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Finding a Safe Dating Site
Seems like everywhere we surf on the Internet nowadays we run across this little advertisement: 'Free online personals'. Welcome to the newest internet gold rush. 1). Examine the site's physical properties. Is it poorly constructed with missing graphics or jagged fonts, mis-aligned sections? If so, this indicates a lack of attention to detail in the construction and layout of the site. It may have been pre purchased and the owner does not have the skill to alter it correctly. Why would you care? Well, a site in a state like this gives a clue that the back end program probably is also in a state of disarray or disregard. If the webmaster cannot construct the face of the site, then it is likely they cannot also construct important safety features behind the site. A hacker then could easily penetrate it and get your personal information including your photo. If you eventually pay this site, your credit information could be stolen as well! A nicely designed site means careful construction and a better chance of good quality code running the site in the background. 2). Look at some sample profiles on the site before you sign up by running a quick search. Do the profiles look a little bogus? A lot of them are. Many sites (especially new ones that have just started up) pad their membership database with photos of models or random (usually good-looking people) to attract new members. Do the profiles have a lot of jibberish characters or nonsensical phrases in the descriptions? That means the dating site you are at does NOT screen the people who sign up. This welcomes people with ill-intent. You should get out of there immediately and go to one that does. 3). Does the site have a privacy link? Look at the bottom of the site's main page. If they have a privacy link, click it and examine. Make sure they specifically state that they do NOT sell your information to anyone. This is an invitation to a spam and junk-mail nightmare. Also look for some sort of a web site rules page or a terms of use page. Check to see if they screen their profiles or somehow >disallow racial, hate or overly sexual material. If they don't state this than, anything goes for this site, another reason to leave. 4). Does the site have a links page? If so click and examine. See who they are affiliated with. Usually, there will be graphical banners or icons next to the names of their associations. Are they sex-sites? Spam sites? Even a quick glance in this area could tell you what kind of a dating site you are at. 5). What is the copyright date at the bottom? This could indicate the age of the site. If it is very young, this could help you determine if the site has worked out all the kinks (program bugs) and how many members they have accumulated. 6). Be wary of statements like "You are the 4697th member to join today." and "Search through millions of profiles." these statements are usually false. Major sites, which have been running for YEARS usually can support these statements. look for a "whos online" link. If you are the only person (1 guest online means JUST you are there) then you know these claims are false. A site with millions or even thousands of members will always have a bunch of people currently online. If you detect this in a dating site, it is better to leave than to take a chance with a dishonest site. This is just a short list of ideas to help keep you safe when dating online. Be leary, be safe. More information can be found at www.cupidsblackbook.com . Leif Croonquist is a 34 year old writer from Portland, Oregon. He is a member of www.cupidsblackbook.com
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Bachelor Dream Step aside Hugh Hefner. Elvis King is back in the building. Co-Dependency Co-Dependency is an unhealthy reliance on another person for every thought, action, and feeling. It consists of people who seem to be defined by another other person. One person relies so much on another person's opinion -- that the daily functions they once had as an individual are lost. That individual is no longer capable of making his or her own choices. Why Settle? When dating we all too often settle for someone that is not quite right. Why should we ever settle for something that isn't quite right, especially when it comes to person that you hope to have an intimate relationship with? It may be ok to settle for a hamburger when you really want a steak, but when you're dating; you're talking about a relationship that is vital to you as a person. Why not define what you want before hand and then let potential dates match up to your standards? Dating Options for Christian Singles As a Christian, you understand that to visit bars, nightclubs, and many other worldly establishments is not the way for you to meet your mate. The people who hang out there may be nice, but they don't share the same values as you do. On the other hand, churches and Christian Singles groups are popular ways to meet and hook up with those who are of a like mind. So, what if you don't meet someone at a church or in a Christian Singles group? Well, consider meeting someone online. That's right, Christian Singles' sites are exploding in growth and I am going to tell you why! Trick Or Treat - Is This Make-Believe Or The Real Thing? "I'll call you this week". "Yes, I'd love to see you again". "I had a great time". "I'm not interested in dating anyone else". "I think I'm falling in love with you." Sex and Dating Rule #20 ? No Saturday Dates after Wednesday What? You say. No Saturday dates after Wednesday? What is this 1952? Well no it's not, it is 2005 and sometimes old dating rules still apply to later times. Why does it matter you ask? As long as he's asking you out then it shouldn't matter. If he's asking you out that means he's interested, who cares if he calls you Friday afternoon for a Friday night day. Right? Healing the Midlife Love Crisis All I wanted was to fall in love and live happily ever after. The End. Should You Consider an Internet Romance? Carly's quest in finding a suitable partner for marriage seemed impossible. She found the singles scene at clubs to be uncomfortable and her social circle seemed to consist of more married friends with a shrinking amount of singles. Got a Blind Date Right Around the Corner? Got a case of the blind date? Oh yes we know how you feel. Your heart is racing, your blood is pumping and yet you are not sure about it. Well fear none. It's easy to get up in arms about a blind date but you don't have to be. Follow these simple steps to easing your pain about what's around the next corner. Dating Online ? Can Be Less Stressful Dating is a challenge at any age and for both women and men. Ladies worry about your hair, your make-up and whether you look fat. The men worry is their tie straight (if they wear one), do they have enough money, and whether or not you will like him. Basically both sexes are worrying about whether they are liked and accepted. 