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12 Copywriting Tips to Make Your Advertising More Profitable
Year after year people make the same mistakes in direct-response copy and advertising. You can avoid the most common and costly blunders by following these profit-enhancing tips... 1. WRITE IN DIRECT RESPONSE LANGUAGE: * Use short paragraphs and short words. This article has 68% short words-five letters or less. Strive for at least 65%-75%. Never go under 50% unless you are writing to Ph.D's. * Make your sentences and paragraphs flow like a breeze. * Ignore good grammar when you have a good reason. * Keep the bucket brigade going: Start paragraphs with And, But..., So you see..., However... * Use the freshest concepts and the most colorful language you can without disturbing the flow. * Use hot words: free, profit, new, now, secret, easy, save, guarantee, today... and the hottest word of all: YOU! * Use bullets... lots of them. 2. WRITE LOTS OF HEADLINES. Always think up dozens of alternative headlines. Put your strongest benefits in them and test your best alternatives. When writing headlines for web sites make sure they include key search words and phrases along with the benefits. 3. DROP THE WARM-UPS... You'll destroy your entire letter/ad by starting off, "As a homeowner, you know how maintenace costs are climbing every day...". Take your first draft and try cutting out the first two to three paragraphs... you'll usually find the real "meat" starts to appear in your copy after you have started to "warm-up" to the writing. 4. STAND OUT. Separate yourself from the competition as clearly as you can. Discover, isolate, and dramatize all the reasons for doing business wity you...today..., instead of your competitor. Build your entire package or ad around these reasons (benefits). 5. SELL BENEFITS, NOT FEATURES. Readers don't buy products or features of products. They buy the benefits-of-use of the product or features. Be humble enough to realize that a buyer will not give you one red cent for any product or feature until you convert the features into benefits-of-use. 6. LEARN TO GIVE. Most advertisers and charities think of direct response strictly as a device to "get". Unfortunately, most readers also want to get. So, to succeed, you must adopt a "give" attitude... beyond what you offer in the product or service. Give them something immediately in your ad, your letter, your web page. Give them news, business tips, interesting stories, resources, freebies, special deals. 7. USE TESTIMONIALS. They're proof that you're as good as you say you are, and that you'll do what you say will do. Like... "I increased profits by $100,000 last year using your services..." Joe Smith, President, Smith Corporation The more specific the testimonial the more power it has. Give full attributions whenever possible. Testimonials give you believability and credibility. You can't do successful direct-response without these two essential factors. 8. OFFER A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. Whatever you are selling, make sure you offer a money-back guarantee. It's a critical factor in getting someone to send in their money to someone they don't know or maybe never heard of. 9. CREDIT CARDS, TOLL FREE NUMBERS. Credit card purchases and toll-free "800" numbers can increase your response by as much as 50%. If you're on the web make sure you opt for secure on-line transmission (SSL) of credit card orders... or allow other means for your customer to provide their credit information to you. 10. ASK FOR ACTION. It's amazing how often otherwise good copy never gets around to asking for the order. If you don't ask for action... you won't get any. 11. BUDGET YOUR TIME. Devote about one third of your writing time to the lead elements, headline, subheads, teasers, opening paragraphs. 12. KEEP CURRENT. Direct-response is more scientific than other types of advertising. Like any fast-moving science, it has it's discoveries daily. This is especially true of writing for the Internet/World Wide Web. Subscribe to industry trade journals such as Target Marketing, DM News, Direct, and other relevant publications. (C) Copyright 2004-05 Thom Reece All Rights Reserved Thom Reece is the CEO of On-Line Marketing Group, a direct response marketing agency with headquarters in Hawaii. He is the creator of the Online Marketing Resource Center [ http://www.e-comprofits.com ] & the major portal for the network marketing industry- MaxxMLM.com [ http://www.MaxxMLM.com ]. Thom can be reached by email at: thom@e-comprofits.com or by phone at: 1-808-929-7377
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Keeping It Real: The Only Copywriting Trick That Works Much of today's accepted copywriting wisdom comes from old books written for a different, quieter world. Do You Make These 5 Mistakes When Writing Sales Copy? Writing copy has sometimes been compared to an "art." While it does take creative skill to write great copy that generates results, there are some mistakes that you should avoid to make sure that your copy is read and acted upon. The Formulas Freelance Copywriters Employ When Creating Web Content What is it exactly that copywriters DO when they produce new text for a site makeover? You often see the advertisements; a designer is looking for a freelance web writer who is going to create content around a number of keywords. There's not a lot more information about the process. What are the tricks of the trade and how do you get value for money when hiring a freelance writer? Hooks, Lines & Sinkers Hands up if the title to this article made you think that you'd strayed into a fishing feature? 8 Reasons to Outsource Your Copywriting Thinking of hiring a staff writer? Think again. Below, I will give you eight geat reasons to reconsider and outsource instead. Tech-writers: A Necessary Evil New to tech-writing, or thinking about starting? The key to success is recognising that tech-writers are a necessary evil. The Power of Saying You Can If you have children, you will doubtless remember saying to them, "You can do it." Give Me $1 And Ill Have A Powerful Marketing Weapon One of my most powerful marketing weapons costs me less than $1. I buy it once and it lasts me a lifetime. I use it over and over again and it never leaves my side. What on earth could it be? Making Your Purpose Your Business Step #4 - Organizing & Developing Online Content If you have done your homework then you are ready to organize and develop what will be your online content. Your content is very important as it will be used for promoting you, your work, and your website. Content serves a variety of purposes; it displays public relations, target marketing, and general information to build a platform for your product (your purpose). How You Can