How to Use Feathers and Dried Flowers to Give Your Scrapbooks an Artistic Feel

Feathers make exotic and interesting embellishments and borders. Feathers add an air of softness. Feathers may be useful in scrapbooks with a freedom, peace, or quiet theme. However, colored or exotic feathers may add a touch of adventure or a feeling of a far away land to a scrapbook page.

When gluing feathers, place a thin line of glue along the center of the feather. Alternately, use embroidery cotton to tie the feather in place.

Keep in mind, however, that feathers are not acid free. This will reduce the life of your scrapbook page.

Dried flowers make elegant embellishments and accents in scrapbooks. Flowers can be placed whole, in bunches with other flowers, as petals, or punched into various shapes. Flowers can be used to add a homey touch to photographs or to draw the eye away from cluttered scrapbooks. Flowers can also be used to add to an outdoor or elegant theme.

When gluing flowers, place a thin line of glue along the stem or directly on each petal. Alternately, use embroidery cotton to tie the flower or a bunch of flowers into the appropriate place on your scrapbook.

Remember that flowers are not lignin free and acid free. This will reduce the life of your scrapbook page.

Mia LaCron is the founder of - - devoted to helping individuals record, store, and preserve their most cherished memories via the art of scrapbooking.

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