Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

Flattery will get you everywhere! Always compliment women and they will always feel good about you, but don't overdue it or they will think your just trying to score points (which you are, but you don't want them to know that).

Try to sound sincere by giving her a unique compliment that most people will overlook. For instance, if she looks like she's just had her hair done, say "I really like your hair, did you just have it done?".

Also always remember that when it comes to a REALLY HOT woman, never tell her how beautiful she is. Every other guy that has tried and failed with her has said that, so learn from their mistakes and tell her how talented or smart she is. Chances are she has rarely (if ever) received such a compliment, and no matter how beautiful she is... she won't be able to stop smiling once she hears it: Mission accomplished!

Always be on the look-out for things you can compliment on. I will never cease to stress how important it is to be aware of everything that women say and do, because if you hear and see everything you will never be at a loss for words, and in this case, at a loss for compliments.

Never walk up to a girl you have never met before and open up with a compliment, you should always time your compliment so that it catches her by surprise. You might be thinking "If I open up with a compliment won't that catch her by surprise?". Actually yes, but she will view it as a pick up line because you said it before anything else, and by now you should know that pick up lines are a no-no. Instead, try this method that I've found to be most effective:

Approach and introduce yourself, a simple "Hi, I'm Bob" would be sufficient. Upon receiving her name, ask a question based on what you observed before approaching (if you did not give yourself a few minutes to observe, you may find yourself at a loss for words). For instance, if you noticed her talking to someone for a while, you could say "Is she a friend of yours?" or "Why haven't I seen you in here before, your friend comes here once in a while". When she answers your question, hit her with the compliment, which should also be made based on what you've observed. However, you should try to say something funny in response to her answer to your question in order to break the ice before delivering your compliment, if nothing funny can be said (which often is the case) just forget about it and move on to the compliment.

Now you are a master of flattery, get out there and start making women feel good about themselves, which will make them start feeling good about you in return.

By the way, remember to smile when you give a compliment, you will find out that it's highly contagious.

This article was written by the founder of Becomeaplayer.com known only as The Player. For more articles and free tips on picking up women check out the web site.

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