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A Quick Free n Easy Content Writing Course
I do not pretend that a one-stop shop solution to content writing exists, but my experience has taught me, that working toward a 100% effective writing formula isn't a complete waste of time. At my firm (a content writing business), we find it particularly useful to go through a number of steps before we put pen to paper. We start a web content assignment by determining a number of 'vital factors' in a client's web communication process. The writing exercise that follows will be largely centered around this hyperlinked path activity - kind of proportionally. To take our own site -www.contentclix.com- as an example, the click of a mouse is such a vital factor. That is to say, if you come away from the website with nothing more than the notion that we are about clicks and content, a step toward our ultimate goal -getting you to sign up for a content makeover by one of our writers- has been achieved. Chances will have improved that you will think of us when you one day notice why some of your links deliver low ROI numbers and and other links high yields. That's progress. The other hyperlinked vital points hopefully will finish the job. We won't say anymore about our own site but move on to the wider world wide web. Clicks are an integral part to every website; whatever the way you bring your goods to market, people always need to click to get it. Not a single sale is made/not a new page is entered/not a link path is followed without a click of the mouse. We write your web content in a navigational structure made up of layered CLICKS. The four layers we categorise are: Clicks generating click throughs; Clicks generating repeat visits leading to sales; Clicks generating traffic; Clicks generating sales. Why distribute your clicks into these categories? Simple, it helps you to focus and create clarity throughout your site. Your visitors can decide to let you go at any point in the navigational process, but it is least likely they will ditch your site for another one when they feel they're communicating rather than floating endlessly. We write content guiding the visitor to any of the four clicks. Content shapes your visitors' behaviour both short and long term. It's a cliche, it's often said lightly but it's very true. Research into highly successful sites shows that the secret is a navigational path that is littered with clear, to the point as well as highly communicative advice that makes visitors spend more time and money and really leaves them better off. Customer research is also proving of crucial importance in devising a winning strategy. Although not a single country in the world has reached the saturation point by far in web transacted business, we're so far in the cycle now that there is verifiable information confirming that knowledge about the way customers behave is a competitive advantage. Totally obvious? You'd be surprised at how few web based businesses are on the ball here. (Read our article 'What's to be gained from greater synergy between the the real, the cyber and the creative worlds?) The battle for customers is fought here and future make-or-break situations will prove to be in their decisive stage right here too. Pay attention and get the experts to re-focus your copy. We at contentClix can make all the difference for you! This article was brought to you by contentClix.com writers. If you are interested in tailormade content exclusively for your site, contact us via writers@contentclix.com or visit our website http://www.contentclix.com
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Direct Mail Sales Letters Flow Better With Subheads A subscriber to my newsletter asks: "Got any good pointers on writing great sub-heads?" Yes, I do. Here they are. Your Article Headlines will Make or Break Your Business Most people with an online presence will have to regularly deal with the issue of coming up with an appropriate headline. The problem is that most people do not take it seriously enough. Many do not realize that the headline is so important that no matter how good the content is, it will never get read if the headline does not beckon surfers to it. How to Write Carrot-Wielding Copy! A significant reason behind websites that fail is the lack of an effective direct response sales message. Such a message is comprised of three elements (it must be): How You Can Become A Freelance Business Plan Writer As with any business, becoming a freelance business plan writer can be a challenge. The first challenges involve factors such as cash flow, getting clients, and maintaining some sort of order. Later, challenges will involve getting new clients, insuring return business and referrals, and making a profit. But, like any good business, it is up to the individual to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Becoming a freelance business plan writer is an excellent career. To make it successful, plan to succeed from the beginning. Is Your Web Copy Plain Talk? It's true, we were all taught in school to express ourselves differently on paper, than the way we speak. To follow rules of grammar, and inject an artificial air of formality. Business Writing: When Not To Be Professional It's time to write your next ad or brochure. Maybe some web content. You've done all your research, and you're staring at a blank computer screen. You want to look good in print. You want to put your "best foot forward." And, of course, you want to make a barrel full of money. 3 Tips For Writing Better Headlines The single most important element of your website's copy is the headline. Take away practically everything else and you can still manage a sale (if the headline's good enough and you have a strong enough call to action). But take away the headline and your chances for any success are about zero. What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You Do you ever have brilliant ideas for articles, books or a website, but never get around to doing anything about them? Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Trust and credibility are vital in creating consumer confidence. Being able to tell the world who you are, what you do and how you do it is the best kind of confidence-building free publicity?producing results rivaling those of standard advertising. But even if you could crank out passable copy yourself, most businesspeople should be spending their time doing what they do best?minding the store, not staring at blank sheets of paper! 7 Powerful Sales Copy Writing Techniques! Your sales letter is the most important component in your web site or marketing campaign. It will introduces your products or services to your visitors and how people react (buy, bookmark, leave) is 80% entirely depends on your sales letter. Dont Forget The Copywriting Copywriting And Content Creation Why Your Advertising Copy is not the Most Important Part of Your Ad If you own a shop in the middle of the desert, and nobody walks past... obviously you're not going to attract many customers. How To Write Direct Mail That Really, Really Works! So, you have something you want to sell. It may be a product, a service, or a cause. It could be a membership, a subscription, or a motor car. It might be paper, health products or the idea that the humane society or the Alzheimer's association is worth giving money to. It could be computer equipment, hand-sewn dolls clothes or garden gnomes. Its the Headline, Stupid! - Writing Powerful Headlines "It's the headline, stupid," is the sign that hangs over my computer screen. It reminds me that to write effective articles, press releases, sales letters--whatever I want people to read--I need a powerful, grabber headline or title. 16 Golden Rules of Master Copywriting You could spend thousands of dollars on advertisement and have extremely low or no results in sales because of your poor planed copy. You shouldn't be amazed by the fact that huge corporations all over the world do that mistake and waste millions of dollars on false advertisement campaigns. The Secret to Drilling Down Deep in Your Target Market Here's another drill ripped out of the Field Guide for my Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp. There are 20 drills total which take 15 minutes per day (my "recruits" get weekends off). Each drill stands on its own but put them all together and the impact on your salesmanship is phenomenal! So here is another one for you? Hooks, Lines & Sinkers Hands up if the title to this article made you think that you'd strayed into a fishing feature? 10 Things You Should Expect From Your IT Copywriter So how do you know when you've found an IT copywriter? And ? more importantly ? how do you know what to expect from them? The following 10 tips will give you a good understanding of the qualities to look for ? the things that make a copywriter an IT copywriter. Give Me $1 And Ill Have A Powerful Marketing Weapon One of my most powerful marketing weapons costs me less than $1. I buy it once and it lasts me a lifetime. I use it over and over again and it never leaves my side. What on earth could it be? How To Ethically Use A Swipe File For Your Ad Copy Did you ever wish you could afford to hire one of those professional copy writers who charge $5000 or more to write a simple sales letter? Or worse, have you laid down your hard-earned cash for a self-proclaimed "professional" writer, and gotten back something your 3rd grader could have written? Copywriting: Engage Prospects By Involving Their Senses Imagine a bland, colorless existence. Where food had no taste, silence surrounded you and everything smelled the same. ![]() |
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