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Top Ten Reasons To Start Creativity Coaching
DEVELOP YOUR ARTISTIC CONFIDENCE I'd really like to write but I don't have enough time. Creativity coaching can give you back control over your calendar. EXPAND YOUR HOBBY TO A PART-TIME BUSINESS: I can make crafts for others, but I'm too scared to sell them to strangers. Creativity coaching can teach you how to expand and meet your artistic expectations. EXPLORE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Marketing my work to new markets is difficult. Creativity coaching can teach you how to research and develop new markets. ACHIEVE YOUR ARTISTIC GOALS: I can set goals, but I can't complete them. Creativity coaching can teach you how to formulate and complete your goals. EXPLORE ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR CREATIVITY: I don't know if I am creative or not. Creativity coaching can help you discover the truth about your creativity. BALANCE YOUR CREATIVITY AND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE: If I don't write regularly, I begin to feel trapped. Creativity coaching can help you discover the truth about your creativity. DISCOVER PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND OTHER NETWORKING OUTLETS: Where do I find artist in my artistic discipline? Creativity coaching can help you increase your business skills. CREATE CONCRETE PLANS FOR YOUR ARTISTIC BUSINESS: How do I write a business plan, when my art isn't even selling? Creativity coaching can help you increase your business skills. FIND AN ARTISTIC MENTOR OR BUDDY: Where can I find an artistic mentor or buddy? Creativity coaching can help you expand your support network. Copyright 2005 Writer's Eye Advisory Service Lael Johnson, owner of Writer's Eye Advisory Service, offers creativity coaching services and additional writing resources at: http://www.writerseye.com/creativitycoaching/index.shtml
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Produce Creativity: 4 Ways To Motivate Your Melon It was 8:00 PM and I'd hit a creative wall ? hard. But there was so much work to be done! And I just had to get out of the office or else my article would never get finished. So I knew the only way to stimulate my mind was to practice a technique called "displacement." How You Can Improve Your Creativity - What You Need to Know Would you like to enhance your creativity? Do you think that increased creativity is something that would improve your life? Creativity Isnt Just About Art It Is About Healing Go on, pick up a pen, hold it in your hand and ask, " What can you do for me?" What do you hear? If you listen with your heart you may hear " I can show you a world within that only you and I can explore! Let's start writing and see what we can find." Seeing Problems From Their Creative Side Did you know that winning actually puts less wear and tear on the body than worrying? And did you know that you could worry yourself sick to the point that you'll end up in a hospital bed? And that, depending on the severity of the problem, when it becomes chronic and acceptable mode of conduct, it could lead to options beyond hospitalization? It could very well lead to imprisonment or interment! What is Creativity? Here in England September represents the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn as well as the start of the new school year and the start of many new initiatives in business, life and lots more besides. How to Generate Ideas for Info-products? Dear friends the current study shows that there are more than 50,000,000 registered domain names on the Internet (approx.)(Reference http://www.whois.sc/internet-statistics/) Even if we eliminate 30% non-commercial sites we are left with 35,000,000 sites. All these are trying to sell everything from safety pins to space ships. Creative Memory Tricks What's the biggest problem with memory tricks? Remembering to use them, of course. There are many memory techniques that work well, but you'll forget them when you need them most - unless you make using them a habit. So when you take the time to learn a technique, use it until it becomes automatic. Here are some to try. Trying to Create From Distorted Perceptions? We've all met people who are "negative" ? negative thinkers who consistently see the glass as half empty. Creativity Creativity is the gift to mankind. This is not the thing which can be created by human beings. Becoming Radiant: Boost Your Teams Creativity with Mind Mapping I don't take notes anymore. Instead, I create one wildly colorful, creative and inspiring page whenever I need to make a decision, prepare a presentation, or plan an event. That whole two-column plus and minus approach? Gone. Courage and Creating Doing anything creative often brings up fears, anxieties, insecurities. Courage may be defined as going ahead in spite of fear. But many creators not only live with their fears, they welcome them. Improve Your Bottom Line, Kens Idea Saved over $100,000 Engaged employees can show us the way to continuously improve. Customers want our products and services to be better, delivered faster, and produced less expensively. This means that everything we do needs to be improved. All employees can be thinking about how to reduce costs, looking at safety issues, reducing wastes, and improving the environment, while at the same time developing skills to identify, articulate and communicate those kinds of things. A New Discovery Of An Old Secret Some years ago, when the world seemed to close in on me and I felt as though I was trapped between the sword and the wall, I made an exciting discovery. Actually, it was a phenomenon that was as old as dirt but it took on significant meanings for me because it freed me from all my problems and all the stresses and pressures that were being imposed upon me. Becoming More Creative -- What We Can Learn From Disney When you think about the legacies Walt Disney left us, do talking mice and a multigizillion dollar company come to mind? Actually, those are only the products of his prodigious and rich creativity - dig deeper and you start to realize one of the most intriguing heritages Disney left was his processes. Creativity Myths Sustained myths about Creativity and Innovation lead to confusion, bad practice and bad decision making. Some of them include: Creativity Management ? Measurement, Benchmarking, and Improvement Contrary to common perception, creativity can be made tangible, measurable and useable. In terms of measurement, benchmarking and improvement, the first step is to decide on definitions, the second is to decide on methods of measurement and finally, to monitor each measurement for improvement. Art, Artists and Money Practical money tips for people in the arts. Attraction: What We Attract With Our Creative Choices I used to be a jazz singer. Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, they were wonderful and I strived to sing like they did. But no one impressed me as much as Billie Holiday. The tragedy and the talent meshed together into a musical offering unlike any I'd heard. I was inexplicably drawn to the drama and the heartache. New Inventions - From Absurd to Wacky! New inventions? Heard of a revolving restaurant combination television tower? How about color x-ray pictures? Or heard of a new invention that turns the sea's salt water drinkable? These are wacky new inventions not having been fully used! Drawing On Creativity: How To Trick Your Brain Can you draw? ![]() |
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