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How To Discover Hidden Talents Within You And Begin Appyling Them In Your Life Now
Have you decided it may be time to start creating some new excitement in your life? If you are now retired, soon to be retired, or just now reaching those "golden years" do you feel your life has become a little dull? Uneventful? Maybe even a little discouraging? After all, when you reach this period in your life, your routine may have changed, your energy may have dwindled and even your drive may have simply slowed down a bit. So if you are not happy with this situation what do you do about it? Well here's something to think about that could just change the whole picture. Over the years all of us have developed certain talents. Probably more of them than you might believe. You may have dramatically excelled in some of those at a higher degree than the average would have. Maybe today you no longer use those talents anymore because they were either career related or you just lost your excitement about them. You may have even forgotten about them now and they could have even become hidden for years. Well so what! What's this got to do with creating some excitement in your life today? Plenty. Because you might not realize how much joy you could create in your life restoring these talents. You may not realize what you could do with these talents to help yourself and/or others enjoy life even more. See if you can dig out some these talents now and apply some of those in your life today. OK so what if you are interested in doing this. What do you need to do to bring these to the surface once again? Here's one way; "Brainstorm." Select a time and place where you can spent some quiet time by yourself and relax. Now think back to your childhood days, your early school years, your high school and/or college days, your military service, your first job. Think all the way up to your adult years. Then try to remember what things you were good at doing? What got you excited? What turned you on? What were the activities you enjoyed doing the most with family and friends? Were you a promoter, a good communicator, a good listener, a terrific athlete, a dancer, a singer, a musician? What did you excel in at best? Think, think and think some more. Then apply them in your life now and watch your enthusiasm skyrocket. In my book "Absolutely Senior" I talk about how some of my earlier talents resurfaced and how I was able to apply them in my life to bring me more joy than I ever realized. What a thrill it has been. What great benefits it has provided me and others in my life. You might not realize this but by doing this simple exercise it could not only help you enjoy life more but also be the best medicine you could take to keep your mind off your illnesses, your problems and/or challenges or anything you may be facing that's unpleasant in your life. This could be just one step closer to learning "How To Have The Best Time In Your Life For The Rest Of Your Life". Go for it! Want to learn some more about my ideas? Then go to my website and have a look right now at: http://www.thesunnysenior.com Sonny Julius is a 74 year old retired sales supervisor, Prior to his sales career he spent 30 years in the family florist business. Becoming dissatisfied with that business he decided it was time to leave it and pursue a sales career. His interest in the internet eventually led him to write an ebook geared to senior citizens. The ebook is a guide for living the senior lifestyle. In addition he offers a Free 20-minute no obligation phone coaching session to anyone interested in enhancing his or her present lifestyle. Email for more information: mailto:sonnyj@absolutelysenior.com Sonny Julius, President of S A & Associates, is devoted to teaching senior citizens "How To Have The Time Of Their Life For The Rest Of Their Life" For more information go to: http://www.thesunnysenior.com
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Innovation Through Concept-Combination There are many creative problem solving techniques used by inventors to come up with new solutions to old problems. For sheer innovation, though, it's hard to beat the technique of concept-combination. Just start combining ideas and things, and voila, you're having fun - and maybe creating something new. Gifts of the Inner Voice Now that I no longer awaken to the sound of a jarring alarm clock, I've learned to welcome the early morning hours. 9 Steps to Supercharge Your Productivity with Creativity Time is the great equalizer. Everybody has the exact same number of hours in each day. For most people, the hours available are usually less than the hours needed to get everything done. However, by using the following principles of creativity, you should be able get more done in less time, while making certain that you are doing what's most important and moving yourself closer to your goals. Creative Memory Tricks What's the biggest problem with memory tricks? Remembering to use them, of course. There are many memory techniques that work well, but you'll forget them when you need them most - unless you make using them a habit. So when you take the time to learn a technique, use it until it becomes automatic. Here are some to try. 20 Ways to Keep Your Writing Inspiration and Creativity High When stressed or blocked it is wise to make a change so thatwe don't stay in that place. Yet, many times we forget someof the simple things that we can do for ourselves, quicklyand easily to bring our inspiration back and increase ourcreativity. How To Get In The Zone And Blast Your Marketing To A Higher Level This may come as a surprise... but many marketers are so busy, they don't have time to get to the next level. How to Generate Ideas for Info-products? Dear friends the current study shows that there are more than 50,000,000 registered domain names on the Internet (approx.)