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Copywriting Goldmine: One of 20 Insider Secrets to Great Copywriting
Each weekday during my Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp, attendees (or recruits) get a daily drill designed to reinforce the training I give on weekly phone calls. The drills are illuminating and fun. Plus these drills build your copy from the ground up. By the end of Bootcamp, you actually have a sales letter that would have cost you anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000 to have written professionally. So how do you get going? Grab a kitchen timer or stopwatch, a piece of paper and a pen. Your bite-sized drill today is to separate out the features from the benefits. So let's do an exercise. Before you write a single word of copy you must define your product or service using features and benefits if you want to really connect with your reader. (When I'm trying to get my features and benefits to poke their heads out, I like to write by hand. I think there's a connection between the brain and handwriting.) So we're on the same page, here are the definitions of each.
Now schedule 15 minutes of uninterrupted time to play and let's go! It's no secret. The amount of money you make with marketing comes down to how well you craft your words. It's the most valuable skill you can learn for making money online. But not everyone wants to be a copywriter. So I wanted to create a program that makes writing fun and effortless for entrepreneurs and copywriters alike. That's how the Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp was launched. Recruits who have gone through it agree ? the Bootcamp is the roadmap to a copywriting goldmine. You learn a proven process for writing copy FAST that improves your bottom line. Sure there are other ways to get there, but we get it done in 4 weeks flat (plus 2 weeks of follow up critiques). Face it, if you're in business you're also a marketer. And all marketers know it's the words that sell. So where do you grab this Field Guide for more copywriting exercises? Sorry. Only recruits of my Bootcamp can get it for now. So sign up today before the next session is full. It will be one of the best business decisions you've ever made. Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp ABOUT THE AUTHOR: International copywriting trainer, author and speaker, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero has been a freelance writer and journalist for over 25 years. Her words have made her clients hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now she focuses her vast experience on teaching others the skill of copywriting. Lorrie is the author of a highly acclaimed copywriting course, creator of the Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp and founder of Copy Campus, a unique membership resource site designed to support copywriters and entrepreneurs on all levels. Visit her site to learn more at http://www.red-hot-copy.com.
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Can 97% of Netpreneurs be Wrong? Why Some People's Ads Almost Always Make Money A Copywriters Rant: Either You Get it, Or You Dont Today I am having a rant inside of my own head. Woo hoo, the copywriter is losing it again! Maybe. 3 Keys to Better Online Copywriting Doing the copywriting for your own website without the proper knowledge and tools is pretty much like flying blind in a snowstorm without piloting experience or instruments. Hey, Client, This Is Me! Sell With Your Writing Voice In a crowded market, clients will be seeking personality as they read what you've written -- they'll click right past pages that feel "been there, read that." They're looking for a voice that says, "Hey, client, this is me!" Pulling Sales with Your Ad Copy One of the best marketing tools available to your internet business is good sales ad copy. This can pull in sales faster than just about anything. Subtle Emotion - The Key To Copy That Works Say the word "emotion" to a man, and he'll immediately jump out of his seat and run from the room! Utter the word "emotion" to a woman, and she begins to conjure up thoughts of romantic, long talks centered around feelings. However, speak the word "emotion" to a copywriter and s/he should see dollar signs. Why? Because a good command of subtle emotion is the key to copy that works. Copywriting: Drafting Rules for Professionals As a professional contractor who wears many hats, you owe it to yourself and your clients to be as organized as possible. In a previous article, I discussed the importance of delivering an organized draft that your co-creators can easily work from. Following are some suggestions for freelance copywriters who wish to streamline their copy submission process and ensure a crisp, clean draft every time. Its Time To Start That Swipe File Just as great fiction is an art, so is great copywriting. 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Freelance Copywriters on the Internet: How to Tell the Difference Between Heaven-sent and Hack If you're hunting for a good freelance copywriter and have never done it before, or if you have but find yourself needing another for the first time in a while, I don't envy you. This "brave new" e-world has turned your once straightforward search of a neatly stacked file of brochures and introductory letters into a bothersome wade through a mucky world of half-baked online listings and search results which only seem to list those freelance copywriters who are experts in SEO, or at least know what the heck it means (search engine optimization). 10 Tips for Tech-Writers Tech-writing is a tricky business. It's not a very high profile industry, so there's not much support around. Follow these 10 quick tips, and you'll be well on your way to a satisfying tech-writing career. To Start Making Cash from Your Online Writing, You Must Draw Blood First Writers write just like painters, paint on canvas. This is one of the reasons why it is important that you launch your writing career by getting some freelance writing work that you can get paid for doing. More Insider Secrets to Great Copywriting - Judging Your Target Market This week we're going to reinforce the training that Recruits of my Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp are drilled on. In case you didn't read my last article we covered what you MUST do before you write a single word of copy. Each weekday we build on your skills of creating your copy from the ground up following my Field Guide. By the end of this copywriting Bootcamp you won't believe that it was you capable of writing such a professional sales letter. How To Test The Body Of Your Sales Copy For Weaknesses Your sales copy is the life source of your business. If your sales copy isn't pulling in a decent conservation rate, then your business is suffering. 5 Rules for Effective Written Sales Communications Most salespeople have great ideas, but when it comes to putting those ideas on paper for their prospects, they ramble on for pages and quickly lose their readers' interest. Why do brilliant salespeople often have such a difficult time writing effective sales materials? Quite simply, these professionals haven't mastered the 5 rules of effective written business communications. Some Important Tips On Proposals And Price Here's a critically important copywriting technique I use when writing sales letters and proposals for our own direct marketing services and for our clients. Discover Your Creativity You have a choice. Do you want to be constructive and positive in a unique way? Or do you want to be destructive and negative in a unique way? History has proven the futility of the latter goal. So let's focus on your unique capacity to better yourself and those around you. ![]() |
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