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Dating Rules You Cant Afford to Break
If you are single and you want men to desire your company more and truly cherish you, then here are eleven dating rules you cannot afford to break: 1. Never go to bed with a man on the first date ? As much as you would like to ravish the hunk you have a crush on, do not let him feel that you are cheap and easy by going to bed with him on your first date. It does not matter that he is promising that he will respect you in the morning, or that the way he feels about you will never change. If you do it, you run the risk of reducing your value to him. Men are more attracted to women they spend time to get to know, than they are to those they quickly jump into the sack with. 2. Never call him first within the first week of your first date ? If your date asks for your phone number and does not call you within the first week, do not call him. If a man is interested in you, he will call you during the first week of taking you out on a date. When you call him during that first week before he calls you, you give him that impression that you are overly anxious. The last thing you want is for this new person to feel that you are a little desperate or forward. 3. Never use obscenities - If you curse like a sailor, it will turn off your date, if you let that part of your personality out on your first date. It is a turnoff for most men. It certainly could ruin the chance of someone getting to know how nice you really are on the inside. 4. Never engage in a conversation about marriage on your first date ? No matter how much of a good time you are having with your date, do not bring up the topic of marriage, unless your date asks about how you feel about the subject. When a woman brings it up on a date, it creates the impression that you are on a hunt for a husband. Nothing kills a date like a woman who comes across as obviously interviewing men for marriage ? trying to find out if they are ready to make that serious commitment. There is a right time for serious conversations ? your first date is not the time. Get to know your date first. 5. Never flirt with other men while you are on a date ? The cardinal sin of any first date is to flirt with other men in the presence of your date. Do not do it. If you are trying to get your date to see that you can attract other men, flirting with other men in front of him is not the way to do it. It is disrespectful and conveys that you are shallow and untrustworthy. Your date will feel that if you have the gall to flirt now, when you are supposed to be on your best behavior, what will happen when you get hitched up? Most men wouldn't want to find out. 6. Never bring up your ex-boyfriend unless he asks you ? Let your past remain in the past, unless your date wants to find out why you broke up with your ex-boyfriend. Never compare your ex with your date, nor refer to something someone else did as something that your ex would do. It simply shows that you have not gotten over him. 7. Do not ask your date how much money he makes ? This is definitely a no-no. It shows that you could be a gold-digger, and you do not want that label. Once a man sees that you measure the value of a man by the size of his wallet, you can bet that your date will be turned off. 8. Do not let out the skeletons in your closet - Don't let it be known that you were a drug head or prostitute at one time. Your ugly past, even though you are a new person now, can prevent your date from getting to know who you have become after going through a tough past. Leave the horror stories for when he gets to know you and can easily understand and accept all of you. 9. Don't go out of your way to be funny, just be yourself ? Don't start clowning around; pretending to be someone you are not. Don't turn your date into a night of cracking jokes or of proving to your date that you have a fantastic sense of humor. Be yourself and you will do just fine. 10. Do not order the most expensive meal on the menu ? Ordering the most expensive thing on the menu at a restaurant shows that you are a potential gold-digger. It also shows that you are greedy. Men love women that are conscious of the cost of things. 11. Do not show him you have a voracious appetite - Just because you are famished does not mean that you should order everything on the menu ? super-sized. Most men are turned off by women with huge appetites ? men see that as not being feminine and lady-like. Moreover, men feel that if your appetite is this big when he has not gotten to know you, you may swallow a horse when you really get comfortable with each other. To find out more about what it takes to make men fall madly in love, please visit http://www.smartwomansguide.com. Steve Ubah is the author of Passion Keys ? A Woman's Ultimate Guide To Unlocking The Love In A Man's Heart. To find out how you can make your man fall madly in love with you, please visit http://www.smartwomansguide.com A note to all publishers: Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, newsletter or website as long as the article's content is not modified and all links as well as the author's resource box are included.
