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Creative Thinking The Secret Key To Lasting Success
What is creativity anyway? Well, let us look at the word. Creativity means the capability to build, create something. It does mean to build something new but not necessarily something unique. And here is the first trap many of us tap into. We tend to think about creativity as building something unique, something that has never been there before. In fact, everything you create has never been there before anyway. Whatever you create, from making breakfast to writing letters, is something that has never been there before. Right? Ah, I can almost hear you say that is trivial. Well, it might be trivial but creativity is trivial as it is a gift every human being is blessed with. What we need to do to unleash the power of creativity is to put it from the breakfast creating level to new heights. Now how do you do that? You do it as you learn every skill. By practicing and exercising. Any skill you ever mastered you mastered through taking the steps needed and practice them over and over again. That's how we learn new things. Think of your creativity as a muscle. That muscle can be strong or weak, depending on how much you have used it in the past, but no doubt about it that muscle is there. If you compare yourself with a body builder, would you say your body misses any muscle he has? Certainly not, only these muscles might be covered a little bit - or a little bit more- under some fatty tissue and are so weak that they do not show through. Same goes with creativity. We simply have it but it is often our weak muscle covered by the fatty tissue of beliefs we have about our own incapability and about the superiority of others. Once you take that metaphor as a given, you can start building your creative muscle. You can make it as strong as you like it to be. the only thing you need to do is constant excoriate. So, how to build your creative muscle again? Every creative process has 4 phases. * Preparation * Cerebration * Realization * Application Like toning your muscles by going through certain steps in the right sequence you build up creativity by applying these for phases sequentially. At first you might only do it once in a while. But the more you do it the stronger your creative muscle gets and the easier it is. it just becomes a habit. And a habit is something we do unconsciously. Let us look at the steps a little closer. Preparation This is maybe the most important step. Preparation is about gathering the data, the information. All Improvements start with questioning the current situation. Asking questions, and asking the right questions is key. Asking yourself hard questions is not always comfortable. But, remember, starting to exercise is not always comfortable as well. Nevertheless it is a must. What questions to ask? Here are some questions to start the process. What am I trying to do? How am I trying to do it? What are my assumptions? What if my assumptions are wrong? By asking these questions you start the loop of creativity. Just do not start judging for now. Once you have your data collected, you know the frame of the problem. Now, begin with the second step. Cerebration This is the easiest step in the process. Cerebration simply means to stop consciously thinking about the issue and turn it over to your unconscious mind. Because your rational mind has already clarified the frame of the challenge it is time now to tap into your resources. How to do that? There are many ways but one works pretty well for me. I start thinking and doing something totally different after I told myself that I hand the issue over to my subconscious mind. No second thought on it. I actually deny myself to ponder over it. I do everything I can to not think about it anymore. I think my unconscious mind becomes pretty upset of me ignoring it and usually starts acting like wild to get through to my conscious mind. The more I suppress this the stronger it tries. Eventually my unconscious mind is so upset that it fires up ideas. Not only one or two, but because I consciously suppressed it from letting ideas coming out, it starts firing on idea after another. I never know when it happens, it could be hours or even days after I framed the issue. But I am sure it always happens. And, this is my goal. Now I can go to the next stage. Realization This is where you take all the ideas your unconscious came up with and write them down. You realize them. You get aware of them. In that critical stage we often start judging the ideas. Don't do that before you have written down every single idea that your mind came up with. Writing the ideas down or even saying them out loud, gives them a new dimension. You create the idea literally by giving it a form (either written or by producing sounds we call language). This is a very important part. Let the idea emanate, become something that exists outside of your brain. No matter how silly it seems, if it was worth for your subconscious to come up with it is worth to be written down. Value the work of your subconscious mind. After you have written down all your ideas, you can go to the next stage. Application This is the last stage, where you evaluate the set of ideas and pick the one you belief has the biggest chance of being applicable. Make a Top 10 list of your ideas and sort them as long as it takes to find the right sequence. Now you have done it. You can start to apply your idea to the problem. You will maybe find hundreds of issues that have to be solved but that is only an entry point to start the whole process over again until you succeed. Creativity is a skill it is not a genetic gift to some. It is a gift you have too. Build your muscle using the sequence i gave you and you will start becoming a creative person able to solve problems and create the outcome you want. 2005 © Norbert Haag. All rights reserved. PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites given attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated: mail to: nhaag@onlinebusinesscoach.com Norbert Haag is a business consultant, entrepreneur and sought after speaker for more than 20 years. His company - Online Business Coach http://www.onlinebusinesscoach.com - provides information and services for online businesses, small business owners and freelancers. You can reach Norbert at nhaag@onlinebusinesscoach.com.par