Find Freelance Children?s Writing Positions That Will Last Freelance children's writing positions are always advertised. Rather, the schooling to learn how to write for these jobs is advertised. But, there is often a large lack of employment vacancies actually available. Many of these companies offering to train individuals in these positions claim that there are quite a few companies offering employment or that will publish their work. In fact, it is up to the individual to find these positions themselves, and as it turns out, it is very difficult to get published. So, when the opportunity for freelance children's writing positions becomes available, it is essential that good care be taken to ensure that the relationship lasts. How to Write Profitable Ads Regardless of how you look at it, the most important aspect ofany successful business is its advertising. In fact,the success of any business is largely dependent on good advertising. Top 3 Rules for Writing Effective Copy One thing all successful Internet marketers have in common is that they're good copywriters. If you want to have a profitable online business, you need to know how to write a copy that motivates people to buy your product... a copy that sells! Creative Copywriting? There is a difference between creative writing and copywriting. It took me a while to come to terms with this but it's true, there is a difference. When I first started my home based business on the Internet I read a lot of advice about publishing articles and doing copywriting to advertise your website. There was always a distinction drawn between copywriting and creative writing. I did not understand this: surely copywriting is creative? Eventually the logic dawned on me: all copywriting is creative writing but not all creative writers can write decent ad copy. If you have never studied that particular branch of philosophy, it's like all roses are flowers but not all flowers are roses. Quotations as Expressions in Life Quotations are expressions, usually in the spoken form or in literature, which are referenced to by others. Usually, quotations are written within quotation marks, as a verbum dicendi, to indicate that it was an expression given by a particular person. Nowadays, quotations are usually referenced from sources such as literature, speeches, movie dialogues, interviews or even song lyrics. How To Make A Career Out Of Copyediting And Proofreading Do you possess the qualities of a good proof reader? Are you good with details, spotting errors in spelling, grammar, and the flow of a piece and putting together quality work? If so, you may be able to make a career out of copyediting or proofreading. For those looking to get in to this field of copywriting, they may be stuck looking in if they do not know where or how to get established. So, is there a tried and tested method for getting your foot in the door? No matter how much any and all of us would like that; there is just no easy way to do so. Ten Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets In order to make more sales and get more profits for your business, fist of all, you should have a good ad copy. Once you master the knowlege for how to get traffic, you will get a lot of visitors to your site. If your ad copy does not sell, your advertising and traffic are wasted. Here are a few tips for your reference. Business Writing: When Not To Be Professional It's time to write your next ad or brochure. Maybe some web content. You've done all your research, and you're staring at a blank computer screen. You want to look good in print. You want to put your "best foot forward." And, of course, you want to make a barrel full of money. Some Copy Tips From An Old Hand I have been in the ad game for a long, long time. I have trained hundreds of writers, and I've been responsible for moving of millions £ & $ in product worldwide. Here are just a few tips that I hope will help you do a better job, and make a bigger name for yourself. Is Your Content Provider Selling You Ripped Content? Ripped content: well the term itself is self explanatory. Content that has been copied from some other site, without any official authority to do so. Although sounds like an extremely trivial issue but is not so, considering the strict copy right laws governing intellectual properties in various countries. Careless usage of such content can thus lead you in some seriously troubled waters and at times involving legalities of more then one country. By the term "content provider" I denote the person, whom you may hire for writing the content of your website, articles or for copywriting a product or service. Let's look at this problem more closely. You are contacted by some person, quite distinctively, through your IM service. The person introduces himself to be a reputed content provider and for credibility also supplies you with some web site addresses he claims to have given the contents for. The final shot, to sweep you from your feet is their rock bottom prices. Any mention about copyrights is brushed aside or circumvented so effortlessly and cleanly that you stand fooled with both eyes open. However, this is the end of the stage one of their plan. Enter part two and you are supplied loads of tweaked and altered or down rightly plagiarized material from numerous sites, all packaged into one installment for you. While you are complimenting yourself about a steal deal, what you don't probably know is that there are laws you have violated and for which you might have to pay a price many fold ? than your steal deal!! Caution- is the word when it comes to hiring content providers or copy writers for your site or products. And there are some unspoken rules within the industry circles. For e.g., a) Before hiring a content provider or a copy writer, always check for their portfolio, those with a site of their own are some how more trust worthy. b) Request and check references, c) Ask for samples of some specific style or format, this shall help you ascertain the quality of the worker. d) Have a clear understanding about copy rights and laws pertaining to the same. e) Expect to go by the prevailing market rates, do not be fooled by throw away prices and always deal only after fair agreements are chalked out. A good way of finding out ripped content is to Google parts of the final works and cross checking the results. How to Make the Most of Your Website Copywriter Many people feel uncertain when dealing with copywriters. Like any artform, writing is subjective; instead of black and white, most business owners and marketing managers see indistinguishable shades of grey. But copywriting possesses one key element that most other forms of art don't ? a commercial imperative. ![]() |
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