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Top 10 reasons to Find a Date Online I'm often surprised by the number of people who are unsure if online dating is right for them. I think online dating is great way for just about anybody to meet new people. Lets take a look at my top ten reasons for dating online. Asian Dating - Respect and Honour Honour and respect are two of the most important elements in Asian culture, and they shouldn't be overlooked when it comes to dating. For instance, traditionally, Asian women are taught at a young age to know their place around men, treat them with respect and accommodate them, while men are taught to protect and provide for the women. Although these traditions have become a faded practice in Western culture, respect still plays an important role in the Asian dating scene. Use Dating To Your Benefit The easy way to date is really by empowering yourself. This unconventional approach is based on the reality that when we grow and expand, our dating also grows and expands. What are Seduction Lairs? Are you familiar with Seduction Lairs and how to use them to your advantage? The Right Dating Site For You There are so many dating sites on the net these days. The secret is to find a online dating service that will make your quest for a compatible partner successful. The Best Way to Pick Up a Girl You see her across the room. Ah, so attractive. But nobody to introduce her to you. 'Ah, I'll do a James Bond on her,' you think. Now what was Bond's first words to Pussy Galore? 'I must be dreaming.' No, that won't work. How about singing 'Underneath the Mango Tree' to her as Bond did to Honey Rider in 'Dr. No'. Ah? No! Well, what's left? You'll just have to go up and talk to her, if it's a situation where you won't see her again. But it's always safe to assume that she has a boyfriend that can squeeze the stuffings out of a gold ball. That aside, take a chance and make polite conversation. What's the worst that can happen. She says, 'I'm sorry, I'm not available.' and you save the time and money of a date with her. Like George Burns says, 'When a beautiful woman says 'no' to me, it's a relief. Dating Mistakes Dating mistakes can kill a dating relationship. Do you know what dating mistakes you have made? Do dating mistakes hold your relationship back? And, do mistakes like these get forgotten later on? Dating mistakes are simply things that you just don't do right. To avoid them, though, you have to know what your partner considers a dating mistake. Finding Fun Date Ideas The three most usual choices for what to do on a date are dinner, a movie, and a public event such as a sports game or concert. Those activities often give the couple several hours of time to enjoy each other's company. But relying on those same activities too often, leads to a loss of a sense of drama and a loss of a sense of importance of the time spent together. Online Dating Beginners Quiz Dating Tips For Animal Lovers! Did you know that experts say the way people treat their pets is indicative of how they'll treat you in a relationship? Minus the sex and relationship talk, having a pet is very similar to a romantic relationship. A pet needs to be cared for, fed, bathed and loved, just like it's human counter part. As mentioned in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" most often if someone is loving and kind to their pet they will likely be so in a romantic relationship as well. But on the other side of the coin, if someone tends to be domineering and pushy with their pet, you can pretty much expect the same thing with your relationship. How To Approach Women Now, let's start at the very beginning, what's the first thing you have to do before starting a conversation with a girl? Yeah, right, approach her! That's the first step you have to take - how to approach woman. Succeed in this direction and you can move on to the conversation part or else, kiss your chances with this particular girl good bye. Online Dating Safety Online dating safety warning signs. Dating Sites for You and Me Have you seen a dating site? Would you want to see one? How many people have met their loved-ones through chatrooms and online dating? Introducing DATING SITES. The known region and favorite stops of internet junkies and online love adventure-seekers of the present generation for they have the latest features for meeting people worldwide. The sites are unimaginably packed with dating services that will surely tickle the fancy of single (and non-single) men and women in the universe. See for yourself. Bachelor Dream Step aside Hugh Hefner. Elvis King is back in the building. Single Women Are Hot Just when businesses and advertisers think they have women all figured out enters a new category with serious buying power: the single woman. It is projected that in 2005 single women will spend $400 million dollars which has the business world standing up and taking notice. Basic SMS Tips for Picking Up the Women of Your Dreams I don't know if the craze of SMS has caught on around the world but many, many people use it here in New Zealand and everyone SMS's each other. I thought it was only right to share a few tips when replying to girls. These will seem stupid to some people who are experienced with this type of stuff, and to others they might find them helpful. The Traditional Jewish Dating In as much as they want to preserve the moral and ethical values of each Jew, Jewish tradition demand that dating between men and women in the concept of premarital relationship should stop at the point of physical contact. Jewish law clearly states that when a young woman begins menstruating, she entices herself in the status of "nidah" or the point when no men can show any physical contact, until the day of her marriage. The law adds that "just prior to her marriage ceremony she removes the nidah status, in accordance with Jewish law, by immersing herself in the waters of a mikveh (a body of water used only for spiritual sanctification), and may then be approached by her husband." Furthermore, after the ceremony, the woman assumes the nidah once again "with each onset of a menstrual period, and marital relations must then be suspended until she immerses herself, once more, in a mikveh, at least one week after the completion of each menstrual period." Making The Connection: Tips For Getting Noticed Chances are that you have had a wide variety of experiences in your quest for meeting singles. These can range from an event that yields several nice interactions and at least one offer to get together for a date, to going home feeling frustrated and convinced you are destined to be a dating failure. Top Ten Ways to Get Yourself Ready for Dating 1) So what's it gonna be? The Dating Game With all the websites on the Internet that offer a membership to meet and talk to people that match the criteria that you are looking for, you are bound to find someone worth dating. The question becomes how can you tell if someone is being honest. ![]() |
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