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Connect With Your Creative Dream
We get so busy in our day-to-day life, with all the doing and actions and daily chores, that we can quickly lose sight of the BIG PICTURE. What's it all for? What are you working towards? If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there? Taking the time to connect with your creative dream allows you to visit (and then revisit) the big picture. For instance, if I know that these smaller articles are going to come together into a book, I'm going to approach writing them with more excitement and a stronger sense of purpose. Creative dreams are precious things. They're sometimes so dear to us that we fear saying them out loud, writing about them or even indulging too much time in thinking about them. We worry we'll lose them, that other people will think they're silly and might convince US of the same thing, or we tell ourselves we're just "fantasizing" and think we "should" be working instead. Or the opposite may be true; we may have a very active fantasy life, conjuring up images of many different creative dreams, scenarios and the like, but never quite bringing any of them back down to the earth with us. Connecting with your creative dream, in the ways I suggest below, will allow you to nurture a healthy vision of where you're going, and bring that dream into your everyday life as a creative artist. Bringing your creative dream with you into your day-to-day world can help get you out of the mire of self-doubt, details and challenges of today. Your creative dream is that little smile on your face that no one understands but you ? and whoever you trust to share it with. Put it into Play: Daily Practices for Connecting with your Creative Dream Part 1: Define your Creative Dream ? Defining your creative dream can be as simple as spending a few quiet moments in reflection, and then capturing your thoughts through words, images and/or music. Here are some more specific ideas; choose whichever one appeals to you, or try them all. Often in a coaching session I'll ask a client to do this: Imagine that you're climbing on top of a BIG mountain. From there, you can look down at your past, present and future paths. Explore things from this unique perspective and see what you can see about your creative dream from up here. Then capture your thoughts through words, images and/or music. Another idea is to write yourself a letter dated some time in the future, at a time when you've made this creative dream come true. Write about how things are for you now, what you did to make the dream happen, how you're feeling, and any expressions of gratitude, appreciation or self-acknowledgment. Record yourself reading this letter. Or create a collage or other artistic representation of your creative dream. Place it in your creative workspace. Revisit these processes whenever you feel the need, or if you've been through a transformative experience. Part 2: Connect with your Creative Dream Everyday ? Choose one of the following: Read through your notes or "future letter". Play or listen to your "creative dream music" or your recorded "future letter". Talk about your creative dream to someone you trust. Let them know before hand if you're open to their comments or if you'd prefer they just listen. Move your artwork or collage to a new place in your creative workspace. Play with when it comes into your line of sight as you work and notice the impact. This will also keep it from fading into the woodwork (where you'll no longer notice it). Questions to Consider: Where in your creative life do you need to step aside and look at the big picture? When was the last time you let yourself dream? (c) Linda Dessau, 2005. All rights reserved. Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach, helps artists enhance their creativity by addressing their unique self-care issues. Feel like your creativity is blocked? Sign-up for the free e-course, "Roadblocks to Creativity" by visiting http://www.genuinecoaching.com
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