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Co-Dependency is an unhealthy reliance on another person for every thought, action, and feeling. It consists of people who seem to be defined by another other person. One person relies so much on another person's opinion -- that the daily functions they once had as an individual are lost. That individual is no longer capable of making his or her own choices. A person who is co-dependant is constantly striving to please another person and have made them selves so self-less that they begin to lose who they are. Their life becomes a sacrifice for another person. A person who is co-dependant ceases to be them self and becomes part of two. A person's want for someone else in their life is overcome with the need to have someone else in their life in order to function. The person feels the need to spend every waking moment thinking about that other person, being with them, talking to them, or thinking of ways to make that person happier.
While a marriage should strive to do those items, there is a happy medium and for a lack of a better term, co-dependency could be considered as 'stalking'. The constantly calling them, seeing them, thinking about them, giving them things -- are traits of stalkers who feed their need off the presence of the other person.
If a person doesn't feel happy unless they are with their significant other, this is where the problem begins. To only gain a feeling of happiness by someone, an outside factor that you can't always control is unhealthy. A person must be happy with them selves and love them selves as a person, if you don't love yourself, how do you expect someone else to? During the honeymoon stages of a relationship, it seems reasonable to want to always be with that person, talk to them, or think about them ? but it is important to know that your life doesn't revolve around them. My grandparents have been married 60 odd years. Their secret is that she gives the orders and he carries them out, this doesn't work in all relationships. If one were to die, the other would soon follow. Every leader needs a follower and every follower needs a leader. But in relationships, there needs to be a bigger 50/50 balance of respect and understanding that for the first 18+ years of your life, you have lived as an individual and you have your own habits, both bad, as well as good. These habits aren't easily changed. While we strive to make ourselves better, there will always be something that drives the other person nuts. As a couple, each person must live their own lives -- pursue their own jobs and hobbies. I dated a girl I worked with, bad idea. Since I was in upper management, work was my life and I always wanted to talk about it. She on the other hand didn't. She couldn't figure out why I didn't focus more on school. Our priorities conflicted each other and shortly our relationship ended. We both have degrees now, but I have experience and after I left that job, she was let go. One weekend after she and I had been dating, I was watching a movie at my apartment. Usually she went home (from college) on weekends, but had stayed in town that weekend. We had spent the past week together and I needed to take a break and be myself. She stopped by on Saturday and wondered if I was going to call her since she was in town that weekend. I hadn't planned on it, it would have been good to hang with her, but I didn't need to. She couldn't understand why I just sat there and watched a movie while she was in town and we could spend some time together. Watching movies was one of my favorite things to do, she usually studied, read, or slept. My parent's relationship is a good example of a non-codependent marriage. They work overlapped hours, so they aren't together 24/7. My mom is usually busy with stuff for church, my dad is busy with other stuff for church and a community service club. At home, she works in her office and he works out in the sunroom. They are both home and happy that they know where the other person is. Every day at noon they call each other, it is more of a tradition than a need. They wouldn't be lost of the other person didn't call, it was just part of their daily routine. Every Friday night they go out to eat and maybe see a movie, after all, remember that they are friends. Sure mom does some things for dad that a mom would do. But that is her nature and it works. They match as friends to the affect that her strengths are his weaknesses and vice versa. They compliment each other and have a happy relationship in which they are dependent on each other for love and shared memories and the wanting to spend their lives together. They can go days without the other person. But usually don't. The couples that call each other six times a day and wonder where the other person is and why they aren't with them is where it becomes unhealthy. A friend of mine was dating one girl who was very co-dependent. When he'd home from work, she would call just a minute or two after he walked in and would ask where he was. He would simply say that he just walked in the door and was resting and this would upset her. She expected him to spend every moment of his spare time with her. She didn't give him any freedom to be himself. She lived in the fear that if he leaves, her life is nothing. Her needs in the relationship were based on a set of unrealistic expectations. She was so selfish in wanting her needs to be filled that she didn't consider his past and his needs. This was the basis for that relationship ending. People need their alone time. Time to be by them selves to think. You shouldn't stress yourself out about the other person so much that you can't live as an individual. A relationship can bring happiness, but happiness shouldn't be grounded in another person. I've been single for quite some time -- maybe by an unconscious choice, maybe conscious, maybe chance, or maybe by a Higher power. Being single has given me the opportunities to do what I want to do, be who I want to be, and discover myself. My plate is so full with wanting to write a book, to finishing a movie, to making short films, to getting my finances in order, building credit, getting in shape, and eating healthy -- that would be a lot to handle and try and maintain a relationship at the same time. Aside from relationships, people can become co-dependant on drugs, alcohol, sex, painkillers, food, and so many more things. If it is considered bad to be dependant on those, then I would venture to say it would be bad to be co-dependant in a relationship. That is another article. Chad J. Bring is a rising author who just published his first novel, Left Standing in addition to co-writing a screenplay for an independent film through their RoomMate Productions film production company.
