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Top 3 Rules for Writing Effective Copy
One thing all successful Internet marketers have in common is that they're good copywriters. If you want to have a profitable online business, you need to know how to write a copy that motivates people to buy your product... a copy that sells! In this article, I'm going to reveal 3 important rules that you should follow to write persuasive copy. Put these tips into practice, and watch your sales start climbing almost immediately! #1. Believe In Your Product It doesn't matter how many books you've read about copywriting... your copy won't sell if you don't believe in your product. It's very important to believe your product will help your customers solve their problems and give them what they want. You should believe that it's worth much more than they pay for it. What you think about your product and how much you believe in it is very important -- as much as the success of your copy depends on it. Let me give you an example... Let's say you want to sell an ebook titled How to Become a Professional Writer in 90 Days. You've never read this ebook and You don't know if it's good and worth the price. It's just an affiliate product that you've decided to sell to make money. You create a website and write a sales letter to motivate people to buy it. You implement all the tips and tricks you've heard about copywriting: a killer headline, short paragraphs, etc. Now you expect to make a lot of money. You wait and wait. But what happens is... nothing! Do you know why? Yes, because you didn't believe in the product you wanted to sell. You didn't believe in what you said in your sales letter because you hadn't read the ebook yourself and had no idea how it was. If you don't completely believe in your product, the reader will know this through every word of your copy. He understands that something is wrong and it makes him hesitant to buy from you. After all, if you don't believe in your own product, then how are you going to make them believe? # 2. "What's In It For Me?" "So what?" "What's in it for me?" These are the questions people keep asking while reading your copy. All of us look for benefits in everything we do, so do your customers. They want to know how your product will solve their problems. Basically, they want to know "what's in it for them". ... And you should certainly answer this extremely important question. Explain what problems they have right now and convince them that they should do something about them. Create a sense of urgency to solve the problems. Then give them the solution: your product! Tell them how your product will save their valuable time and money, bring them more happiness, money, health and so on. Make them imagine how wonderful their life will be with your product. Make them excited, very excited! I give you an example... Let's say that you want to write a copy for a very effective sleeping pill. First, you need to find the problems of your target market. What problems do people have who can't get a good, restful sleep? Well, they usually lose their temper a lot and can affect their relationships. They're nervous and can't concentrate on work, which in turn can make their boss angry. They're always tired and don't feel like doing anything, among other serious problems. Now explain each problem the way they can see it, hear it, taste it and feel it! Make them wish deeply that they could get rid of the problem. Are you here with me? Now it's time to give them the solution: your sleeping pill! Explain how it will help them fall asleep without waiting for hours. With your pill, every morning they wake up smiling because of a restful night. Finally, they will be rid of the terrible headache they always had. They will no longer be tired at work and can finally get a raise. Are you getting the picture? Tell them what's in it for them and your copy will sell like crazy! Now it's time for the last rule... # 3. Write to One Person Amateur copywriters think because many people read their copy, they should write to the public. No! Even if all the people in the world were to read your copy, each of them would read it individually. So each of the readers should feel you're talking to him and only him. This makes your copy have a much higher impact. Your copy should be friendly as well. Write as if you were addressing your best friend. Don't start with "Hey, everybody". You don't use that in a personal letter, do you? Say something like "Dear Friend" and your copy will be friendly and effective. After all, you're calling him your friend. # Final Notes Copywriting is an essential part of your marketing strategy. If you have a great product but don't know how to write effective copy, you won't make any sales because you can't motivate people to make a purchase. To become a professional copywriter you need to practice a lot. The more you write, the more you learn. If it takes you a long time to write your first copy, don't worry. After all, it's your first time. No one's born a copywriter. If you see that someone's copy sells like crazy, he sure has practiced very much. Some people give up at first, when they see they can't write as well as a professional copywriter. If you've just started, you shouldn't compare yourself with experts. Instead, learn from their experience and don't make the same mistakes they once made. It will save you a lot of time! And don't forget that you should never sell a product that you don't believe in. Even if you make some sales, you're making money by lying to your customers and betraying their trust... and it's not fair at all! They've worked hard to earn every dollar and now you're taking their money for something you wouldn't ever buy yourself. About The Author: Ladan Lashkari is a respected Internet marketing expert, and the owner of http://www.FreeNewsletterIdeas.com/ where you'll find free newsletter templates, creative newsletter ideas, honest reviews, and helpful resources to start your own highly profitable email marketing campaign.
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