Christ-Centered Life on Dating

In a contemporary Christian world, there is a hidden reality that believers today set aside some of the moral issues regarding dating and relationships. The tradition and belief of early Christians that is supposed to be adopted by every believers of every generation is vanishing in an alarming rate. Several factors can be 'blamed' for this but one major factor that can be blamed is the societal openness on issues regarding premarital sex. With the fast growing society and ever expanding information about everything including the issues on sex, the real deal on the meaning of sex in Christian decree is more often than not, remained unnoticed. The great combined influence of media, peers, environment, and sometimes even the family, indulges each Christian dating couple to desecrate the sacredness of sex in the context of marriage. The Torah commands us to marry before we engage in sexual relations. Sexual intercourse, when done properly, is a holy act. Marriage means inviting God into the relationship. Premarital sex reduces a holy act into a base, animalistic desire.

Dating then, is equated with sex. Not only because this is what the society dictates the couple, but also it is a physiological incident that every human being experience toward the opposite sex. The natural norm is to engage with sex prior to marriage. The society then dictates the morality, which is often wrong. Once this happened, the sacredness of sex under the marital vow is set aside and thus Christianity and Christian teaching is directly affected. But if the dating couple can go against the natural flow of what the society dictates, Christianity can be spared and preserved into its natural state.

Christ-centered life on dating is a great remedy for this, though the meaning is far greater than the word itself. It involves the great responsibility and self-control to be able to achieve a clean and moral lifestyle. Dating requires a proper norm in which the couple involved can follow. Christian dating should be in accordance to the teachings of Christianity. Furthermore, Christian dating should remain sacred for it involves the great treat of sexual acts. Abstaining for sex should be the discipline every dating couple should practice.

As an example, Jesus Christ came to earth to show love, give love, and be the example of real love. He showed it by giving His own life for the salvation of humanity. This is the real essence of love that is to be showed to other people and in this case, a date. Christian dating is Christ-centered dating. And everything in accordance to God's teaching, for God never put human in vain. Hence, following a Christ-centered dating can put morality into proper perspective. With Christian dating under a Christ-centered standard, every couple can achieve a moral and clean dating relationship that goes within the norms of Christ's teaching.

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