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How to Create A Romantic Dinner for Two on a Pontoon Boat Before you pick up the phone to make reservations for that romantic dinner for two...STOP. Instead of battling traffic, waiting in line for your table and being at the mercy of the other diners sitting at your elbow, why not jump on the pontoon and head out to the water? With a little imagination, foresight, and moonlight, you can create a romantic dinner for two that your date will never forget. The most important part of creating this memorable evening is in the planning. You don't want to be in the middle of dinner and realize that you've forgotten something important like silverware or a corkscrew. Dating After Divorce: Things To Think About Regarding Dating After Divorce Dating after divorce is a much debated topic due to the psychological and emotional impact it can have on people. Dating after divorce can be complex, too often divorcees don't consider the ramifications of dating after divorce before they jump into it with both feet! Online Dating Tips for the Digital Age of Romance We are romantic creatures. We are social creatures. With these two elements sharing our genetic code, we have little choice but to seek out someone with whom we can feel free to share our romantic gestures. In the Stone Age, this was accomplished much the same way as any survival technique (i.e., hunting and gathering). In the Industrial Age, the biggest change was that we looked and smelled better during our pursuits. Now, in the Digital Age, we are more efficient with our techniques, electronically speaking, however we have also proven that the human species has not changed a great deal on this fundamental level. Online Dating Safety Tips Online dating is as safe, and in some ways safer than meeting people offline. Online dating services protect your anonymity at all times (your real name, contact details, and so on) and provide tools to block and report bad apples, as well as online dating safety tips like these. The rest is up to you. If there's any danger at all, it's that you feel too safe and forget to use your common sense. So, here are some reminders to help keep your online dating experiences safe and enjoyable. Little Known Dating Tips, Secrets, and Dating Mistakes I hear it over and over-"It was going so great, and then she disappeared on me? why? What happened-we were having such a great time together. I'm tired of this happening-I want to date sexy women, but I want them to stick around. Do you have any dating tips for me?" 1000 Proof Liquor Each and every woman is an actress in their own way, and many of the methods that they use to trick us are so built into their psyches that there is a good chance they are not even aware of the fact that they are being deceptive. A wide range of techniques fall into this category, however, I'm only going to be talking about one that has particularly attracted my interest. I like to call this behavior "1000 proof liquor". Say My Name Surely you remember that famous line from American Pie, when the band geek says to Jim, "Say my name, Bi*ch!" And Jim squeaks back, "Michelle! Michelle!" Well, take heed, fellows. That band geek was asking for what many of us ladies want to hear, and not just in the heat of the moment. Online Dating: 4 Dating Mistakes You Must Avoid Did you catch the dating mistakes made during episode one of ABC's Hooking Up documentary series? If you caught the episode on July 14th, I'm sure you would have noticed what doesn't work when it comes to dating... How To Make A Lasting Impression How many times have you felt the urge to impress a girl you've just met ? I'm talking about the kind of burning need that you feel, the compulsive urge that tells your brain that you've got to impress this girl at any cost; the kind of impression that leaves your imprint in her mind. Catch my drift ??? Safe Cyber Dating Cyber dating is one of the most popular dating venues these days. No longer is it necessary to go to the bar down the street to find a date. No longer is it necessary to romance someone through flowers and candy on a date. Dating has become a cyber event. Not only can you meet people through cyber dating but you can actually court them through cyber dating as well. But, what you need to remember is that cyber dating needs to be kept safe. Six Things Every Christian Single Should Know Before Dating Online (Part Two) In part one, we looked at the importance of remaining anonymous, why you should always ask for a picture of your online dating prospect, and how the Holy Spirit can lead and guide your efforts. Dating Tool: Confidence 101 I'm over it. "There's plenty of fish in the sea," they say. Well, apparently I have been using the wrong bait. Nobody said dating would be easy, but Hollywood sure likes to paint it that way, doesn't it? "There's someone for everyone," they say. Maybe that ought to translate to, "There's someone for everyone?.as long as you're a muscled pretty boy with washboard abs, and at least 6 feet tall." The Most Important Question to Ask on a First Date First dates can be pretty daunting experiences, but they can be downright annoying or painful if both parties are not on the same page from the beginning. Being 'on the same page' means wanting the same type of relationship that the other wants. And research shows that many singles start and continue with relationships without ever getting clear on this issue from the beginning?.often with heart-breaking consequences. Stimulation You get her number, set up the date, take her out, and get her to come back to your place for "a few drinks". You are sitting on the couch kissing and fooling around with her, but after a while she says "It's getting kind of late... I've better get going". Being the gentleman that you are, you respect her wishes and show her out, even though you are pissed beyond belief... and stuck with a severe case of blue-balls. Meeting Your Online Date in Safety Here are some common sense safety tips for meeting your online date in person. Your instincts will play a strong role in keeping you safe too, so listen to them and take action if you feel uncomfortable or alarmed at any time. Remember, there's also a good chance that your date is perfectly genuine. Tread a sensible line between optimism and caution and your date will be safe and enjoyable. The Perfect Person "When you truly look for me, You will find me." Kabir The Truth About Women Revealed Have you ever imagined what it would be like to read a woman's to mind - especially a woman you want to get into your bed? How about just being able to fake it enough that she thinks you can read her mind? How To Find a Great Dating Partner and Have Fun Looking Internet dating can be great fun for you. It is an easy and painless way to meet some great people you might not normally meet. It seems that today people are working much more than in the past. When you are ready to go home, you are too tired to go out everynight looking to meet someone. Guys, Do Your Pickup Lines Always Get Met with Turn Downs? It's unbelievable how many guys have this problem! Why Date Online? More and more people in the UK are turning to the internet to find a date. The advantages are perhaps obvious; it is easy, it widens your choice of partner and you can do it from the confort of you own living room. ![]() |
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