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Online Dating Beginners Quiz
Free dating online-you've heard about it, you've read about it, maybe you even have a friend who's doing it. You're thinking of giving it a try yourself. But how do you know if it's the right thing for you? Here's a quick quiz to help you determine whether you're ready. 1. Are you dissatisfied with the traditional ways of meeting people to date? Two of the most likely places to meet people to date are in school and at work. If neither has helped you find a mate so far, then singles groups are often the next thing people try. The good thing about singles groups is that it puts you in front of other single people who are clearly interested in finding someone to date and possibly to mate. But if you've tried that route and still aren't meeting anyone, then free online dating can be the best next step for you. 2. Are you over 30, over 40 or beyond? It gets more difficult to meet people to date as you get older. Many of your friends are already married and the bar scene has lost its appeal. That doesn't mean there's no one out there for you. It's just not as easy to find one another! The world of on line dating gives you access to an almost unlimited supply of potential partners, more than you could ever meet any other way. 3. Do you have a good sense of who you are and what you want in a partner? The great thing about getting older is that we usually know ourselves better and have a more realistic idea of what kind of person would be a good match for us. And hopefully, you have a better idea of what you can give to a relationship, not just what you want to get. On line dating allows you to search for a partner based on what is most important to you. Looking at a person's profile online allows you to find out much more about them than you'd normally know about anyone you meet offline. 4. Do you know enough about computers to browse the internet and use e-mail, or are you willing to learn? You don't need to own a computer; you just need access to one. And if you don't know how to use e-mail yet it's not that difficult to learn. Anyone who is sufficiently motivated can do it. 5. Are you willing to be proactive to get what you desire? On line dating does call for some effort on your part. You have to find a good dating service site and create a profile about yourself so others can find you. You have to put in the time to search the profiles on your site and contact people who interest you. If you're unwilling to do a little bit of work, then free dating online won't work for you. 6. Are you willing to overcome your preconceived ideas about whether "nice people" should get involved in on line dating? It's becoming more acceptable every day to meet people through free dating online. And the people who do it are likely to be more educated and better off financially than the average. Sounds like a good group of people to pick from, doesn't it? 7. Do you enjoy writing or are you willing to improve your writing skills? Communication on the internet favors those who write well. You make your first impression based on what you write in your profile and your e-mail messages. The good news is that with the great spelling and grammar checking features available in most e-mail programs, there is no excuse for being a poor writer any more. Anyone of average intelligence can learn to write well enough to attract a partner. It just takes the willingness to learn. SCORING Give yourself 1 point for each YES answer.0 - 4 You are not ready for free dating online. Until you can honestly answer YES to at least 5 questions, you are unlikely to have a good experience with online dating. 5 - 6 You're almost ready to try on line dating. You need to look at some dating sites and individual profiles to familiarize yourself with the prospects that are available to you. See if that doesn't increase your willingness to work on the issues in the questions which you answered in the negative. 7 What are you waiting for? Take off the brakes and go for it! You've got what it takes to succeed in on line dating. Get started by checking out all the great resources on the net for dating site reviews and online dating advice. It's never too late to change your fate! Barbara Wright Abernathy helps take-charge women be as successful at love as they are at work. She's the author of Venus On Top: Women Who Are Born to Lead and the Men Who Love Them. Get your FREE report-3 Biggest Mistakes People Make While Dating at http:/ /http://www.VenusOnTop.com
