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How Your $2-an-Article Ghostwriter is Like a Cheap Pair of Pants
Web marketers: have you figured out that article marketing is the secret to your success on the web? And did you realize that the more web articles you put into circulation, the more of a web celebrity you'll become, and the more money will come pouring in? So what did you do after you figured this out? Let me guess: You went on Elance.com searching from someone to write your web articles cheap. Do you hear a faint wailing sound in the distance? That's me, weeping for you. You're on the path to failure, and it makes me want to cry. If you're running to Elance.com for help, you're missing the main point of article marketing. Your articles must not only be well-written, but they should be highly targeted. An article that's highly targeted speaks to ONE audience, isolates exactly what they need, and then positions your company as delivering the goods. An entire article CAMPAIGN does this to the Nth degree. If you hire someone who agrees to write your articles for $2 apiece, you're basically giving up that golden opportunity to power-drive your article campaign to all the right people and bring in big business. Why are you giving it up? Because that sweatshop copywriter doesn't care about you or your campaign, fool. Their name isn't going on the article, yours is. If you're worried about quality, you have every right to be. Someone working for 5 cents a word just wants to get the project done as quickly as possible and move on. So, forget the jacked up article marketing, you're getting sub-par copy whether you're ready to believe it or not. Ever buy a pair of pants from Walmart for $5, wear them twice and then watch the button fall off? So your mom sews it back on, and then two weeks later the zipper breaks. I call these disposable pants. "They were only five bucks, I'll just buy another pair," you think. Okay, but how many pairs of cheap pants did you end up buying this year? Nine? Twelve? How many will you buy in your lifetime because they fell apart in the dryer, split up the back when you sat down, or were otherwise destroyed prematurely in everyday use? Much like those disposable pants, your $2-an-article copywriter is not in it with you for the long haul. She's there to satisfy an immediate need and she's writing to get paid. For that kind of money, would YOU care about someone else's conversion rate? Would you write an article marketing power campaign that comes from your soul? Of course not. So don't expect that your poorly paid copywriter will. You know those 100% cotton twill pants you bought five years ago that you still wear on semi-special occasions? Go put them on and take a good look in the mirror. Then call that Elance copywriter and tell her you're not signing the contract. Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved. Dina Giolitto is the author of ARTICLE POWER: Create Dynamite Web Articles and Watch Your Sales Explode... a 49-page manual covering every aspect of article marketing on the web. Learn about article marketing, copywriting and more at http://www.wordfeeder.com
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I am not talking about new initiatives. I'm talking about the programs that you run year after year. The membership drive that you run year after year. The funds that you must raise to cover administrative expenses and salaries year after year. How can you request funds for these things over time without boring your donors into apathy? Learn a lesson from Jack Foster. ![]() |
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