90% of Your Dating Issues Solved! A friend of mine recently exclaimed, "Dating is so complicated!" I thought about it for a moment and realized, "No it's not!" It's actually very simple if you follow two principles that will solve 90% of your romantic issues. Let's begin. Dating Tips: How to Get Yourself A Date Well, if you didn't give that someone a bad impression of yourself, chances are, both of you would be already friends at least? A friend, not being dislike by him or her? Ok, now it's the time you can progress a little further, taking a little more actions. But before so, it might be good to take notes of the followings: The Best First Date First dates cause anxiety and thoughts of disastrous and embarrassing moments. We all dread the awkward but necessary first date. It comes with the territory when looking for love. But it isn't necessary to feel this way. You can have the best first date experience with every new person you go out with from now on. Here are a few tips on how you can actually enjoy yourself and possibly make yourself even more attractive on each first date. Don't bring your expectations or baggage with you. The last thing your date wants to hear about are your past relationships, ex's and the problems you had with other people. You not only sound like a whiner who can't let go, but you also make yourself sound critical. If you also list what you think a relationship or person should have been, you are setting the other person up for failure because you are obviously judgmental. Your past is your past and it should stay there. You are with a person who has many aspects of their personality you can spend countless hours exploring. Look at it as an adventure instead of like a job application. Enjoy each new thing you learn about the person even if you know you don't want to see them again. You never know what you will learn or if you have found a new friend. When you leave to meet your date, remind yourself that you are your own person and this is a great opportunity for someone to get to know who you are. You are a person with dreams, ideas and intelligent thoughts that can share so much with the right person. Walk into your date comfortable in your own skin. Maintain your happy composure and keep the conversation light but honest. Don't talk about yourself in any negative terms. If you point out what you consider to be your shortcomings and flaws, they will be seen. They might have only been visible to you before you called attention to them. You will also be obvious in your insecurities and this can make other people feel uncomfortable. This is not a feeling you want someone you are interested in to associate with you. While it is absolutely acceptable to participate in conversation, remember to be just as good a listener. It means so much to people when they feel as if they have someone's undivided attention and they are important enough to have your focus. When making a comment on a topic or answering a question, you are letting them know you find them interesting and worth the time and thought. This courtesy is not always noticed on the surface, but when they think back on the date, they will feel as if you truly cared about who they are and what they have to say. Finally, show them that you have a sense of humor and have fun. Laughter and humor is attractive on its own and can only help ease the tension of a stressful meeting situation. While you might not meet 'the one' on your next first date, you will know you gave it your all and the next one won't be so bad. Table For Two Please! I recently heard a woman say that she would not date a short man. She doesn't care about how nice he is, educated, godly or anything else ? he's short and that doesn't work for her. "I'm a tall woman ? I need a tall man." Then I heard another woman say that she would not date a guy who is uneducated. "A guy is not perfect for me if he doesn't have a college degree." Then, I read an article by a brother asking, "What's a brother to do?" He's tired of showing up at a restaurant requesting a table for one. "My goal this year is to hear Towns, party of two." According to Mr. Towns, he's tall ? 5'10", dark ? not like Wesley Snipes but close, he has big brown eyes ? one on each side of his face ? that's important, he's articulate, reasonably intelligent, in good health, practices good manners and doesn't burp, scratch or grab himself in public. I'm not mad at that! Online Dating The online dating world today can be a confusing place to be. As more people flock online, there are companies ever more eager to jump on the dating bandwagon. This has lead to literally thousands of dating sites springing up online. Find Reputable Internet Dating Services That Want To Earn Your Trust Internet dating services are popping up online like dandelions in the spring, and sometimes for a newcomer, it's hard to recognize which ones are the reputable dating sites that are willing to offer you the best Internet dating service to earn your trust, and which ones are out to take your money with false promises! How To Write A Successful Personal Ad No one would know how good you are if you would not let them know about it. Whether you are promoting yourself for a job or for a date, you have to advertise yourself well. Men: Never Compliment a Woman You Want to Date Hello Lucia, What Do You Do on Valentines Day When You Have 1000 Girlfriends! Valentine's Day was initially an outgrowth of an ancient Roman festival honoring the goddess Juno, Roman Goddess of Marriage or a subsequent celebration of St. Valentine, a martyred Roman who protected the institution of marriage during his life by secretly marrying couples, in defiance of the Emperor's ban, until he was put to death on February 14, 269 A.D-- one thing is for sure. Dating Mistakes Dating mistakes can kill a dating relationship. Do you know what dating mistakes you have made? Do dating mistakes hold your relationship back? And, do mistakes like these get forgotten later on? Dating mistakes are simply things that you just don't do right. To avoid them, though, you have to know what your partner considers a dating mistake. ![]() |
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