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5 Signs Why He Wont Leave His Wife Ladies I Found Love On a Online Dating Site Over the past few years, I discovered a few personality traits about myself that I wanted to change. When it comes to relationships I have had a hard time changing. I am stubborn. And, I don't like change. Sometimes, when you are set in your ways, change is hard. The Best Way to Pick Up a Girl You see her across the room. Ah, so attractive. But nobody to introduce her to you. 'Ah, I'll do a James Bond on her,' you think. Now what was Bond's first words to Pussy Galore? 'I must be dreaming.' No, that won't work. How about singing 'Underneath the Mango Tree' to her as Bond did to Honey Rider in 'Dr. No'. Ah? No! Well, what's left? You'll just have to go up and talk to her, if it's a situation where you won't see her again. But it's always safe to assume that she has a boyfriend that can squeeze the stuffings out of a gold ball. That aside, take a chance and make polite conversation. What's the worst that can happen. She says, 'I'm sorry, I'm not available.' and you save the time and money of a date with her. Like George Burns says, 'When a beautiful woman says 'no' to me, it's a relief. 8 Minute Dating - For Singles with No Time for Small Talk You will get to a certain age where, no matter what city code you live in, you will not be content with the date or dates you are currently having. If you're dating without success and your big event or events are turning into dating flops, then perhaps it's time to 'save time' and find a fast, free, fun, good or make that great, group of singles who are looking for the same thing you are. Let Women Talk and Help Women love to talk (just think of how long they talk on the telephone). Women like to help (just think of a typical "female" job: nurse, kindergarten teacher, geriatric nurse...). Combine those attributes and you got a talk up and running by asking the woman: "Could I ask you for help? Could you tell me why/what/how/...". Ask her any question you like as long as the question is non-answerable by a simple "Yes" or "No". Believe it or not, but maybe you have failed in your last dating attempt because you maneuvered yourself into dead-end answers. If you ask a girl "Have you been long here?" then practically anything she can answer is a dead end. She could answer "No, not long" or "A couple of minutes" but both answers do not lead into a nice conversational flow. Many men (since men are practical-minded) want a "clear and simple" answer. For dating purposes that kind of "questioning strategy" is absolutely wrong. Train by simply re-phrasing some of your question. Wrong: "Do you like this place?", right: "What do you think about this place?". You get the idea. In other words: Let her TALK. (This is just a simple example and I am not telling you to ask women that question). Or ask her something like: "What do you think is the most common flaw men have?" or "I am writing for dating-forum.com. Could you help me by telling me what feature your ideal man should have?". Let her talk for hours. Typical "open questions" start with 8 Things That Maketh Not The Lady 1. Tattoos. What are Seduction Lairs? Are you familiar with Seduction Lairs and how to use them to your advantage? Donald Trump and the Apprentice Rules Applied to Dating I was reading an article about the Apprentice and some of the rules that Donald Trump and his apprentice assistants had come up with about business. While reading a lot of them I saw a huge relation to how these same rules also apply to dating as crazy as it might sound. The Dating Game With all the websites on the Internet that offer a membership to meet and talk to people that match the criteria that you are looking for, you are bound to find someone worth dating. The question becomes how can you tell if someone is being honest. Dating at Midlife: Whats First? More American women over 45 are single, than ever before. According to the latest population surveys, someone turns 50 every 8 seconds in the U.S. and more than half of that figure is female. How To Land The Catch Of Your Life Without Becoming Sharkbait However you like to do it, dating is a dangerous game. Not talking to strangers might be sound advice to give to kids but as a strategy to stop being single, it has at least one obvious drawback. Unless you want to marry your cousin, finding someone to settle down with will involve making eye contact with total strangers, engaging them in conversation and meeting them one-on-one. 10 Tips for Succeding in Dating! Generally the most important step when dating someone is the anticipation moment which refers to your own decisions and also the prepairing for dating someone. And as the most important aspects are also the most difficult ones, people generally leave them aside or neglect them and this always proves to be harmful for a relationship. This is the exact purpose of this article: to make people understand the importance of this first prepairing for dating and to propose some ways to turn it into something unbelievable: Impress Your Date: Proper Grooming Tips For Him So you have scored the date, she has agreed to go out with you. Now the preparation begins. If you think that you can just show up for the all-important first date without any preparation or planning, think again. The first date is the only chance that you will get to make a first impression on her so you want to do it right. If You Want A Date, Promote Yourself! How to find a date? Promote yourself! That's one of the key you should consider. It sounds too planned, too contrived, right? You probably wonder whereas the romance; where are all the rainbows, fireworks and stars? Finding a Safe Dating Site Seems like everywhere we surf on the Internet nowadays we run across this little advertisement: 'Free online personals'. They are everywhere, they are dating sites, and more are opening up shop every day. How to Get the Girl You Want: The Attraction Killer to Avoid and Some Strategies for Success It's one of the supreme tragedies in life. When there's just one girl you want, it becomes much tougher