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Gifts of the Inner Voice
Now that I no longer awaken to the sound of a jarring alarm clock, I've learned to welcome the early morning hours. Because that is the time when I can hear my inner voice most clearly. Sometimes it is just a knowing. A realization that cuts through the noise to reveal how I truly feel about something or someone. It picks apart puzzling dilemmas and offers creative solutions. It is at the time before I have fully awakened and left the world of dreams, that messages from some deep place percolate to the surface. It is a peaceful time. It is easy to be sensitive to the rhythms of the body, the sounds of the quiet inner voice. Shortly, the shrill ring of the telephone will shatter the stillness and redirect my energy to external concerns. My attention will then belong to the client on the other end of the line. But for these few precious minutes, I savor the calm. We function best when we make time to be both active and still. The demands of being making a living, raising a family, draw us toward motion and activity. But my observation is that we nourish ourselves and become more productive when we include the contributions of our inner voice. Upon awakening, while still dwelling in that netherworld between consciousness and unconsciousness, the neatly packaged solution to some petty problem floats up into my mind. Whole articles with their sentences quietly arranged in perfect rows hang in the air. A perfect turn of a phrase, the solution to a knotty problem with a difficult client, the working out of the composition of an illustration ? such jewls are the gifts of the inner mind. They are fragile bubbles that pop when exposed to the direct morning sun. The trick is to capture the quiet voices before they are drowned by the noise of daily activity. By extending the quiet time a little longer I can sit at my computer and transcribe those thoughts. Some say artists and intuitives hear it loudest. But we all have an inner voice. And it speaks to us. All we must do is listen. Ellen Zucker's site, selfemployment101.com, provides helpful articles and resources to help the creative sole-proprietor earn a living and create a life. Ellen has been successfully self-employed for the past 10 years. Her company, Faces & Fortunes, http://www.facesandfortunes.com, provides caricature and psychic entertainment to parties and special events in the Philadelphia area.
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The Elements of Creativity: What-ifs? What if there is no toilet paper and I am halfway through doing the "do"? Creativity: Getting Out of the Box Leadership, especially in times of change, depends increasingly on the ability of managers, professionals and even front line workers to think and do things differently. In other words, to get out of the box! Rejuvenate & Re-Fuel Your Inner Drive I believe that as solo-entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives we all need a pat on the back. Give yourself commendation. Why? Because we have the courage to step outside of the corporate box and start our own businesses, be our own boss and take on the challenge and responsibilities required for this adventure. In order to even contemplate that step we must have had a vision, a dream and a passion to bring it to fruition. So commend yourself. Connect with Your Surroundings Clutter is one of my favourite topics, and I've written before about the many different types of clutter and how each affects our creativity and our creative expression. Creativity Creativity is the gift to mankind. This is not the thing which can be created by human beings. How to be More Creative and Enhance Your Creativity efore thinking about how to be more creative, let me begin point out some real barriers that some people seem to have when wanting to enhance creativity, have a think if any of these things are applicable to you and your life; Shyness - Another View We are all born shy, aren't we? When we see little children clinging to their parents, hiding behind Mom or Dad, we are reminded about the shyness of first coming into this World. As this early stage of our life we are not ready to be seen just yet. We want to hide until it feels safe to come out and be visible. 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How to Generate Ideas for Info-products? Dear friends the current study shows that there are more than 50,000,000 registered domain names on the Internet (approx.)(Reference http://www.whois.sc/internet-statistics/) Even if we eliminate 30% non-commercial sites we are left with 35,000,000 sites. All these are trying to sell everything from safety pins to space ships. Story and Screenplay Structure Structure is beneficial to creative output in a number of ways. There are at least two types of structure, work processes and frameworks: ![]() |
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