1000 Proof Liquor

Each and every woman is an actress in their own way, and many of the methods that they use to trick us are so built into their psyches that there is a good chance they are not even aware of the fact that they are being deceptive. A wide range of techniques fall into this category, however, I'm only going to be talking about one that has particularly attracted my interest. I like to call this behavior "1000 proof liquor".

It only makes sense that a women will get more intoxicated by drinking the same amount of beer/liquor as a man, but there are limits to what is believable and what is not. When a woman feels that being very drunk may be in her best interest, she will simply "fake" it. You may not have even noticed it half of the time... but you've definitely seen this in action before, and so many women use this technique this that I would be shocked if you haven't.

For example, one category of woman that we are all familiar with (some of us more than others :P) use this tactic religiously, and have it mastered down to a science. We all know at least one "slut", and I would like you to think about the last time you were around one while she was drinking. Did she get extremely drunk after drinking only 1-2 beers or shots? Of course she did, because ALL sluts do.

Now why would that be? Why would almost every "sexually challenged" woman get drunk so easily?

It's quite simple. When ANY woman is drinking and has already decided that she would like to have sex with a particular man, she will begin to ACT drunk in order to have something to blame her behavior on, thus making her not appear to be "easy" because she can say "Well... I had a lot to drink..." or something to that effect. This also works along with mind over matter... their acting drunk creates the illusion that they are more intoxicated than actuality, and their mind may begin to believe it.

By now it should be obvious why all "sluts" behave in this fashion... they know they are going home with SOMEBODY, so they might as well start acting drunk and get the show on the road. However, these women that tend to hop into bed with little prodding are not the only ones who use this "1000 proof liquor" technique, and you will find that just about any woman will act this way when drinking around a guy that she wants.

Now that you know why women do this, you can use it to your advantage, without any guilt...

Whenever you notice a female acting very drunk and flirting with you after only drinking a small amount of alcohol, don't think that you may be taking advantage of her... it's actually the opposite. She is taking advantage of you because she is attempting to deceive you by acting in such a way that justifies her excessive flirting.

Further more, she is actually TRYING to be taken advantage of, and going far out of her way to do so. Any woman who acts this way around you is obviously very interested in you, and I suggest not wasting much time on macking... you've already got it in the bag.

One of the most obvious signs that a woman is using the "1000 proof liquor" trick is when she constantly repeats any of the following phrases (or anything similar): "I'm soooo drunk", "Do I look drunk?", "Am I acting drunk?", "I'm really feeling that ________". These phrases all translate into "If you want me I'm yours", because like I said before - she wants to let you know that it is ok for you to make a move, and this is a very simple, yet effective method of doing so... drunk women are smarter than you'd think :)

This article was written by the founder of Becomeaplayer.com known only as The Player. For more articles and free tips on picking up women check out the web site.

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