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3 Clever Creative Strategies!
I've got a confession to make... there are many ways leaders can be more creative, innovative and ingenious than are presented in this article. It does not matter if you desire to be a marketing, entrepreneurial or organizational leader, you do have to use your creativity to be successful. Most leaders have trouble discovering new opportunities, generating good ideas and promoting innovative solutions. In the game of creativity, you need both quality and quantity to win the prize. I'll show you how to use 3 simple ways to boost the number, power and value of your ideas. All you need to do is learn them, practice them and make them the most used tools in your personal leadership-toolkit. Create It This Way! Map It Out, Map It All! Want a way out of that mental block or trap? Don't look for some guidebook, create yourself a map and follow it out of your troubles instead. How do you draw a map to find new ideas, opportunities or create inventions? It's easy, all you need is a place to start! And like Dorothy learned in the Land of Oz, you always begin at the beginning. Do you have a problem you're trying to solve? Do you have an unmet need? Do you want to search for something? Do you suspect something is missing or something is out of place or something is more than what is needed? Use those questions to define your map's point of origin. Place that starting point in the center of the paper and then draw lines to any related problems or missing items. Once you identify your problems, needs, missing pieces or suspicions and connect them in some logical order [by putting your worse problems at the bottom of the page and easier ones on the top] - then you can do the following: => List possible ways to find solutions => Draw lines to groups or people who can help you solve the problem => Use different shapes to show problems, solutions and key people or tools => Color your problems and their related solutions with the same colors [use red for the main problem and its solution, but use green for another problem and its solution] => Include push pins, sticky notes, stars or artwork when possible to add vitality, depth and substance to your map Create It That Way! Ask and Answer It Quickly! 1) What is the situation, what is happening or going on here? 2) What are the problems, difficulties or challenges? 3) How do those problems impact, affect or influence the situation? 4) What good will the solutions to those problems need to do, provide or fix? Ask those 4 questions and always ask 'why' at least 5 times for each answer and you will find tons of beneficial solutions. Create It Anyway! Bend It, Shape It, Anyway You Want It! So you tried mapping, drawing, picturing and asking or answering it and you still aren't getting any great ideas, are you? Well here are some last chances for you - just re-arrange it, combine it with its own or different parts, mix-it-all-around, shuffle it, remove parts of it, throw it at the walls, step into the middle of it, step away from it, turn it upside down or inside out or round and round, talk about it with others or even yourself, meditate on and pray about it. Whatever you do, do not let it just sit there without making some effort to move it or yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------ Even though these seem a bit lightweight, they are the most powerful ways known to mankind for solving problems, finding ideas and opportunities and for creating useful inventions. When you use these techniques, you will be employing the secrets of history's greatest inventive minds like Edison, Newton, Copernicus, Jesus Christ, Marie Curie, Franklin and Einstein. You can do this, it takes only a few moments a day to master them and then you will find yourself lighting-up the world with your bright and valuable ideas. Necessity is and always will be the Mother of invention. Make your Momma proud by using these methods whenever you have the need to bring meaningful contributions to our lives! Copyright © 2004, Mustard Seed Investments Inc., All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bill Thomas publishes "Your Leadership UltraNet!" - a Hands-On, Affordable, Performance Improvement Program, featuring web-based ULTRA-Powerful Training courses, coaching & mentoring support plus follow-ups GUARANTEED to energize, empower, enhance your leadership results. All-the-Tools-You-Need-to-Lead-&-Succeed! http://www.leadership-toolkit.com/skills.html ------------------------------------------------------------
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Push The Right Button You can live a much more successful life than you think! Just push the right button and see how it opens the doors of success for you. Yes, its so simple and easy. Yet the great majority of people fail to achieve success. Why? Because they push the wrong buttons. Why Teach Thinking? Why Not ? The word 'creativity' has so many diverse meanings and interpretations. I remember telling an audience of teachers that creating a mess is also creative as long as new things and views are being conjured up. This led to much laughter and discussion about the meaning of 'creativity' (This notion of 'creative mess' was taken from master-thinker, Dr Edward de Bono). A New Discovery Of An Old Secret Some years ago, when the world seemed to close in on me and I felt as though I was trapped between the sword and the wall, I made an exciting discovery. Actually, it was a phenomenon that was as old as dirt but it took on significant meanings for me because it freed me from all my problems and all the stresses and pressures that were being imposed upon me. Connect with Your Surroundings Clutter is one of my favourite topics, and I've written before about the many different types of clutter and how each affects our creativity and our creative expression. Its Time to Get Out of the Box "It is never too late to be what you might have been. "(George Eliot) What Every Manager Should Know About How to Think Creatively You may have heard of Roger von Oech's book, A Whack on the Side of the Head: How to Unlock Your Mind for Innovation. It's as much fun to read as its title suggests. It covers the ten common obstacles to creative thinking. It's about ways in which you can unlock your mind for innovation, for change, for more interest, or even for a career change. Macrovision These days it's all about breaking things down into manageable pieces in order to be able to reach a goal and track your process/progress, and keep yourself from going insane because there's not a lot of time to breathe. How To Entertain A Thought After studying scores of great thinkers like Leonardo Da Vinci, I think I've stumbled upon what really set them apart from the rest of the folks living (and thinking) at the same time. Why Do We Need Creativity? Creativity is central to the management of our individual