(Reference http://www.whois.sc/internet-statistics/) Even if we eliminate 30% non-commercial sites we are left with 35,000,000 sites. All these are trying to sell everything from safety pins to space ships. Unleash Your Creativity and Think Your Way Out of the Box The brain is a strange organ. It works in ways we don't yet understand and manages to create everything we see. Working at odds with the rest of the body it performs best when we're not consciously trying and it is exactly this right-hemisphere activity that contributes to some of our most creative moments. How To Master Your Game Learn how to master your area of endeavor the right way. Start out by finding the people and books that will make you exceptional. Seek out the best sources of information that you can afford. Shyness - Another View We are all born shy, aren't we? When we see little children clinging to their parents, hiding behind Mom or Dad, we are reminded about the shyness of first coming into this World. As this early stage of our life we are not ready to be seen just yet. We want to hide until it feels safe to come out and be visible. 7 Things Sapping Your Creativity Right Now This was a very easy article to write. I was late in getting started this month, and as my publication deadline got closer and I could no longer wait until I "felt" like writing an article, I was forced to sit down and do it. In doing it, I thought about the last month (when I meant to be getting started on this as well as other creative projects), and I identified seven things that have gotten in the way of my creativity. Maybe you'll see yourself in some of these. Five Basic Steps to Benefit from Your Creativity The ability to exercise your creativity is even more important for you than you probably think. Why? First, your creativity tremendously contributes to your self-actualization, which is essential for you to feel satisfied with your life and be happy. Second, it is exceedingly important for being successful in building relationships and earning money. The Creativity Creed I believe that creativity is a natural order of life itself and it provides my life with the purest of energies. True Power Series Part I. Visualization: Image Production and Verbal Thought (5 minutes a day) There is no limit to what you can visualize. The most effective visualization usually happens when emotion is connected with a strong image as, for example, when you really want something specific that you think will make you happy. But, visualization can be used to change core beliefs, to combat what you may consider a negative belief, without trying to oppose that belief. Say you would like to have greater abundance, but you believe there's something inherently wrong with money. You want to make a change. To make that change, you can visualize all the positive effects affluence can have in you life. You can attach positive visuals, emotions, even sounds to the idea of money and begin to make new associations. This will begin the process of drawing affluence to you because your beliefs have been repelling it. To do the visualization exercise, you must agree to suspend your disbelief for only five minutes a day. Agree to give yourself completely to this fantasy for that time without distractions, objections, fears, or doubts. You had no problem pretending you were Batman in third grade. The same sort of abandon is needed here. Bask in the fantasy for this short period of time and, when it's through, you can indulge in all of your doubts again though over time you will learn not to do so. Visualization Exercise The only time you can ever accomplish anything is in the present. The present is where everything happens, and there's tremendous power here. Look around the room. Take notice of where you are and how you feel in the moment. Now, close your eyes and imagine that the thing you want is already in existence. Feel what it feels like to have accomplished what you want. Color the experience with as much feeling and emotion as you can muster up. Experience as if it had already happened, as if it was in the present. See it in your mind with as much detail as possible. If you're not good with visuals, then do the same thing through verbal thoughts, talking to yourself about what you want, repeating the idea in your mind, feeling and experiencing the sensation of the idea. Stay in the present while you're doing this. It's happening NOW. What you think of as your normal everyday life no longer exists. This new idea is what you're experiencing. When you're done, drop the idea completely. Don't worry about accomplishing it, but do look for new ideas, impulses, gut feelings, and new energy that will begin to guide you to what you want. Notice when you have thoughts during the day that contradict what you want, and realize they're just thoughts, non-active ones, because you're now building new beliefs. In other words, learn to write-off thoughts you don't want without combating them. You notice them and let them go. It may be some time before your new beliefs or ideas "take." Even if you get quick results, keep doing the exercise. You want to make sure your new belief is more powerful than competing ones. It's important to do the exercise only once a day for the proscribed amount of time. More is not better because to do more is to focus on the new belief out of fear instead of trust, thereby defeating your work. Mindlessly doing the exercise and letting it go is always most effective. Give yourself a month before you check your progress, and continue to do the exercise as long as necessary. If this exercise isn't your cup of tea, then look for upcoming articles on self-hypnosis, affirmations, diagramming, treasure-mapping, and much more. Or, think creatively of your own ways to visualize or affirm new realities for yourself. Creativity Management ? Its All About Routine Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Charge Your Imagination (1) "The challenges are not in the marketplace. They are in the mind"....... Jean Bernard Creativity, Innovation, and Market Performance Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Analysis of The Monkeys Paw by W. W. Jacobs: A Study in Lateral Thinking I first read The Monkey's Paw as a youngster in Junior High School. I was touched by how an elderly couple received the gift that everyone would want, three wishes, and how the gift turned into a curse. The 7 Simple Steps To Harnessing Your Creative Power And Achieving Incredible Success Let me repeat what I believe is the most powerful and fundamental knowledge available to man: How to be More Creative and Enhance Your Creativity efore thinking about how to be more creative, let me begin point out some real barriers that some people seem to have when wanting to enhance creativity, have a think if any of these things are applicable to you and your life; ![]() |
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