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Creativity Myths
Sustained myths about Creativity and Innovation lead to confusion, bad practice and bad decision making. Some of them include: 1. Creativity requires Creative Types While some theorists assert that there are creativity traits such as tolerance for ambiguity and intolerance to conformity, these assertions are countered by the fact that traits are hard to identify and are not stable nor transferable across situations. Further, motivation is a critical factor. Additionally, creativity is a cognitive process and thus measurements like "she looks creative" are poor benchmarks. All the research shows that everyone can produce novel, useful, varied, diverse ideas and looking for certain types to come up with them reduces total valuable output. 2. Money is the best Motivator Material reward is a synergistic extrinsic motivator. That means that it is a factor that enhances intrinsic motivation but may not in itself cause maximum creative effort and output ? there are at least six other motivators that are as valuable. Additionally, the exact level of material reward very positively correlates to that received by peer groups. 3. Time Pressure drives Creativity Yes and no. There are at least three conflicting forces: a) Time pressure increases creative output. By forcing idea production, setting goals and incremental deadlines, a greater number of ideas are produced than if a "do your best" approach is taken. This action benefits from the positives of prolific production and other processes. b) Time pressure may be a non-synergistic extrinsic motivator. It reduces the level of engagement in the endeavour and inhibits intrinsic motivation. c) Short-term time pressure does not allow the mind to engage in the endeavour at various cognitive levels. It does not allow rich ideas to formulate through the process of incubation. 4. Competition outperforms Collaboration Competition causes many people to shut down and introduces many negatives such as core and peripheral groups, politicking and restriction of information. Collaboration, on the other hand, allows the intellectual cross pollination that is the raw material for good idea generation. 5. Creativity and Innovation can be used interchangeably The terms Creativity and Innovation are often used interchangeably but they are, in fact, separate and distinct. Creation can be described as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation is idea selection, development and commercialisation. The distinctions alone lead to numerous conclusions. Among them is the fact that: a) Creativity and Innovation leaders require at least six different competencies (including one holistic) to even begin Managing Creativity and Innovation (actually, many more are needed). b) Both Creativity and Innovation require different structures, processes and skill sets. c) Workshop facilitators should split sessions into distinct parts and formulate frameworks and processes to maximise output at each level. ************************************ These and other topics are covered in depth in the MBA dissertation on Managing Creativity & Innovation, which can be purchased at http://www.managing-creativity.com ************************************ You are free to reproduce this article as long as the author's name, web address and link to MBA dissertation is retained. Kal Bishop MBA
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Being Creative is Essential for Online Success Do you have a strategy that ensures your online business stands out from the crowd? Creativity: Getting Out of the Box Leadership, especially in times of change, depends increasingly on the ability of managers, professionals and even front line workers to think and do things differently. In other words, to get out of the box! Tap the Creative Inside You Imagination is the source of creativity. It's a place where unlimited possibilities reside. It's where pure energy lives. 12 Ways To Boost Your Creativity At Work As workplaces continue to rightsize and downsize, we all find ourselves doing more with less. How do we stay ahead of the workload while staying sane? The key is to put your creativity to work for you so you can do more with less and shine like never before. How To Increase Creativity... Set Deadlines! Deadlines are something all of us face from time to time. We face deadlines whenever we set even a small goal and commit to accomplish it... that's when deadlines becomes important and valuable to us. Brainstorming Effectively BRAINSTORMING: The basic tool used in generating many possible solutions to a problem is brainstorming. To use the brainstorming process effectively requires following a prescribed set of rules very closely. These rules are: 1. No positive or negative comments are allowed during the brainstorming phase. 2. Positive or negative non-verbal evaluations are discouraged as well. 3. A group member may ask for clarification if the member does not understand a given suggestion, but it is important to avoid any questions that are directed to "how" or "why" of the idea. In other words, the person suggesting a solution is not to be asked to defend the idea! 4. "Far out" or amusing suggestions are encouraged. Laughter can serve as a good release and help people relax. A seemingly wild or amusing suggestion is listed with the more serious ideas for group consideration, unless the "author" of the idea specifically asks that it be withheld. Sometimes a wild idea can be changed or built upon for creative practical solutions. The idea here is to relax and let the ideas flow. 5. Encourage group members to generate solutions that are based upon changing ideas already presented, (e.g., reversing, expanding, limiting). 6. Combine ideas that seem to compliment each other. Connect With Your Creative Dream We get so busy in our day-to-day life, with all the doing and actions and daily chores, that we can quickly lose sight of the BIG PICTURE. What's it all for? What are you working towards? Creative Thinking The Secret Key To Lasting Success What is creativity anyway? Well, let us look at the word. Creativity means the capability to build, create something. It does mean to build something new but not necessarily something unique. And here is the first trap many of us tap into. We tend to think about creativity as building something unique, something that has never been there before. Creativity Management ? Finish What You Start Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Learn A Life Skill TODAY! Did you ever watch your grandma knitting? Sleep and Creativity In my life, sleep is the number one way that I can either enhance my self-care and nourish myself or defeat my self-care and deplete my energy, peace of mind & productivity all in one shot. Dare to Dream Have you ever thought of this? When you were young and at school the teachers always reprimanded the dreamers - "You live on another planet", "You've got your head full of silly notions!" and the like. You Dont Have To Be An Artist To Be Creative Imagine that a block of ice has been set on your desk. Now describe it. Square, clear and cold, right! Next, consider it from different points of view: If you were trekking across Death Valley, that ice could quench your thirst; a doctor could use it to reduce a patient's fever; a madman could use it to crack a victim's skull; and an engineer could boil it to produce steam for a turbine. Characteristics: Creative Types VS Clods! Here are some odds & ends I have observed in creative-expert-genius types: Gift of a Letter "What cannot letters inspire? They have souls; they can speak; they have in them all that force which expresses the transports of the heart; they have all the fire of our passions." Letter from Heloise to Abelard (from Gift of a Letter by Alexandra Stoddard) How Logic Puzzles Can Help You Become a Better Problem Solver I have to admit that I am a confirmed puzzle-head. I love crosswords, acrostics, and cryptograms. But I am becoming ever more intrigued by logic problems. For one thing they teach you how to become a more attentive listener or reader to catch the nuances of language that can provide invaluable clues to their solution. For another, they teach the step-to-step process of processing information. These are skills that are valuable for nearly all reasoning situations. Its Time to Get Out of the Box "It is never too late to be what you might have been. "(George Eliot) Internet Business: 10 Important Creative Ways To Get New Product Ideas Creativity is one of the most important keys to success in any business. Overcoming Artists Block (Part 1) How many times does an artist stare down at that blank piece of paper thinking "What on earth do I paint - Where do I put my first mark?" More often than you would imagine! It happens to all creative people actually, from visual artists, designers, poets, through to musicians and writers. How To Discover Hidden Talents Within You And Begin Appyling Them In Your Life Now Have you decided it may be time to start creating some new excitement in your life? If you are now retired, soon to be retired, or just now reaching those "golden years" do you feel your life has become a little dull? Uneventful? Maybe even a little discouraging? ![]() |
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