lives, but in modern times few people are able to access this as a resource. Alan Watts writes in The Wisdom of Insecurity: Sing & Be Well When people find out that I'm a music therapist, the comments I hear most often are "I wish I could sing!" or "Oh, I love to sing, but I'm not good enough to do it in front of anyone". Some of these people tell me that, as children, a parent, teacher or someone else told them that they should just mouth the words because they didn't have a good enough voice. The Optimal Mind State Let's begin by defining the optimal mind state and the power it will give you to channel your energy toward your desired outcome. The optimal mind state is a quality of attention that leads to the highest level of concentration. It's a balanced state that's neither rigidly tense nor too relaxed. The optimal mind state is a quality of mind that's under your control. And this means that you have the ability to focus your attention on whatever you choose, and maintain that quality of focus in an undistracted way. Charge Your Imagination (1) "The challenges are not in the marketplace. They are in the mind"....... Jean Bernard Lucid Dreaming: Discover a Whole New World Did you know that all of your most cherished dreams are just a good night's sleep away? Three Ways Journaling Can Boost Your Creativity and Your Business I have a friend who has struggled with her creativity for a long time. She's extremely uncomfortable thinking of herself as "creative." We've been working together on it, and making progress. One of the tools that's really helped her has been journaling. Creativity Isnt Just About Art It Is About Healing Go on, pick up a pen, hold it in your hand and ask, " What can you do for me?" What do you hear? If you listen with your heart you may hear " I can show you a world within that only you and I can explore! Let's start writing and see what we can find." The Source of Growth and Creativity Bare attention (to objects, people and circumstances) is what brings order in this world and in your personal world. If you know how to move your attention without the involvement of mind, positive creation happens as a result. Attention is literally a life response whereas mind is reaction out of memory and reaffirmation of the past. Attention is not same as thinking mind but it constitutes pure awareness moving itself through different objects without creating friction. True Power Series Part I. Visualization: Image Production and Verbal Thought (5 minutes a day) There is no limit to what you can visualize. The most effective visualization usually happens when emotion is connected with a strong image as, for example, when you really want something specific that you think will make you happy. But, visualization can be used to change core beliefs, to combat what you may consider a negative belief, without trying to oppose that belief. Say you would like to have greater abundance, but you believe there's something inherently wrong with money. You want to make a change. To make that change, you can visualize all the positive effects affluence can have in you life. You can attach positive visuals, emotions, even sounds to the idea of money and begin to make new associations. This will begin the process of drawing affluence to you because your beliefs have been repelling it. To do the visualization exercise, you must agree to suspend your disbelief for only five minutes a day. Agree to give yourself completely to this fantasy for that time without distractions, objections, fears, or doubts. You had no problem pretending you were Batman in third grade. The same sort of abandon is needed here. Bask in the fantasy for this short period of time and, when it's through, you can indulge in all of your doubts again though over time you will learn not to do so. Visualization Exercise The only time you can ever accomplish anything is in the present. The present is where everything happens, and there's tremendous power here. Look around the room. Take notice of where you are and how you feel in the moment. Now, close your eyes and imagine that the thing you want is already in existence. Feel what it feels like to have accomplished what you want. Color the experience with as much feeling and emotion as you can muster up. Experience as if it had already happened, as if it was in the present. See it in your mind with as much detail as possible. If you're not good with visuals, then do the same thing through verbal thoughts, talking to yourself about what you want, repeating the idea in your mind, feeling and experiencing the sensation of the idea. Stay in the present while you're doing this. It's happening NOW. What you think of as your normal everyday life no longer exists. This new idea is what you're experiencing. When you're done, drop the idea completely. Don't worry about accomplishing it, but do look for new ideas, impulses, gut feelings, and new energy that will begin to guide you to what you want. Notice when you have thoughts during the day that contradict what you want, and realize they're just thoughts, non-active ones, because you're now building new beliefs. In other words, learn to write-off thoughts you don't want without combating them. You notice them and let them go. It may be some time before your new beliefs or ideas "take." Even if you get quick results, keep doing the exercise. You want to make sure your new belief is more powerful than competing ones. It's important to do the exercise only once a day for the proscribed amount of time. More is not better because to do more is to focus on the new belief out of fear instead of trust, thereby defeating your work. Mindlessly doing the exercise and letting it go is always most effective. Give yourself a month before you check your progress, and continue to do the exercise as long as necessary. If this exercise isn't your cup of tea, then look for upcoming articles on self-hypnosis, affirmations, diagramming, treasure-mapping, and much more. Or, think creatively of your own ways to visualize or affirm new realities for yourself. Gift of a Letter "What cannot letters inspire? They have souls; they can speak; they have in them all that force which expresses the transports of the heart; they have all the fire of our passions." Letter from Heloise to Abelard (from Gift of a Letter by Alexandra Stoddard) Innovation Through Concept-Combination There are many creative problem solving techniques used by inventors to come up with new solutions to old problems. For sheer innovation, though, it's hard to beat the technique of concept-combination. Just start combining ideas and things, and voila, you're having fun - and maybe creating something new. Mindfulness and Teaching: Lessons From Dynamic English Back in 1983, I was hired to teach English in rural northern Japan. I had no experience teaching, and didn't speak a work of Japanese. ![]() |
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