questions about the project. And he/ she needs to be able to turn the design round reasonably fast too. Is Freelance Hiring Right For You? Assume you were faced with the task of hiring a new group of talented individuals to handle a huge account you just landed. Are you up for the task? Or perhaps you have a small job that needs completing but no one on staff can handle the project. When you consider the process of linking a project with talented professionals it can be quite daunting, leaving a business owner or manager with a major challenge. But in today's marketplace it's becoming more common to use freelancers in every capacity and field of endeavor. Sales Headline Copywriting ? Two Quick Steps to Success Get a Good Start for Sales Success How To Make A Career Out Of Copyediting And Proofreading Do you possess the qualities of a good proof reader? Are you good with details, spotting errors in spelling, grammar, and the flow of a piece and putting together quality work? If so, you may be able to make a career out of copyediting or proofreading. For those looking to get in to this field of copywriting, they may be stuck looking in if they do not know where or how to get established. So, is there a tried and tested method for getting your foot in the door? No matter how much any and all of us would like that; there is just no easy way to do so. Promote Your Business and Get Paid for Doing It! How can you gain credibility and exposure for you and your business, reach a motivated audience, develop a far-flung network, hone your presentation skills -- and get paid to do it? How To Write Headlines That Grab Your Prospects Attention It doesn't matter if you're writing an article, a newspaper or magazine ad, a web page, or even a Yellow Page ad. If it has a headline, that headline is the most important component of the entire package. Waste it, and you've wasted your time. 3 Copywriting Tips - How To Edit For Mass Appeal! Web copy that's intended to sell or generate leads needs to quickly reach out and grab attention and build rapport with a target audience. You can connect with your audience more effectively if you understand something about how people process information, and how they think. Sticky Homepage Copy in 30 Seconds Yes indeed, that's all you've got, 30 seconds to make your website visitors decide to stick around...The internet has changed how we think about the customer, the product and the competition. I'm going to take you on a journey through these new ideas and show you what has changed and how you now can approach your marketing. Freelance Copywriters on the Internet: How to Tell the Difference Between Heaven-sent and Hack If you're hunting for a good freelance copywriter and have never done it before, or if you have but find yourself needing another for the first time in a while, I don't envy you. This "brave new" e-world has turned your once straightforward search of a neatly stacked file of brochures and introductory letters into a bothersome wade through a mucky world of half-baked online listings and search results which only seem to list those freelance copywriters who are experts in SEO, or at least know what the heck it means (search engine optimization). Copywriting: Secrets of a Freelancer Lately, I've been getting emails from other copywriters who ask me questions like "What's your secret?" and "How did you do it?" and "Can I be your apprentice?" ![]() |
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