to get her. No matter how much of a player some guys are, we've all had that one girl we want. It could be that hot babe in your office who you've had a crush on. Or it could be that beautiful woman in your college class who you dream of having as the perfect girlfriend. You see, a lot of times guys mess themselves up by focusing on just one girl. That's because having that narrow focus kills whatever attraction she might have for you. This attraction killer is... FEELING NEEDY AND DESPERATE. When you're needy and desperate, and you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, then you become like the cartoon lover skunk Pepe Le Pieux chasing the cat. And your odds of success are about the same as his. So with that in mind, in this article you'll learn strategies for how exactly to stop killing the natural attraction that special girl has for you. Then you'll learn how to maximize your chances to get the girl you want. Strategy #1: Realize That Other Girls Are Just As Special As She Is Do not sweat it about that one girl. I promise you that although she may be awesome, there are tons of other girls out there who are just as great as she is. No matter what good quality she has (silky hair? good in the kitchen? a sense of humor?), there are millions of other hot women with that exact same good quality. This comes from massive experience... not only from my own two and a half decades dating hundreds and hundreds of women, but from comparing notes with other guys who are good with girls. Believe me when I tell you, there is literally NOTHIN that any woman has that is unique ONLY to her. So don't worry about how special she is. Of course she's special -- lots of girls are! The last thing you ever want to have going through your mind when you're around a girl is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She's irreplaceable!" So, you're free to think she's amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you won't become too needy. Strategy #2: Date Other Women to Get That One Girl Now, I know it's tough to not worry about a woman if she's the only dating prospect in your life right now. So the solution is to make yourself hang out with other girls. This will also pay benefits to you in other ways, using a basic principal of psychology to increase your "value." I'll explain. You see, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction. Psychologically, this is known as the "social proof" phenomenon... and it's much more powerful in women than men. To women, the most attractive guy is the one who's surrounded by other women. So, ironically, the best way to get this special girl attracted to you is for her to discover that she'd have to compete with other women. That way you become a challenge. She's the one who has to win your affections, not the other way around. Strategy #3: Change Your Mindset About Women to Get That Girl A simple change in your attitude will cure your feelings of neediness and desperation for any particular woman. Warning: it's politically incorrect. However, it's effective and, ironically, will maximize your chances of getting her. That change is this... start viewing chicks as "one woman with many faces." That way you won't get too wrapped in any ONE chick. If you get to know players -- you know, those guys who've slept with dozens of women and can get any chick they want -- you'll find that's the exact attitude that every one of them has. So forget coming from a frame of neediness. A better frame to come from is the mindset that you have high value, and any attention you give her has been EARNED by her. That way, even though she is the one girl you want, you'll avoid the attraction killer and have the best odds of success. Am I Weird If I Date Online? True story: A few years back I was working with a client who had recently moved to Los Angeles. She was single, did not know many people in the big city, and felt a little lonely. I innocently suggested she give online dating a shot. It seemed like an easy and pressure-free way to meet people, and I had other clients who enjoyed their experience and were in good relationships as a result. Lonely Expats Looking for Valentines Love Being an expat in a foreign country where you don't speak the language is hard at the best of times. And if you're single with the most romantic day of the year looming, what do you do? Dating Tips from Hollywood Halle Berry voted as one of the most beautiful women in the world is twice divorced, Britney Spears ? today's pop princess is under thirty and on her second marriage, Brad and Jen ? the showbiz couple of all time recently ended their first marriage of four years and Jennifer Lopez the multi-talented walking empire with a pretty face and most talked about booty is on her third marriage. How could this be? These people have all of the things that most of us look for in potential partners - money, power, success, beauty, glamour, fabulousness and celebrity. If they have it "all," why are they divorcing at a rate that none of us can keep up with? Because it takes more than bills, beauty and a booty to have a successful long-term relationship. Dating Tip for Women: Dont Work Too Hard Remember Jerry Hall, the model who married Mick Jagger? Jerry was famous for making this statement: ![]() |
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