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Forget Thinking Outside The Box....GET Outside The Box I happened to overhear a conversation the other day between two men? I Want To Create... What would you like to create? A peaceful life, a successful life, a good life, a sculpture, a piece of art, a book? What is it that you would like to create? Whatever you want you can achieve it. All you have to do is follow your natural compass. Remove the rubbish that takes you off course and let the natural you come through. It is not the case of adding new behaviours to create what you want. No. It's a case of moving the obstacles out of the away and let the natural you come through. Gifts of the Inner Voice Now that I no longer awaken to the sound of a jarring alarm clock, I've learned to welcome the early morning hours. Creating and Living Your Ideal Legacy A legacy is more than a gift that lives on after you. Certainly, a legacy is a contribution to humanity. A legacy provides value to future generations. However, if you are creating your ideal legacy, it will also make your heart bubble with passion and excitement today! Top Five Journal Exercises Keeping a journal is a form of creative expression that enhances the creativity coaching process. Keeping a journal develops emotional awareness, reinforces self-esteem and aids in problem-solving. Keeping a journal also provides a written record of artistic growth, struggle and change. Here are some basic exercises that I use throughout the creativity coaching process. True Power Series Part I. Visualization: Image Production and Verbal Thought (5 minutes a day) There is no limit to what you can visualize. The most effective visualization usually happens when emotion is connected with a strong image as, for example, when you really want something specific that you think will make you happy. But, visualization can be used to change core beliefs, to combat what you may consider a negative belief, without trying to oppose that belief. Say you would like to have greater abundance, but you believe there's something inherently wrong with money. You want to make a change. To make that change, you can visualize all the positive effects affluence can have in you life. You can attach positive visuals, emotions, even sounds to the idea of money and begin to make new associations. This will begin the process of drawing affluence to you because your beliefs have been repelling it. To do the visualization exercise, you must agree to suspend your disbelief for only five minutes a day. Agree to give yourself completely to this fantasy for that time without distractions, objections, fears, or doubts. You had no problem pretending you were Batman in third grade. The same sort of abandon is needed here. Bask in the fantasy for this short period of time and, when it's through, you can indulge in all of your doubts again though over time you will learn not to do so. Visualization Exercise The only time you can ever accomplish anything is in the present. The present is where everything happens, and there's tremendous power here. Look around the room. Take notice of where you are and how you feel in the moment. Now, close your eyes and imagine that the thing you want is already in existence. Feel what it feels like to have accomplished what you want. Color the experience with as much feeling and emotion as you can muster up. Experience as if it had already happened, as if it was in the present. See it in your mind with as much detail as possible. If you're not good with visuals, then do the same thing through verbal thoughts, talking to yourself about what you want, repeating the idea in your mind, feeling and experiencing the sensation of the idea. Stay in the present while you're doing this. It's happening NOW. What you think of as your normal everyday life no longer exists. This new idea is what you're experiencing. When you're done, drop the idea completely. Don't worry about accomplishing it, but do look for new ideas, impulses, gut feelings, and new energy that will begin to guide you to what you want. Notice when you have thoughts during the day that contradict what you want, and realize they're just thoughts, non-active ones, because you're now building new beliefs. In other words, learn to write-off thoughts you don't want without combating them. You notice them and let them go. It may be some time before your new beliefs or ideas "take." Even if you get quick results, keep doing the exercise. You want to make sure your new belief is more powerful than competing ones. It's important to do the exercise only once a day for the proscribed amount of time. More is not better because to do more is to focus on the new belief out of fear instead of trust, thereby defeating your work. Mindlessly doing the exercise and letting it go is always most effective. Give yourself a month before you check your progress, and continue to do the exercise as long as necessary. If this exercise isn't your cup of tea, then look for upcoming articles on self-hypnosis, affirmations, diagramming, treasure-mapping, and much more. Or, think creatively of your own ways to visualize or affirm new realities for yourself. We Tend To Make Up Our Own Truths: What Stories Are You Making Up? Someone once said that man keeps looking for truth that fits his reality. Oddly, more often than looking for truth, we tend to make up our own truths. Meet Roger & Elaine. Roger is attracted to Elaine and asks her out. She accepts; they have a good time. Later, he asks her out again, and again they enjoy themselves. After a while neither one of them is seeing anyone else. How To Let The Subconscious Mind Do The Creative Work From time immemorial mankind has wished for an Aladin's lamp, which would make wisheds come true. 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And here is the first trap many of us tap into. We tend to think about creativity as building something unique, something that has never been there before. Courage and Creating Doing anything creative often brings up fears, anxieties, insecurities. Courage may be defined as going ahead in spite of fear. But many creators not only live with their fears, they welcome them. Get your Creative Juices Flowing Copyright 2005 Cherry Communications/Be Heard Solutions Top Ten Reasons To Start Creativity Coaching DEVELOP YOUR ARTISTIC CONFIDENCE I'd really like to write but I don't have enough time. Creativity coaching can give you back control over your calendar. Make EVERY DAY An Artist Retreat Day What do you enjoy most about going on an Artist Retreat Day? 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For most people, the hours available are usually less than the hours needed to get everything done. However, by using the following principles of creativity, you should be able get more done in less time, while making certain that you are doing what's most important and moving yourself closer to your goals. Creativity Management ? Breaking Through The Mental Barrier Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. ![]() |
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